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Posts posted by EdwardTheVampire

  1. No expert on the topic, but here are a couple of things to try:

    • Delete the whole "NiTriShape" branches instead of the BSDismemberSkinInstance.
    • Make sure the *_0.nif and *_1.nif files match.
    • Make sure the body slot flags match in the nif, the armoraddon and the armor.

    Armor pieces tend to go invisible for any variety of errors. I do not know of any source that lists all the validations done by the game engine but they clearly go beyond what OS, Nifskope or Blender think is necessary to render the pieces.

    Are there any error checking apps? Something that would say "Error 404: meshes don't match" or something? On the picture it was an example of a branch I named "trees", it wasn't the armor I was working on. And I have no idea how to check the files match. How do I see if they do or don't?

  2. Hello again. Not too long ago I wanted to edit a mesh and remove an unwanted part. I did that, followed the tutorial but faced a different problem after the export.

    The file I worked with had several mesh trees, some of them were special effects and stuff. I did not touch these, I only edited the armor mesh. When I launched the game I found out that the edited mesh had disappeared completely, including the parts of the mesh I never touched. The other mesh trees like special effects remained and worked fine, but the entire armor mesh became invisible.
    To clarify what I call "a mesh tree" I'll leave a picture.

    At first I thought I might have exported just a single tree, not the entire scene with all trees connected. But no, no mater what I did with exporting the armor kept being invisible. Somehow when I open the nif file I am still able to see the missing armor mesh, it's there, it just doesn't load in game. And while editing all I did was masking the thing I wanted to remove, deleting the vertices in Outfit Studio and exporting the thing. I did not change any variables, didn't mess with the trees and NiNodes, didn't edit textures or anything.

    I am a very-super-noob with a superpower of getting impossible mistakes when coding or doing any other technical things. So, may I ask for a step-by-step tutorial since I'm not familiar with the UI of Outfit Studio and terminology of modders. I checked other tutorials and they didn't really help. Thank you in advance!

  3. Thank you for the tutorial, you really should put it somewhere where search engines would find it. However, I tried it in the game and now the entire armor mesh is gone. I rechecked it with NifSkope, it says the edited, fully working armor mesh is there and should be visible, but I ended up with having untouched parts removed as well. I assume I might have exported just a single layer instead of the whole scene, I reexported it and the same thing happened.
    I am going to redo everything I just did again, just because I found an anomaly. For some reason there were two same meshes, one called "glow", so maybe it's the glowing part (I thought it should've been some mask, like a texture effect that makes it ignore the shading and always be full bright) and when I deleted the vertices the glow tree completely disappeared. So, maybe I should do the same thing to both. However, why the untouched parts got removed I don't know

    Thanks for helping, again

  4. Hello everyone [who reads this]
    Before I start I must warn you I am not the best person in the world, I'm pretty much fed up with life so I can get a little [very] aggressive/rude. Either ignore it or forgive me for it, but honestly, this post is my last resort, my last resort about something I both hate and am very passionate about.

    These days we don't have fun games anymore, so I have to rely on 11 year old Skyrim LE and such. Obviously I got bored of the vanilla. At first, in 2015-ish when I was discovering mods I was happy with how the things were, I would just download a mod and enjoy it. Now just downloading mods is what I would describe as "great, but not perfect". I keep coming up with things I want in my game and as I download new mods I keep seeking perfection or even better immersion. Unfortunately, many modders have moved on from the game, or contacting them is troublesome (imagine emailing a professional modder saying "hey, could you please make it so one spell does this, that and this, and also glows and makes the character do this and that with their hands") so I started modding myself. That's where my bad side shows since I usually ignore all the "don't edit my stuff without my permission", but again, I never publish my mods. I just want to have maximum fun in my game, other people will like other things and thus sharing my mods isn't really needed.


    So, recently I found a piece of armor I liked, but I wanted to remove some elements. When I went to NifSkope to remove them I realized that the mod creator combined that element with some other parts of the armor (example, when a belt and pants are the same mesh, so removing the belt would remove the pants as well). I don't need that. I exported my armor nif to obj and tried to edit it with Blender. But for the sake of junk, this was a dire experience: not only did the armor's mesh became many times bigger, but it had lost all the textures as well. Even more, the obj I got in the end was broken or something so that the NifSkope couldn't import it. Then I got my hands on Outfit Studio hoping to just convert my obj to nif (not nif to obj, mind you). OS kept losing the texture as well.

    So far I could not anything online that could help me. Maybe I had not looked well enough, maybe I found what I needed but messed up somewhere. So, the question is, how do I just take a nif file and delete some vertices? Can I edit the mesh in NifSkope alone? Do I need 3ds Max? Why do textures break? Why does blender make the mesh bigger? I am pretty noob at both modding and 3d editing, so if you're willing to help, write a step-by-step tutorial, all the buttons, all the moves.

    (I am using Blender 2.69 since later versions don't support Windows 7, so the UI might have differences, I don't know.)
    And thank you for helping. Or at least listening. I've gone through such frustration I feel sorry for the modders out there.

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