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About Ratosai

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  1. Thanks for the responses. I originally submitted this a week ago, but then the forums went down. In that time I fixed the problem (crazy voodoo magicka) and everything appears to be okay. Thanks again for the responses.
  2. Now, this problem isn't necessarily with Oblivion, but it did happen after playing Oblivion. Earlier today, I was playing Oblivion, trying to fix another problem (now fixed), and in trying to fix that problem, I turned down the resolution (from my native 1680x1050 to 1600x1024). I don't know why I chose that resolution, but I did. The normal message came up to restart Oblivion to make the changes, so I went to exit Oblivion. When I came to my desktop, I was in 1680x1050, but the display was (and is) shifted about 2 inches to the right and about half an inch up. However, this is only with my native resolution. All my other resolutions work fine and display fine. If I have to, I guess I'll just put my computer in 1440x900, but I would like to have my native resolution back. Also, I tried manually moving the display through my monitors menu, but it doesn't go far enough. Also, I had recently installed the latest nVidia drivers (190.38) for my 9800 GTX after a clean sweep. Is this new driver a suspect? Or did changing the resolution in Oblivion do something? Thanks for any help.
  3. Really? Hmm, that's handy. Thanks.
  4. My Oblivion started having some problems, so I reinstalled everything and am now putting together FCOM. In the install guides, Entropic Order is mentioned a few times. However, there isn't a link or description to tell me where to download it from. I tried TESNexus, FilePlanet, and Google. I have the FCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance.7z, but I doubt that's all I need, right?
  5. Yeah, I got it back. I re-read the NE readme and discovered the instructions for removing the custom HUD. I guess I didn't read it that closely. (Oops) And just saying, I wasn't hoping someone would upload their files. I was thinking more along the lines of trying to take the individual files from my install disk. However, LFact's method works, so I won't have to do that! Thanks for all your replies. :thanks: P.S. to LFact: I like the new HUD mostly as well, it's just that the Health, Magicka, and Fatigue bars don't have the textures behind those bars, those tan ones that show you how far your bars can go (Not sure if I'm conveying what I mean, but I hope you understand). For some reason, not knowing how far my health / magicka / fatigue can go is unusually angering to me. :confused:
  6. I tried enabling/disabling a lot of .esp files, but it didn't work. I guess it just overwrote everything, so yeah, I'll have to reinstall (or somehow get those files back). Thanks for your quick reply.
  7. This isn't a huge problem, I'll admit, but it's just annoying enough to frustrate me. Natural Environments, as well as adding all those lovely weather and outside changes, also changes the HUD. I didn't want it to change, but the readme said it was optional, so I thought I'd have to manually add it. Unfortunately, it automatically adds it. The only things I really want to change back are the health, magicka, and fatigue bars; everything else is okay. I looked around in the files, but I could only find the breathmeter change. Also, searching online and in these forums didn't help either. I'm just wondering: is there a way to change back my status bars without reinstalling Oblivion?
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