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Posts posted by Agnonthewolf

  1. Playable midget's! Need i say more? I reaally wanna play a small person in fallout 4. Not a big bearded Fantasy dwarf, but an actual midget like "warwick Davis" Cmon someone NEED to make this happen :D

    Thanks in advance


  2. I remember the first time i found a walking cane in fallout 4 and thought to myself "Oh thats a nice concept for an old man charecter who walks with a limb" only to find that it only was another melee weapon!

    I Want some animations! :P well, just one actually... One where when you have the cane equipped, and you are walking, your charecter will actually use the cane for support. JUst for the walking animation is all i ask, I don't care about running, attacking etc. I just wanna feel like doctor house!

    I suggest one of two options or both preferably.
    One Where the player uses it with a stiff back as a gentleman would use it.

    And one with a pronounced limb for those people who wanna play a cripple :P


    If Anyone wanna make my dream come through i would be ever so happy! :D


  3. Hmm... it could be done by changing the standard animations of shooting a normal crossbow in-game and then make a very simple weapon file that acts like a piece of appeal. However... that would mean the animations would be changed for ALL crossbows in game... but if you not planing on playing with the Dawnguard you might be able to enjoy the fruits of the labor

    EDIT: Or by teaming up/ getting some advice from Soldie, he managed to make custom effects on everything with the name "Spear" so that it kept vanilla animations unless a certain tag was in the weapon name.

  4. I recently strolled through my little shanty town of a settlement. People went about their daily lives, and the general ambient look make me feel quite immersed. However! one thing bugged me! I have nearly 30 settlers in my settlement plus, robots and animals. How ever the only two sounds i can hear while strolling through the busy and cramped streets, nooks and carnies was the generators and the occasional "Farming is as honest as honest work gets!" Besides that the sound stage was pretty bland... I felt like sound effect markers could be nice. Some of my houses are just for exterior show. And having a sound emit from behind locked doors of distant chatter, a child crying, machining or just the laughter would be amazing!


    I recalled playing "Metro: last light" and falling in love with the town of Venice from the shear visual and auditory overload of a post apoc trown! I WANT THAT! xD

    A walk-through of Venice to give an idea of what i mean.


    I hope someone picks up this idea :P I would make it myself had i the time, but hopefully this would peak someone else interest too.



  5. In short, I WANT THOSE PESKY ZIP-LINE BASKETS! So many times have i seen those awesome zip-line carts all over the wastland. Libertalia for one...

    There's not much to say here, it's long over-due we had our zip-lines!



    BONUS: If someone could make me at mod where the player can use the ziplines without the basket (Tomb Raider style) I would be the happiest gamer around! <3

    Best regards,
    Agnon ~

  6. Hey! I just had an an idea. Seems so logical now that i thought of it and not at all original but i need it non the less! xD

    Standard Dueling! Tired of arguing with Nazem? He's a "gentleman" aint he? and you, a thane? You should be able to challenge him to a duel! Actually, you should be able to challenge anyone! Maybe sparring duels with your companions and friends. And duels to the death with your enemies! Duels where the local guard wont interfere! Maybe even set a time and place? who knows!


    Even something as simple as a dialog option with all npc's (maybe intimidate/speech check) That allows you to duel a non hostile npc!. (somewhat like the brawls in taverns)

    Pitch in if you like :P



  7. Hey forum! I have been searching for a while now for a certain kind of mod. I have been making a mod-list for my next play-through as a duelist/fencer. I immediately downloaded "Dynamic Things" since it allows you to practice your weapon skills on training dummies. How ever i soon came to realize this did not quench my thirst for practicing! I wanted to be able to spar/brawl with people, and my companions.

    Indulge me if you will: (A little role-play scenario)
    Imagine You're part of the Companions Guild. Vilkas and you have been tracking a beast a days travel from Whiterun and after a small fest you remind your old friend of the day you came to the companions guild. You remind him how hard he was on you in the combat training. You stand up and draw your sword "Perhaps another round?" You ask, as the old companion smirks, grasp his sword and stands up.

    In short. I want to have a brawl/training feature added to my companions. So that while you are traveling. Even if you are not fighting your way through a dungeon of undead, you still can train your skills simply by fighting your companions.

    The brawl feature is already in the vanilla game, though only with a few NPC's and only for a single fight. But i would like to be able to swing a sword with my companions too. Imagine tossing your companion a wooden sword from the Hearthfire DLC and a hide shield and then just spar for five minutes, actually advancing slowly in your skills but from the safety of your home or camp!


  8. I would love motorcycles too xO More than cars! But i wouldn't mind seeing something like a Horse or horse like creature. :P

    (And yes! we need mirelurks as mounts. It's officially a "thing" now)

  9. After the creation kit i am certain it will be out almost instantly. We are so fortunate that Fallout 4 shares engine with skyrim. So it should have all the base information and stats already implemented. So i think that it's wisest to wait till then. How even on account of the crossbow. that should be possible as of right now to add as a standalone weapon (you could even possibly add it's trajectory just like with the fat man and grenades.) Someone just has to make the resource model and texture and then talk with some modder like "ff7cloudstrife" to make a standalone :P

    But yes! god i want a crossbow or just bow. Especially if you could make the ammo reusable

  10. JIP was an old fallout new vegas mod that added a small hud (somewhat like old rpg's) where you could see your companions life, give them orders like "go there", "Get that" "Heal me", "stand guard and muuuch much more! (link down below.

    As for if there are already such a mod? Well... If only you want to change their cloth or weapon. There are some different mods out there. Mainly one for each companion.

    How ever if what you want is a mod where you without trading with your companion can choose what weapon they got installed. Such a mod is (to my knowledge) not out yet. But will possibly come after the release of the GECK


    Heres a mod that allowed you to change Valentines Clothing and weapon called "Fashionable Valentine" http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7035/?
    JIP Companion Command and Control: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/50468/?

  11. Fun fact: The other day i mounted the vertibird from sanctuary to warwick homestead. I ended up phasing right through the mass fusion building at the half-way point. my screen then turned dark and a promt text in my corner read "Please dismount your horse before entering a building" :D Fallout 4 uses the VERY SAME ENGINE as skyrim. So odds are the mechanics (maybe even the models) are already in the engine. So after the GECK comes out it should be a cake-walk. to either find and use the already implemented features or copy past the features from skyrim right back into fallout 4 :P

    I hope this will become a mod one day. Even though i think horses might be to stretch it a bit too far. But give me a Brahmin or even a mirelurk! That could be fun :D

  12. That's not a half-bad idea o.0 Uhmm maybe contact "DDProductions83" (the guy who gave us elevators, bridges etc. I think this would be one jught up his ally! :D

    Great idea mate!

  13. Okay. For starters. I didn't quite understand your fist question. You might need to re-phrase it :tongue:

    for your second question: There is a mod that covers some of those bases and in the future, even more cool features. It's called "Permanent Pacification" http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5563/?


    Hope that answered some of your questions :smile: Have a good one!

  14. I like this idea. Being able to scrap on the get-go. Should't be that hard to implement! :D BUMB! (I imagine you could make a portable kit that just opened up something like the crafting menu from the settlements but only with the ability to scrap :P )

    And "Lest120" I think what he wants is the option to scrap on the go so he doesn't have to carry, say 21 Desk fans around if only he needs the screws :P So it's not about deleting the weight, but a realistic tool that allowes him to only take the parts he needs and leave the scraps he don't.





    (Funny Lest120.. You have been in every mod request i have previewed today o.o)

  15. I will say you could possibly make a parkour mod for fallout 4. But as the guys above said. It will take EXTREME dedication. Months of work, The GECK and a handfull of skilled modders who can fill the many gabs that needs filling. And even then i fear that if your gonna see a parkour mod. It's most likely going to only work in 1st person (cause then you can skip the animations) and it's not gonna look very great. Imagine running up a wall is nothing more than seeing the running animation and then vertically ascend a predetermined height. I could see some cool jump mechanics utilizing the "throwing arc" already added. So that you could see where a dash could take you or as you said to throw a grappling hook. But Again remember the base mechanics of the game does not allow such an in-depth system. You could utilize a s***-ton of loop holes and already implemented features of the game to make something with the general feel. But don't expect a ton. i recall fallout new vegas never got a parkour mode but something as "simple" as a working car took 3 years to be added. (add to that it was the most requested mod feature EVER)

    So not to bust your balls mate. But it's a very unlikely candidate for a fallout mod :tongue: (though i would be VERY positively surprised and eat my hat if someone pulled it off xD ) So for now at leased. If you want to parkour. Keep playing assassins creed :tongue:

  16. I see what you coming at Lest120. But i must admit that's not really the case. As said, The features are already in the game as well as all the resources. I don't think it was left out for the soul reason that is was "cheaper" i swear it's a maximum of 3 hours work in the geck TOPS. Where on the other hand waiting for a modder to add it. Then ask that modder for permission and then to add it (possibly in an dlc) AND streamlining/ fitting it into the game so it looks like a Bethesda addon and not a mod. All that takes more time AND energy as well as money and even then it would possibly be cheaper just to make it from scratch non the less. :P
    I am more susceptible to believe it was left out intentionally, possibly to be added in an upcoming DLC, They didn't feel like it fitted into the commonwealth, or they didn't think it was worth adding possibly because it's almost only viable in close quarters or with the "demolition expert rank II" throwing arc. :P

  17. Hello people of the commonwealth! Remember back in the good ol' days when we could throw all sorts of throwing weapons around? YEAH? Why is this not a feature in fallout 4?! I mean we have an awesome throwing mechanic complete with all the features needed!


    I am not the most skilled modder and i definitely have no experience working outside the GECK but i have seen standalone weapons added to the game already. I Hypothesis that if you made new explosives, increased their range and decreased their AOE damage to 0 and added a new model like the Combat Knife, table knife, PLAYING CARDS, Bowler hat (Odd job style), Tin can, bottle or even a rock! You could make an awesome weapon. I suggest trying to implement it thought the "Crafting Workbenches" mod. (also, and i'm not sure if its possible but IF just if it was possible to give things like the knife the pinning attribute og the railway-rifle that could be so awesome! Imagine pinning a mans hand to the wall!)

    (I am aware someone will probably do this when the GECK comes out, if not then i will myself. But i really miss it right now :tongue: please help!)

    Thanks in advance!
    Best regards, Agnon

  18. Hi community! I am working on a fairly big mod and i need an object the player can interact with to start an animation. The object is a hookah pipe/waterpipe. The animation doesn't have to be something big. Just a simple "sit down" animation followed by an animation where the player picked up the hookah hose put it up to the mouth and then possibly exhale a puff of smoke. If possible it would be nice if the animation could involve more than the player. So 1-2 other npc's could indulge in the activities at the same time!

    I am really in need of this animation. and have hit a stalemate until i have worked my way around it. So i hope someone will help me with this resource!


    Thank you in advance, Agnon.


    (Here's a picture from the old game "Gothic 3" where the player is utilizing a water pipe! I am no expert when it comes to animations. But perhaps it could be extracted from said game?)


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