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Everything posted by Troutland

  1. I'd really appreciate it if you can put one together however long it takes! :laugh: I tried poking around GECK for a while and after going through the tutorials, I just got more confused how the whole thing works (never been into any kind of scripting). As for NVSE, half of the mods I have already use it, so no need to worry about that :smile:
  2. Sorry if a mod like this exists, but I couldn't find one. Just looking for a mod that automatically unequips whatever armor (clothing,helmet,etc.) you're wearing when its condition hits 0 and it breaks. Thanks!
  3. Hey, I'm trying to get the Fallot Character Overhaul mod to use the Project Mikoto and Nouks and Apachiis hairstyles packs but I can't seem to be able to get it right. I tried setting/interchanging the masters amongst other stuff but nothing seemed to be able to help. I took a look at the FNVEdit manual but couldn't really grasp anything. None of my changes (which I reverted in the end) broke anything, but they didn't have any positive effect either. Does anyone have any advice how to do this?
  4. Not what I was lookng for, but that's another one that was on my list!
  5. Simple, I think. I want to have this instead of this when I level up. Unfortunately I know nothing of modding or have acces to FO3 so I hope someone would be kind enoguh to make this. Thanks in advance
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