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Everything posted by The_Laughing_Man

  1. I went to "Can you run it" And it said I blew past the min specs. However when I did the same test for Fallout 3 It says I barely past the mins specs Also how easy is it to mod the steam version? Are there any essential performance boosting things I should pick up? Here are my specs Intel Core 2 quad CPU Q9000 @ 2.00GHZ 2.00 GHZ 4 gigs of ram ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 *Fully up to date drivers* 100 gigs of space. Full DX below
  2. Planet elder scrolls still works for Non prem guys. So we are still good.
  3. Non prem members wont be able to DL for at least 24 more hours.
  4. Have all that but the save game one. Which I will grab now. Any other suggestions?
  5. I am not sure if this in the correct place. I got Fallout 3 a few days ago. I have a few mods. Hair pack, Breezes bodies, Enhanced weather. Is there anything else I should get? Is there like a texture package to make stuff look better? Any suggestions would be awesome.
  6. Opted to get Disk. can be closed.
  7. Get version 5. And read the readme that's included for info.
  8. Sadly it is not there. But thank you anyways.
  9. One and only attempt at a bump. Then I shall let it die.
  10. Massive let down. The Difficultly curve is all over the place. And the game starts to throw in VERY cheap moves near the end of the game. It is not a buy. A rent at best.
  11. I just got jacked. Clicked nothing and was taken to another site. My computer is spyware/malware/whatevertheware free. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a317/CyberDragonZeroX/picture003.jpg Is where I was taken I whited out two parts because it displayed my IP.
  12. Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, FINELY reviewed the game and called it good! WATCH!
  13. Thank you for the warm welcomes. I JUST finished putting together my chair and quite enjoy having a normal chair to lounge in.
  14. Open control panel Device manager Human Interface device uninstall the ENE one. It will re install each time you restart. That or get the "Ring of console" It is a laptop issue. Because of the Inferred device. But what I said will easily work around it.
  15. I can drop a gem..and it rolls forever...on a leveled service..but if I drop it on a cliff side it wobbles...
  16. Wow..Thanks for the welcome! My only release is "Lake house" I enjoy taking pics much more.
  17. I don't see how two new challenge maps will increase the length of the game. I never said it would make the game longer. I just for forgot my period in that sentence.
  18. A wile back I used to write some. Looking around I picked maybe I will post a few for people to see. No title as of yet. Each string a life, Each string a death, Let the harp's melody be your friend, Follow the music to your fate, And bask in the glory of non escape, For who we are, And for what we can, Let the harp be your friend, It's strings are strong, So pluck away, Untill the time comes, To be taken away. Below is older stuff ----------- I walk alone, I'm my life im all alone, No one cares, How I act, Or what I think, Or what I do, My life is my own, We are all alone till we find love, But that is something I have not found, So im alone and alone, I shall be, Till someone finds me -------------- I walk like you, I talk like you, I walk in your shoes, You have made me, You have trained me, You have forced me, You want me to be you, I am me, And only me, I am not you, I am me, I wont be lost, I wont be someone else, I am me and only me, Dont try to change me, Dont try to make me, Just like you. I have some more but I would have to dig it up.
  19. I have tired many ways to get around this. But there is no way to adjust volume sadly. For screen shots I use something other then fraps. (Since you gotta pay for fraps to get JPEG pics. Or convert them yourself) Howie's Quick screen capture.
  20. Well lets see...Uhhh...Hmmm 21.. New york Uhh Only released one mod so far. ...My enter key is stickin.. Many of you might have seen my Screen shots of Blue scale And Ri 'Shur Ummm Maybe know me from Beth forum as CyberZeroX.. Uhh Questions?
  21. I would love to get the outfit Auron wares. Pics below. Pic Pic The arm does not need to do that hanging then. Just a normal outfit if you please. (I use roberts male Version 5) I can gather up more pics if needed. And IF there is a version out all ready please tell me.
  22. Did anyone else play these PS games? I adored it and still have it I love dragon and loved being able to play one in breath of fire. Sadly right now I can not play them because my PS2 I packed up. And my PS3 can not play those games.
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