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  1. I hate to break it to you but what Larian is doing is not "censorship". All large patches so far have broken things. I'm really sorry if some people are having problems with their modded games, but it isn't Larian's responsibility. Modding any game comes with exactly this same risk. Either way, Larian has no obligation to support modding of their game, but they've decided they want to, which is awesome! I'm absolutely excited for the precedent that the official modding system sets, because I would love to see more companies build modding support into their game development plan from the start.
  2. This is an odd take to me. I understand why folks might be annoyed at having to change their existing modding flow; change is tricky sometimes, and comes with challenges during the transition. But *new* does not mean bad, just new. Larian has been both very up front about their plans (so this shouldn't come as a surprise), and very fanbase-friendly in involving the community in developing their mod support. The doom comparison to Bethesda doesn't hold up when you look at how Larian has approached this development. I am personally very optimistic about the new tools. I think it's awesome that the company put time and resources into officially supporting mods. Give it some time for folks to start converting existing mods over to the new format, and give it some time to see what is possible with the new tools. Larian also has said they aren't removing support for any existing scripting mods; they intend for folks to be able to keep using many of the favorite mods already out there, and that they are not trying to prevent anyone from using third party modding in any way. They have said you can still keep using nexus for mods if you want, they will just focus on officially supporting their own tools and system. Which makes sense! They have done this before with their Divinity Engine. Of course Larian as a company cannot support or allow copyrighted material, or material that is "discriminatory, racist, obscene, libellous, offensive, or likely to adversely affect the reputation or goodwill of Larian Studios". That's completely reasonable and normal. Nexus mods has the same rules about what mods can be posted, just less oversight because of the volume they maintain. TL;DR: Give it some time. New patches always break stuff, but updates will come. It's really great to see a company officially support modding.
  3. Hello - I'm a beginner at modding, so this might be a request rather than a question if this seems particularly difficult. I've been poking around trying to make a combination of the face model of Siora (I love the shape of it) with the complexions from the player face. I was wondering if it would be easier to either 1) apply Siora's head model to one of the default De Sardet faces (I'm fine with completely replacing one of them), or 2) apply the complexion to Siora (and thus make it available via the Play as Anyone mod)? Does anyone have a suggestion of what might be the best approach, or know how to do this?
  4. I'm a nifskope beginner, so I've been scouring tutorials for an answer to my problem, but I can't seem to figure it out - perhaps someone can help me. I'm trying to mashup two meshes in order to change the "hairstyle" that is combined into the model of a hood. I'm working from two already existing mods (Hunting Grounds Outfit and KS Hairdos). The meshes both load up fine in nifskope. However, when I try to copy the branch of the hairstyle I want to use over to the hood mesh, I get the error "Could not insert NiBlock" and under details it just says "unknown block". I have tried following the information from several tutorials to clean up the naming of the structure, clean up the skeleton root info, etc. but nothing seems to work, and I don't know what is wrong. (This thread seemed the most similar to my problem but the fix isn't working for me https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/3trpcq/combining_meshs_in_nifscope_where_i_went_wrong). Any insights into what I'm missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Screenshot of my two meshes loaded up in nifskope: Edit: Typo.
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