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  1. They usually will do that automatically by saying "hey" or "hi there" and then the dialog will start by the npc saying their beginning greeting. If that is not the case, make sure you set your flags properly like Getisid "npctest" or whatever.
  2. For the objects turning invisible, right click on the cell, go to edit, and checkmark no pre-vis on the first tab. If you are having trouble with supply lines or npcs moving to your new settlement, be sure to double check the navmesh is proper around the door and that it is finalized. The settlement centremark xmarker will be where your npcs walk to so make sure that is on the floor touching the navemesh otherwise weird things happen.
  3. After fiddling with the navmesh I got it to work. My settlementcenter marker was floating so I brought that down onto the navmesh and tweaked around the doors. This fixed it. I did not think it was the navmesh because the settlers/companions/caravans would not move at all, I figured they would get hung up where-ever there was a problem in the navmesh, instead they would not even begin to move until I perfected the navmash around the two door portals. So everything works fine now. Sorry for another false alarm.
  4. I created a new settlement inside an interior cell. Everything works great, it displays the happiness on the map properly, people will "work" inside the settlement. The beacon attracts settlers who spawn from my xspawnmarker. Who will use stairs and doors correctly. Everything is navmeshed correctly, I have the "door portal" from the commonwealth linked to the interior cell, as well as having the navmesh linked to the door. Basically everything works except one thing. When I send a settler or assign a caravan, my settlements numbers go up, but the npcs refuse to travel to the settlement. As if they don't know where the settlement is. I have tried looking at the automatron dlc but I can't figure out how they did it properly. It links properly supplies properly, the settlers numbers go up, but the caravan and settlers refuse to travel to the settlement. The supply line in the pipboy shows a supply line. Getting really frustrated here, because everything works except npcs won't navigate the world to get to the settlement. I have been bashing my head against the wall for several days now.
  5. I was able to get it working, apparently it was the flags and "switches" in the beginning dialog. Beginning dialog wasn't pointing to the next conversation stage. If there is a moderator or admin here you can go ahead and delete this thread. Sorry.
  6. Hello, I'm attempting to create a companion using this the Seddon4494 tutorial found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKViKsNcXVY I have done everything in the tutorial, including the script calls which compile correctly, yet when I approach my npc in-game their dialog won't trigger. I watched the video at least 3 times. I'm sure it's something simple like the faction setting or perhaps my dialog is looping somewhere. Any ideas? Obviously it's the starting dialog or is it?
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