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About elizabethnessie

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  1. I wanna kill Jacob in my game while we go to the collector base. The only thing that stops me is that the game will think that we will need to grief about it, so i will have his name on the memory board in le3 and the last cutscene will show he is dead in le2, which is... kinda making me guilty even though it was totally my idea and not a coincidence. Is it possible to create a mod, where there will be these things: 1. In case that ONLY jacob died at the collector ship - the "we have casualties" scene will be replased with the "sucsess" scene which usually is triggered when u saved everyone (if it is able to remove him from there, it also will be nice, but if it is pre-rendered, welll... we will see his ghost i guess XD) 2. His name will be absent on the memory board on normandia in me3! (i am even okay if this is the only thing which can be made. I dont want his name there even if i kill him with a save editor :c) Is it even possible to do it? Well... At least part 2... At least. I wish to enjoy game without its attempts to make me guilty about this guy who cheated on Shep and went to chill on the beach when all the rest of our buddies were ripping their asses preparing for the war or doing something really important for their closest people :laugh:
  2. I decided to translate an immersive emails mod recently. I asked the mod creator about premission to do it - but he\she doesnt answer. And as i know - all the text this mod adds is created by bioware, not modder... So. If my translation is going to change text only, and modder isnt owning this text... am i able to begin the work without premission? I know that tecnically i m able, i mean the moral side of this decigion. Help me figure it out, please :)
  3. i saw mod for LE1, that allows to play for your squadmates! it s not the whole trilogy but its smthng :smile: I cant find it now because its hard to surf over 900+ mods, but i definetely saw this mod a couple of days ago
  4. I m fed up of some crewmates trying to chill while wearing full combat armor. I m ready to forgive it for crogans, Javic and Tali (and well, Casumi is wearing it for a reason, fine...) - but everybody else?... Maybe, it is possible to create a mod that will provide the rest of our team civilian suits for the party? To be clear - it s not a request for a texture mode, applying vanilla civillian suits while party lasts will be enough and perfectly fine. Maybe simply something more casual than an armor, at least. And it will be even more perfect if this is optional for each person individually. On/off btns for everyone in mod settings, i guess... or smthng like that. I nearly started to do it myself but imma dummy and i dunno how to manage this done :ermm:
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