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About caelem

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  1. i wasnt really ridiculous but i was doing my fave darkbrotherhood quest, whodunit. i got the key and enterd the mansion and all the guests suddenly started attacking me and each other! I guess it was because i was an out law and the retired guy attacked me and everyone else was trying to defend
  2. Where is ebony!!!! that is my fave, the same type as umbras (i dont even use the soul trap i just use that as xample)
  3. definately umbra. it is strange i just started a new account and are level 2. i have the slidder a little less from the middle but everything is so easy to kill. i am useing no cheats or mods. mayB its cas i am a nord and i am usassully a woodelf
  4. the horses r crap they are slow slow. i mod my own horses on the tes constuction set my average speed is 60 but you have to make them immortal otherwise they die from falling off cliffs all the time the ordanary horses r way to slow now. I also like making white horses with black tails and manes i hate the unicorn :wallbash: whenever i go to skingrad it attacks a farmer and when i am riding in the wilderness and a wolf attacks i cant kill it. If i want a horned horse i just mod my own that doesnt attack
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