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About Vexx234

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    United States

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  1. Just wondering if anyone can point me to a lore friendly female 2k or 4k texture mod. 99% of all female texture mods look too super model like and unimmersive.
  2. I'm not sure what's causing this, but whenever I replace the shock claw, save my game and restart it, the blue electric light from the shock claw emits from under Ada's feet and I have to disable and enable her every time to remove it. Has anyone encountered this?
  3. I've made a custom creature companion, But I want him to only follow me while i'm outside and not follow me inside buildings, etc... Is there a way i can do this in creation kit or a mod that supports this?
  4. I followed this tutorial and youtube, and I did everything right but can't quite figure out my problem. The problem is when I press E to talk no dialogue shows, nothing pop ups and i can't interact with the companion at all. In CK the quest is attached to my companion so it must be something within the quest itself not working and yet I can't figure it out. If anyone can take a look or help, I would very much appreciate it.
  5. There are some heads on the races in Fallout 3 i like to use in oblivion. is it possible?
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