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About krimzin

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    The Elder Scrolls

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  1. I just had a weird bug start happening today, not sure what caused it. I loaded up my save and all my DLC and mods were behaving as if I had just installed them. Anything I had added from a mod or DLC had vanished from my inventory, the game world, etc. All the DLC quests started over from the beginning. I tried starting a new game, added some mod items, saved and quit. When I loaded it back up, same thing. All my items were gone and my mods acted as if I had just installed them for the first time. Can't use mods essentially because every time I quit, anything added by a mod or DLC disappears. Has anyone else had this problem?
  2. Ok, so I've been out of the modding game for several years and I'm a little rusty. What I want to do is make a pair of goggles that highlight synths. I want it to use the same sort of effect as the tracking HUD power armor mod, possibly a different color to keep things interesting. But I only want it to highlight synths, specifically Gen 3 synths that you would normally have to kill to find out they are synths. I'd prefer it if it would highlight all models of synths, for lore-friendliness, but its not super necessary. I've picked out a model I want to use, and I'll have to ask the original modder for permission to use it, but its just the goggles worn on the neck of the handyman outfit Sturges wears. As for the color, I'm not remotely sure how to do that. I haven't edited textures since Oblivion, and that was years ago. And for the condition that it only highlight synths, I'm sure there's a way to use the enchantment effect for the original targeting HUD and add a condition to only highlight if the target is in a certain form list, I just don't know how to compile a form list of all the synths in the game. There may even be a list made since they all drop a synth component on death. I'm not opposed to making this one myself, but I'd need some help figuring out how to put it all together.
  3. http://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/b/ba/Scanners.gif That made my head 'asplode...
  4. I'm the best at being mediocre. So in a sense, I'm not.
  5. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/26556768.jpg
  6. Good morning nexus, I'm not sure if this belongs in mod requests or not, as I'm only looking for for this if it already exists. I was wondering if anyone knows if there's a mod that allows you to alter the appearance of an NPC in-game. Say you don't like Lydia's hair and wish to alter it, you could pull up a creation menu and fix it? I'm not even sure the engine allows for this, but I've seen some incredible work done on the Nexus before so I'm not sure if anything is impossible for you guys. Thanks in advance if you can find anything like this. EDIT: Oops, I just noticed the 'Mod Detectives' Thread. Probably should have put this there...
  7. http://www.sifaelitesha.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/5.Noisy_Cricket.jpg I can't believe this hasn't been made yet, It's the perfect weapon for fallout. For those poor souls who've never seen Men in Black, here's the scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTqxFIpc1j4 If someone wants a ton of endorsements, this is your billion dollar idea
  8. I would cry myself to sleep for a klondike bar...
  9. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SIrggvJzn1c/Tkh5ND9PV9I/AAAAAAAAWcw/KWTQQVRGOe0/s1600/Klondike+Bar.jpg Well? Would you shave your head? Maybe run a mile in a chicken suit? Would you, ya know... Kill someone? The rules are simple, post what you would do for a klondike bar, the more original and insane your response, the more points it's worth. (Note: the points are completely and utterly worthless, this game is meant for those who are bored, lonely, and/or hungry for a Klondike bar)
  10. I know this can somehow be done. I remember for fallout 3 earache42 made that eXcalibr mod and you could bind a key that changed firing modes. Essentially if you pushed "G" you could go from assault rifle to grenade launcher. It played a reload animation for a different weapon so it looked like you were flipping a lever, and somehow it would swap the old weapon out with a new one (without making it completely obvious) that fired grenades. You'd have to ask him how he did it.
  11. I'll help: http://www.subinet.es/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/deus-ex-human-revolution-logo.jpg Deus Ex Armor http://www.alienscollection.com/uasg.jpg AvP Smart Gun When you post, there is a little icon http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_images/Dark/rte_icons/picture.png this allows you to put an image's url and add it to the post. Hopefully that helps. Good luck finding someone to make it. :thumbsup:
  12. iPhone 4. Go ahead, put me in the pillory and throw stones. lol
  13. I'm no modder, so unfortunately, cannot help. But if I were, pics would help me decide if it was worth making.
  14. http://www.pixeljoint.com/files/icons/full/jill_punchkombo.gif No. 1- Jill Valentine Well, for one, she's a babe. Then there's the fact that she's been killing zombies since the 90's. http://www.comicheroes.co.uk/images/gifs/MicroHeroes/DCHeroes/ironman-super.gif No. 2- Iron Man A man in a metal suit that outguns a platoon of tanks. I don't care that he's kind of an alcoholic, that kicks ass. http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs16/f/2007/191/4/b/You_Won__t_Catch_Jack_Sparrow_by_The_Russian_Gestapo.gif No. 3- Captain Jack Sparrow He's freaking Jack Sparrow. As long as there's rum, he'll fight to save it. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/206/a/d/Kain_Sprite_by_Hellmouth.gif No. 4- Kain Vampire's can't get infected by zombies. And Kain doesn't sparkle. http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs44/f/2009/064/b/4/Deadpool_on_motor_bike_by_jaredjlee.gif No. 5- Deadpool He can just break the fourth wall and ask for help. And he has a scooter that is 100% manly.
  15. Greetings, to whom it must have concerned, welcome to my request; now, to business. I am requesting a mod that combines Cazy Hair Resource and Ling's Coiffure allowing them to be used in unison. As they stand now, they are incompatible and will not allow you to access the customizations from both mods. It should be relatively easy to accomplish, should you know what you're doing. And of course, you would need to contact both grayewolf/Earache42 and Crazy to get their permission to do this. So, what say you, oh purveyor of mod requests, are you a bad enough dude(tte) to make this mod? I most certainly hope so! Crazy Hair Resource Anthony Ling's Coiffure NV
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