A somewhat simple and easy-to-follow, albeit time-consuming, guide which seems to be considered somewhat of a staple is the S.T.E.P. guide found here: http://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:Guide It's basically a long list of tweaks and mods for Skyrim to make it a visually superior game all-around. Included are UI changes, animation tweaks, texture and mesh modifications. I would personally avoid ENBSeries stuff mentioned in the guide as I found the drawbacks to outweigh the improvements. Otherwise, just go down the list starting with INI tweaks, and then one mod at a time all the way to the end. You can skip mods that do not have a green bar to the left as they are considered non-essential, but I see no reason to skip them otherwise. You could also pick which mods to install or which sections to follow, e.g. you could just do 2.F. Conflicting Graphics for textures and and 2.G. Landscape & Environment for some nice visual details. Some mods do overwrite certain parts of other mods, which is something I had failed to recognize originally and that caused me to waste a bunch of time, so it is imperative that you follow the exact order specified in the guide.