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About Merisal

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  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim, EVE Online
  • Favourite Game
    Skyrim, EVE Online
  1. Hey guys, there is something strange happening sometimes. In some situations, don't know which one's, people (NPC and PC) looks pixeled. For an example please see the screenshot attached. Is it because I use 2k and 4k textures or where does it come from?
  2. Doesn't work for me :( Even installing "Lots more settler" does not solve the problem. So I'm looking for another male companion overhaul mods. Piper, Cait and Curie are covered by Loving...
  3. Thanks for the reply. I found the issue. Immersive Wastelanders was the reason. Don't know why because before it worked.
  4. OK, after I started the game launcher it looks like it created new ini files. Now the intro is starting and then I get the CTD.
  5. I am not new with modding and using NMM but I can't get it. I just installed Fallout 4 and wanted to pimp it up with some mods. First everything works fine but then, with no reason my body disappeared and the sky was purple. Missing textures/meshes, nothing special. So because I tried a lot with different mods, I decided to make everything new - and can't get Fallout to start. The ENB screen is shown and then I get a CTD. I don't want to reinstall the whole game and mods again, so if anyone knows why the heck I get the CTD... This is my load order:
  6. It works! Thanks a lot for the tip. Deactivating the weapon fix for aMidianBorn was the solution.
  7. I tried nearly everything except starting a new game but I can't find a solution. Nearly every guard and the stormcloaks (even the women) have lost some of their hair (see screenshot). First I thought it is just one guard but as I came to Whiterun I saw that nearly every guard has the same problem. Only the guards with a bald head don't have this problem. After I used the free cam fly it was clear that it is no clipping. It looks like the top hair texture is missing. Deactivating every hair mod or even better males does not make a change. Does somebody know a solution?
  8. Thanks Valkasha! I changed back to steel armor :) It has less armor but not such problems. Will see what other plate armors do while wearing them. Otherwise I have to check alternatives to HDT and or BBP :confused:
  9. No. After the last cleaning session there are no camera mods in use. Could it be a combination of BBP/HDT and the Remodeled Armor?
  10. Hi I just switched to steel plate armor and got a problem. When I stop running the plate jumps up shortly and block my view. The other thing is that I can't see something during combat mode. I tried with and without helmet but it is still the same. The attachment shows how it looks. What ever I do (even looking in the sky) the view is blocked. I use CBBE with BBP, aMidian Armor and Remodeled Armor CBBE v3, HDT. Hope someone can help :smile:
  11. :pinch: :pinch: I used Bleak Realism ENB. Now I'm using Bleak ENB and everything is fine :thumbsup: Problem solved
  12. Found out that this glow effect is on every darker shadow outside of buildings (like a hollow tree)
  13. To minimize multiple threads with the same topic :) http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1964139-repair-skyrim-files/&do=findComment&comment=17054729
  14. Just follow the steps on this site http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again Not that differcult ;)
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