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  1. Anyone know what the "eAP_BackpackLimited" property on the Archangel armor is? I'm thinking it's probably an obsolete removed flag, maybe from before they decided to limit you to one item per soldier.
  2. So I finally managed to regain access to my ancient account. Yay! In the process, I must've gone through several dozen different captchas on the "lost password" screen, plus a few on the "reset password" link that was finally sent to me via email. It's hard to know how many were actual errors on my part, but I can't possibly believe they all were. ReCaptcha has gotten a lot harder since I last used it, and there are a lot of ambiguous characters due to its distortion, but some of them were plain as day and were still rejected. It got to the point where I was pretty sure my IP was being blacklisted (since I cleared cookies a few times, so it wasn't that) and the site was just reporting every submit as "wrong captcha" to confuse spammers. i eventually switched from Chrome to Safari and I seemed to have better luck -- but of course, that might have just been luck alone, or perhaps I really was unblacklisted or something. (I also had a very early success on the "lost password" screen, and it said it was sending, but the email never arrived. Yes, I checked my spam box etc.) Just thought I'd report this. Maybe it was just a string of really bad luck, or maybe something was broken. It might be worth trying it out yourselves a few times in case it's the latter. Edit: Ah, and I did finally receive the original password reset email -- after a 7-hour delay.
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