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About bryanwee20

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  1. Depends on what kind of scrap mods you're referring to. If its like mods that change the scrap list of scrap-able objects like "more better scrap", then yes. If its like mods that allow users to scrap normally un-scrap-able, I dont think I have one in my loadorder. Any ideas about the LOD mods because I'm running the FAR mod from the nexus. Thanks you the reply dude, hope to hear back from ya soon.
  2. Hi all. Recently I've decided to go through a modded play-through and I came across an instance where the landscape just went "optic-camo" on me or flickered in and out at certain angles. I've posted screenshots of one instance where I merely have to nudge my mouse a little and the rock/stone just disappears. Does anyone know if this is a mod related issue?
  3. Hi guys, I'm just posting this here because I couple of people from the community asked me to make a tutorial on how to create armor mashups that I've made in my mod on the nexus. As per their request I have put up a 2 part video on how to make such armors. Here's the link and I hope the tutorial is helpful. PS: I am fully aware that there are other tutorials that cover this type of modding through texture manipulation on the forums.
  4. Hi all, I hope someone can tell me if its possible to apply the an effect to the player upon equipping an armor. Similar to the shadow cloak effect one the ebony mail. Or the frost effect/ mask that is applied to the player character in the frost fall mod. From what I have been able to tell from looking at how the ebony mail FX works is more like a spell and links to a script that will run when the player equips the armor and tells the FX to play when the player is sneaking. I'm just speculating, I'm still relatively new to the scripting in the CK. One thing I am hoping is that since I want the FX to be constantly applied to the player's character upon equipping a particular armor, I don't really have to create another script based of the ebony mail script. In the mean time, I'm gonna experiment with enchantments and hopefully get the FX to play with the need for scripting. Thank you so much if you read this and I hope you could help me out. PS: I forgot to mention, Im trying to make it in such a way that the armor you emit similar effects as the atronachs, specifically the frost atronach. I'm not sure if that is a "mesh" thing or a "creation kit" thing.
  5. Well, the menu is not really dynamic, Its pretty much a fixed menu for the moment. I was kinda afraid of the menu stretching off screen. I will still try out making menu button appearance conditional. I foresee a long IfElse Statement, that is if the condition for buttons can't really do it by itself. Thanks for the tips and links mate
  6. https://youtu.be/IW4S133pSLs Just a preview of what is done so far.
  7. https://youtu.be/IW4S133pSLs Just a preview of what is done so far.
  8. WOOOHOOO.. FINALLY GOT IT!! all i needed was just those few lines. I got too spoiled by java. DUDE.. Thanks for the links. I was cracking my head try to use a function to return a bool to change the block activation function i tried using on the armor rack. I was going about it all wrong in terms of concept. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scriptname ArmorPainterMenu extends ObjectReference Message Property PaintingRackMenu01 AutoObjectReference Property CraftingArmorPaintingRackSTATIC AutoObjectReference Property CraftingArmorPaintingRack01 Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)CraftingArmorPaintingRack01.BlockActivation()Menu()EndEvent Function Menu(int aiButton = 0)Bool reTrigaiButton = PaintingRackMenu01.show()If aiButton == 0CraftingArmorPaintingRack01.disable()CraftingArmorPaintingRackSTATIC .enable() ElseIf aiButton == 1CraftingArmorPaintingRack01.Activate(Game.GetPlayer(), true) EndIfEndFunction
  9. Hi thanks for the tips. Btw if its not to much to ask, could you take a look at this? Scriptname ArmorPainterMenu extends ObjectReference Message Property PaintingRackMenu01 AutoObjectReference Property CraftingArmorPaintingRackSTATIC AutoObjectReference Property CraftingArmorPaintingRack01 Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)Menu()EndEvent Function Menu(int aiButton = 0)aiButton = PaintingRackMenu01.show()If aiButton == 0CraftingArmorPaintingRack01.disable()CraftingArmorPaintingRackSTATIC .enable() ElseIf aiButton == 1 EndIfEndFunction
  10. Thanks Bro, btw do you have any experience with scripting?
  11. Hi guys, just a brief description of what I am working on before I go further into what I need advise on. The mod is intended to add an additional crafting station called the "Armor Painting Rack". It's supposed to provide a immersive way of inserting custom retextures of vanilla armor without cluttering up the forge. The crafting station is meant to be dynamic in the sense that the user has to mount the armor onto the rack and the player gets to see the armor on the rack before the actual painting process begins. Imagine Painted shield mod from immersive armors, except in this case its for the main armor parts. All I can say is that the mod is more or less done. Scripting is almost done but i kinda hit a "speed bump". i'm having problems with double scripts running at the same time. To be more detailed: 1) Activating the empty rack brings up a menu to select the type of armor you wanna "paint". 2) After selecting the armor type, The empty rack mesh is then disabled (Removed). 3) Armor rack mesh corresponding to the armor type selected, is Enable from previously disabled state. 4) Activating the "new" armor rack, a new menu pops up, prompting user to dismount the armor or to proceed on. This is where I'm facing a little issue. 1) I kinda used a regular forge and changed the name and keyword to make the "new" armor rack. 2) I then added a second script that would trigger the menu to pop up. I know.. I know.. not very intelligent of me. I thought it was sequential thing, where if one script is before another would mean it would run first. -_-" So bottom line is, I want to know what I need to do in order for it the crafting menu to trigger on after the player clicks on the confirmation button. If anyone who knows how to do this please help me out or maybe help point me in the right direction. I'm so close to finishing it, the mod is perfectly functional if you don;t count the trigger issues with the crafting menu. I would be very grateful to whom ever can help. PS here's a link to what Im working on.
  12. hey thanks for the links guys. I've seen those two before. In fact I intend to use insanity's resource set however I don't intend to work off the dyed armor mod. That mod just tints the armors, not really the way I wanna make mine. Btw, does anyone know anything about scripting in the creation kit? Or could help point in the right direction where to find the infor/tutorials? Scripting for stuff like pop-up menus, Swapping or spawning out interactable static objects while in game?
  13. Introduction Hi guys, I'm thinking of working on another mod. Unlike the rest of my work, this mod will be focused on player crafting. The mod I intend to start working on would add in a armor painting rack. It would somewhat be similar in concept with the painted shields mod by the famous Immersive Armors Mod, where a new crafting station will be added to skyrim and player will be able to "craft" various retextured versions of the armor they are currently wearing. I felt this would be a realistic and immersive way to tie in the various retexture mods into skyrim. Not to mention it will also help with un-cluttering the main crafting list in the forge. Mod Details In terms of the crafting station itself, I suppose I could use a custom static object and make it an interact-able one. However I am contemplating about the possibility to use a manakin as a Dynamic "Display rack" c** crafting station. Other crafting ingredients such as paint or inks would also be included in this system as well. Community Feedback I would like to hear from you guys about the concept of the mod. Let me know if this is a good idea or whether it is possible at all to implement. And of course, please mention whether this is actually something you would like to see at all in skyrim. Thank you for reading this. Possible static crafting stations would be similar to these: http://yeoldegaffers.com/projects/deluxe_stand/whole_stand.jpghttp://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/old-weapon-rack-leather-armor-24573738.jpg
  14. Hi guys, I'm a little curious about something. Is it possible to compile separate ESPs into a single ESP? I'm looking for an easier way for me to compile all my armor mods into a single mod without having to start from scratch. Can anyone please help. Thanks :)
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