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About Tanis41493

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  1. Hey y'all, I hope everybody is doing well during this troubling time. I'm having an issue with what seems to be my load order, and I'm not entirely sure how to address this. All mods are up to date, I'm using the beta version of Bannerlord as well and to the best of my knowledge the mods I have are all beta accessible. I can't analyze crash logs because for whatever reason, despite having 80+ Gigs on one drive and 50+ Gigs on another, Bannerlord says I don't have enough disk space to send/generate a crash log. If there's any more information I can provide, please let me know! I'm getting back into Bannerlord after a while, so I'm unsure of if there's somethings that are missing that I'm supposed to be doing. Thanks, and have a wonderful day <3 Tanis A.
  2. I'm using Tale of Two Wastelands, so all of those files are BSA. But the mods were said to be compatible with TTW, so it shouldn't be doing this :/
  3. Actually, I think at least one of them does in fact use a BSA file. I'm about to go to bed, but I'll check in the morning and post my findings here. Thanks for the help so far, dubious :)
  4. Hey all. I've never seen anything like this, and I've had a lot of texture issues (I use Tale of Two Wastelands). All of a sudden, after waking up in-game, I noticed that my character had a torso on a section of his back, and flat feet on his front. It's like somebody took the player skin and just slapped different parts of it onto other parts of it. I've included screenshots below. I sort with LOOT, I use FOMM/NMM, and the only texture replacer mods for a player I have is situational, not constant (Sexout Bodies). I downloaded High Resolution Male Body Textures (compatible with Breezes, the Sexout included body type) to see if it fixed it, but it didn't. The legs seem unaffected. Moriarty happened to not be wearing clothes for some reason, and I saw he had the same textures in place as I did. I had uninstalled everything Sexout and the HiRes textures, and loaded in and it was fixed but discolored. I noticed all my other textures started freaking out, and I realized I forgot to reactivate Archive Invalidation. I did so, came back in, and it's the same way it was both with and without them installed. Here are pictures of the issue (it said they were too big to upload)
  5. Hey everybody, hope you're having a great day. So the mod in the title, RobCo Terminal Operating System, is a mod with a LOT of promise and potential, and it's one that I truly want to integrate into my gameplay (especially considering the possibilities of a portable "terminal", or being able to type documents on it). The mod author (Kernboom), listed a seemingly easy way to get custom terminals to use the script: use FNVEdit to find the terminal entry, then add in the editorid OSROBCO within a submenu and it should pick up on the script. So I've found the terminals (Using the ones from KDS Portable Camp Stuff and the TTW Addon), and I go to the "View" tab as recommended, but I can't find anything about a submenu. There was a menu list, and I could right click and hit "Add", but that added a length of other confusing variables. I did see a "Submenu" listing in there, but nothing happened. So what am I doing wrong here? Also, whenever I do try to put in the script in an area it might actually fit, it tells me that it doesn't exist, even though I installed everything exactly as told.
  6. I can't even get to the magic menu. I get to the compass (Magic, Map, Skills, Inventory) and go over to select Magic. If I just hover on it (Or select it, since I use a controller) then I'm fine. But if I try to open it, it's an instacrash. SkyUI SHOULD be the newest edition, since I did a clean install of the entire game, and installed SkyUI no more than a week ago. Plus, I have it through the Steam Workshop, so it auto-updates. Unless the Steam Workshop version isn't the most up-to-date? What's the latest version? Thanks for the response, mate :smile: Tanis Edit: It is, in fact, the newest version (By 3 days, comparing to the Nexus version) Then yeah I'm good, I have 5.1. I'm using the Skyrim: Legendary Edition (So regular Skyrim + DLCs), and I have the latest version of SKSE installed through the Steam Workshop
  7. I can't even get to the magic menu. I get to the compass (Magic, Map, Skills, Inventory) and go over to select Magic. If I just hover on it (Or select it, since I use a controller) then I'm fine. But if I try to open it, it's an instacrash. SkyUI SHOULD be the newest edition, since I did a clean install of the entire game, and installed SkyUI no more than a week ago. Plus, I have it through the Steam Workshop, so it auto-updates. Unless the Steam Workshop version isn't the most up-to-date? What's the latest version? Thanks for the response, mate :smile: Tanis Edit: It is, in fact, the newest version (By 3 days, comparing to the Nexus version)
  8. Hey all, the name is pretty self-explanatory. I'm attaching the load order in here, too. My copy is legit (Legendary Edition on Steam), and all my stuff is up to date. Fully patched with the Unofficial Patches as well. The mods I use that require FNIS have been run through the program as per the instructions for the program. Everything has been sorted with a 100% up to date version of LOOT. Currently, I'm playing a hunter, so magic isn't all that important, but my next one was going to be a mage. Any and all help is appreciated! http://puu.sh/s171u/76941e72d0.pnghttp://puu.sh/s173r/93690de34f.png
  9. Hey all, hope you're enjoying your morning/afternoon/evening! So I'm having an issue with my mods, and it may or may not have to do with my load order. I'm kinda spoiled, as I always used BOSS, and then LOOT when it came out, and considering that they don't have a masterlist for Fallout 4 yet, I do the best I can with the load order specified by mod authors (For those who actually do give specifications). The problem I'm having is connected to the Homemaker mod, but it started out of nowhere. So I primarily got it for the food planters and the Covenant walls (Gotta build my Commonwealth fortress!) and everything was alright, until one day I went to access the custom doors section (Since I can't seem to put doors in any doorways that are pre-existing), and it goes to the scroll bar...and CTD's. So I ended up booting the game again, and it went fine as long as I didn't access the custom doors (I just figured I'd wait for an update). Now, however, I had forgotten and went to access the custom doors again, and I CTD. So I remembered, went to reboot, and it gave me the black screen right before the bootup, and then crashed (No error message, no "Fallout 4.exe is not responding", just a crash. So i went and checked for an update and found one. I downloaded it, but still nothing. I don't know if it's an issue with my load order, or if something else is going on. I tried deactivating the mod (I also deleted the old esp and all files associated with it just to be safe) and it still gives nothing. Below I'm attaching my load order, maybe it's something there? Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! Tanis
  10. I'm looking for something similar, but primarily to increase the max amount of Minutemen at
  11. How do I go about replacing the game files?
  12. Hey all. So I play a modded Fallout 3 and I have encountered a problem I never have before. When I start up the game, my Pipboy Readius will come up, and will do so for a bit. But after a while, my character pulls his arm up as if he's trying to use the wrist Pipboy, and nothing is there. The light doesn't work either. At the same time, I tried not using Readius and it still gave me the same problem. I sort using BOSS and I have a recent merged patch as well. I checked the Readius Help page, and they said to update NMM. I did that, and that's what allows me to use it a little bit in the beginning. Can anybody help? My Mod load order is attached.
  13. Sweet, thanks man! I've wanted to get one so bad, but I knew that it would be a big installation and I didn't want to break my game and have to go through the hassle of uninstalling and re installing :(.
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