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Everything posted by Jalak

  1. I'm surprised this hasnt mentioned but how about take inspiration from old myths from Nordic countries although i wouldnt be surprised if they are included but i think snakes that constrict people is a good idea and it could work by having a leveled system so that low level characters would get nearly killed and as you level up losing less and less health until you just dont get hurt and hurt the snake? just a bit of speculation there :)
  2. find an infected npc and just copy paste him all over? what i meant was just copy and paste a werewolf in th CS without having to do anything in game
  3. i need to know where to find a wolf head helmet and wolf hide cape/chest peice i saw it in a screenie somewhere thx in advance edit:if anyone can find some male hairstyles for me it'll glady be appriciated
  4. if your good at CS you could try modifiying the spawn point for the werewolves in curse of hircine to make their spawn/respawn rate higher or even add your own ones (not making your own though just using existing ones)
  5. also i remember seeing a mod that lets your weapons custonise to you....abit like the weapon system is supposed to be in Fable 3
  6. looking for someone to make a couple of helmets from WoW (World of Warcraft): Heavy Mithril Helm Bloodfist Helm Eviscerator's Facemask
  7. hairstyle for me for sure
  8. make invisible platforms for 'flying' creatures like imps to 'walk' on?
  9. a mod that alows shapeshifting would be nice
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