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About PuceMooose

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    United States
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    Fallout New Vegas, Space Rangers 2

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  1. Hi there Puce Moose! Ive been trying to contact you for a while now regarding permission, I cannot send you messages according to the nexus forums, anyways when you get this message please message me, Thanks you.
  2. Puce Moose I really hate to bother You. In the Shadow of the Swamp I haven't been able to get a quest update after 'checking the mailbox'. Is there a specific order for completing the first quest? It's a Fantastic mod and I even attempted to follow the clues back to the Wasteland but it's kind of pointless without the quest update. Any help would be Greatly Appreciated. Many Thanks !!!
  3. Has anyone else had trouble with setting healrate to 0 disabling food-based duration healing? It's stopped 'natural' regeneration, but having healrate at 0 seems to have also disabled duration based healing.
  4. I've had similar crashes, though generally a few seconds after the warhead explodes. I imagine it's related to the spawns that sometimes occur when opening up new areas via detonation. I've found that fast traveling just after the warhead pops, and then returning, will often bypass the crash. That first warhead that you mentioned did the same for me; I had to try it four or five times before it let me through without a crash.
  5. Hi Moose,

    Just wondering? Are you working on anything for New Vegas. I've been searching on the Vegas Nexus for anything from you. Maybe I'm searching in the wrong places?

    Would love to hear back from you.

    As always, love your work :)

  6. I have the same problem. I'll often hear an odd little brief 'crunch' sound through the speakers, and that's generally the sign that it was trying to trigger a rain/snow effect. I find that if I press T and wait an hour after hearing the sound it will almost always begin the rain/snow effect.
  7. I made a little headway in resolving the explosive ownership issue. I'll post what I did just in case anyone else is struggling with a similar issue. I had no luck with damage ownership being assigned to the player with damageav health or placeatme explosions within the effect script. It appeared that only damage applied from an enchant was properly assigning damage ownership to the player. The weapon, when fired, creates an invisible explosion that damages all actors within a radius. That radius is the same as the missile explosion that occurs at the end of the script. Here's an example of the enchant explosion applied when the player shoots a target: http://www.pucemoose.com/pics/eo1.jpg The various levels assign enough damage for the '40% for XP on death' rule, and are dependent on the max & current HP of the target. Then, once the damage is assigned, the damage is almost immediately (<1 seconds) healed by the heal MGEF: scn aa5SCRPainterDamageForOwnership short Currenthealth short Health2 short healamount Begin ScriptEffectStart set CurrentHealth to getav health End Begin ScriptEffectFinish if getav health > 0 set health2 to getav health if health2 < currenthealth set healamount to currenthealth - health2 restoreav health healamount endif endif End The only problem with this method is that it only generates XP for those enemies in the range of the initial invisible explosion. If the painted hostile moves to another location in the company of other enemies, those other enemies won't generate XP for the player (since they were not in the initial damage/heal ownership loop.) If I can find a way to force the explosion to trigger again right before impact I might be able to rectify this issue.
  8. IsPlayerGrabbedRef ! I'd somehow missed that command. That may be quite helpful. That should take care of the first issue. I've had no lock with SetOwnership so far, but I'll play around with placeatme and see if it helps me get that XP issue working. Thanks for the input.
  9. Hello, A couple of questions: Object Location: I have a misc inventory item that the player can activate. It's working as planned, but I'd like to be able to have it activate only when: The player is not 'grabbing' the item The object is stationary on the ground (e.g., not held up in the air by the player and activated, or falling) I suppose I could make a script that continually checks the objects exact location/orientation. Is there an easier way? Is there a way to determine the exact height of the ground at any given time? Explosion ownership This one has plagued me for months. In its current iteration, the problem is centered around a new weapon I've made; it's an orbital strike platform uplink gun, and, when fired, 'paints' the target (the projectile is enchanted, and when the 8-second script effect finishes the fireworks happen) eight seconds later a missile, on the tail of a targeting laser, zooms in from the heavens toward the target. (This is done by moving a markerheading and using fireweapon) The problem is that the player is not receiving XP for anything that's killed by the missile. Is there anyway to trap fireweapon to make it think the player fired the weapon? Or is there another way to get the game to realize that the explosion was a result of a weapon fired by the player? Thanks in advance.
  10. Good find Talon. I too was experiencing the strange mirelurk activity until disabling MMM. I'm reluctant to commit to an opinion, but so far the 1.6 patch has been performing quite well for me. This is *by far* the DLC that is closest to what I've been hoping to find; exploration-friendly, less reliance on combat, and plenty of notes to read/hear and new models/textures. I'm having a great time in the dark, swampy mire so far.
  11. That's a bit of a puzzling one. I'd probably start by adding a few additional display cases for testing purposes to see if it's happening with all of them. Try changing the texture of the display case to something else to see if that has any impact. Also, you may want to try disabling a couple of the streams/resizing them (or changing them to the other water type) to see if it makes any difference.
  12. By corruption do you mean the 3 little bars on the base of the display case on the bottom screenshot? Are those flickering in/out of visibility? Or is in the glass area of the display case?
  13. Question: I'm using setWeaponhealthPerc in a script to repair the player's weapon. Is there a similar function to repair armor or various items in the player's inventory?
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