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Everything posted by Sti3ld3rby69

  1. Hey Modders, If you need someone to look over a script, set of dialogue trees, or anything else that's written down/typed on a screen, feel free to get in touch! I've written for some small publications and currently edit the IGDA Perspectives Newsletter. You can get a hold of me easiest via Twitter, @ZacharySnader. Cheers!
  2. This is a great guide. I've had hot and cold streaks with modding and this should help me keep a guide on it. Thank you infinitely.
  3. Q, you are THE MAN. Long time no see, but THANK YOU for the help. Now I am not pulling my hair out, which is awesome.
  4. You are still you...you go into a facility that looks VERY similar to the inside of Hoover Dam. There's a terminal inside that talks about the ARMI program, where robots were installed with software to represent societal workings in a post apocalyptic environment. They are all hostile, and the ARMI results are terminated if any robot citizens are killed. I had 100 sneak and snuck around every single corner of the complex and only found another terminal of significance that didn't provide too much new information. I have no idea what the hell this is from! It is definitely not in the Vanilla game. The Complex is located on the way to the south entrance of Red Rock Canyon. (The mod cannot be from an expansion since I didn't purchase any of them).
  5. Alright so I have this location with a seemingly cool quest...where it has a simulation of robots taking societal roles in the event of imminent nuclear disaster. However, I have no idea what mod this belongs to! I wanted to check out some details from the mod and see if I was missing anything, but neither Google nor the Nexus know anything about it. Does anyone know where I might find more information on this location?
  6. 1. If you have any mods in your load order that you aren't running, get rid of them. It creates instability in between mods for whatever reason, because the game is still recognizing that mod in your load order even if it is not active. 2. Run BOSS. I didn't have full faith in it the first time I used it, but it will definitely bring up any potential conflicts. 3. You SERIOUSLY need to re-order your ESMs and ESPs. There is an article regarding how to conduct your load order...I don't have the exact link but Google around until you find it. After that, you should be ok. Make sure you are doing fresh cell-cleared (Wait 72 hours) saves or new games if need be anytime you are trying something brand new to get past the beginning. I know it sucks, but it pays out well once you figure it out.
  7. I am unable to even ENTER the Prospector Saloon and I have almost the same load order as you. It looks fine, although you definitely want to keep anything weather-changing towards the bottom. It should go 1. New Locations, 2. Quest Fixes, 3. Armor/Weapon Additions, 4. Bug Fixes, 5. Weather Changes. Place anything else accordingly. It looks alright though. The way I got around the Prospector was beginning my game 100% vanilla, and then once I didn't have to use the saloon anymore I just never returned and used my mods, because it caused/causes CTD EVERY SINGLE TIME. I still have no idea what mods are conflicting, even though I have tried literally dozens of different combinations just so I could view a Wanted poster for New Vegas Bounties. So...best advice is to just stay away from the saloon. It is the only location that has given me problems thus far (other than random CTDs due to the instability of the game in general).
  8. What is your current mod list, assuming you are using FOMM to run them all?
  9. I'll try both solutions and let you know, thanks for the suggestions.
  10. Alright, so Goodsprings Saloon has caused problems for me every time I try to enter besides the initial part of the game, which I played modless. The following are mods that I know involve Goodsprings Saloon in at least someway (using it to store a quest item, information, NPC's, etc.): rePopulated Wasteland New Vegas Redesigned A World of Pain New Vegas Bounties I/II Custom Lighting II Interior Lighting Overhaul - Realistic Interiors I tried getting rid of A World of Pain and New Vegas Redesigned as well as doing one each (of course resetting the cells each time), and same result - CTD. I ran BOSS as well, and none of the listed conflicted - they only had BASH Suggestions. If you have any ideas as to what might be the issue, please let me know. I will give kudos to anyone who helps. And my load order: [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] rePopulated Wasteland.esm [X] WARZONES - Misanthropy Pure.esm [X] ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm [X] ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm [X] New Vegas Redesigned.esm [X] FOOK - New Vegas.esm [ ] FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm [X] More Perks.esm [X] More Perks for Companions.esm [X] More Traits.esm [X] Tales from the Burning Sands.esm [X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm [X] EVE-900.esm [X] dangame.esm [X] decwithreg.esm [X] enclavebunker.esm [X] War Never Changes.esm [X] Lings.esm [ ] iHUD.esm [X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esm [X] Project Nevada - Core.esm [X] Community Bugfix Compilation Patch.esm [ ] NVR-Version_9.esp [X] CONELRAD 640-1240.esp [X] Existence2.0.esp [X] Distant Gunfire Sound Fix V2.1 - Machienzo.esp [ ] GoodspringsPlayerHome.esp [X] NV Interiors - El Ray Motel.esp [X] NV Interiors - West Vegas Fringe.esp [X] NV Interiors - Cottonwood Cove.esp [X] Lore version.esp [X] Silus (Vcat request).esp [X] Raul Concept art (looloo request).esp [X] Red Lucy Aesthetics (Knobody13 request).esp [X] Red Lucy cold personality version.esp [X] Better Binoculars Max.esp [X] TGsArmorCollectionVegas.esp [X] RCSS.esp [X] Advanced Recon Armor.esp [X] Advanced Recon Armor-Location Doc Mitchell.esp [X] The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp [X] Dog_City3.esp [ ] Goodsprings Filler.esp [X] Fallout Heroes.esp [X] Bobblehunt.esp [X] Bobblehunt - Cap Bonuses.esp [X] Identity Crisis Part I - Silent Struggle V2.esp [X] Identity Crisis Part 2 - Long Night.esp [X] War Never Changes.esp [X] War Never Changes - Seven.esp [X] NewVegasBounties.esp [X] NewVegasBountiesII.esp [X] FOOK - New Vegas.esp [X] FOOK - Lings.esp [ ] CFWNV-FOOK.esp [ ] FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp [X] More Perks Update.esp [X] More Perks for Companions Update.esp [X] More Traits Update.esp [X] BoostedSkills.esp [X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [X] BluesRadioNV.esp [ ] SarahConner.esp [X] SunnyCompanion.esp [X] NVC_Misty.esp [X] Arwen_Camera.esp [X] LFox Bottle That Water.esp [X] UnlimitedCompanions.esp [X] Max Followers 12.esp [X] NekhCFinderFix.esp [X] Followers-NCR Alliance Fix.esp [X] Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp [X] headgearfix.esp [X] TravelingMerchantFix.esp [X] Raul Ranger Andy fix.esp [X] PerkEveryLevel.esp [X] Max Level 100.esp [X] Continue After End.esp [X] Community Bugfix Compilation Patch.esp [X] ELECTRO-CITY - Inventory Sorters Compatibility Patch - ElectroCityCATEYEvalue.esp [X] NVR_rePopulated Wasteland_Patch.esp [X] NVR_ELECTRO-CITY_Patch.esp [X] Tailor Maid - NV.esp [X] Realistic_Repair_NV.esp [X] OperationFixedTerrain.esp [X] pnv.esp [X] PNVRCSScompatibility.esp [X] dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp [X] dD-Smaller Wounds.esp [X] dD-Reduced Ragdoll Force.esp [X] dD-Reduced Dismember Force.esp [X] dD-Smaller Spatters Default.esp [X] dD-Smaller Spatters Realistic.esp [ ] Weapon Mod Expansion.esp [X] WME - FOOK.esp [ ] WME - Named & Sorted.esp [X] WME - Ironsights.esp [X] CustomLighting II.esp [ ] Nevada Skies.esp [X] Nevada Skies - URWLified.esp [X] Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp [X] DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp [X] ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp [ ] InTheGardenOfEden.esp
  11. Anyone else run into this problem...I did a clean save and ridded all of my Goodsprings Mods.
  12. Yes, but you should also remove any mods from your common/falloutnewvegas/data folder and put them elsewhere, delete ANY installed mods, reinstall both programs, and then copy them over manually and test a few at a time. I spent two days having NV not work until I tried this solution - running fine now.
  13. nVamp isn't compatible with a LOT of things. You should probably double check on their website to see if that is the cause of those CTDs.
  14. One quick hint: Electro-City is ALWAYS near the bottom of both load orders. Helpful article here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/articles/article.php?id=34
  15. I have Nevada Skies - URWLified in conjunction with FNV ES Lite, and I can't see a single thing when it's night time, exterior lights excluded. I have to use my Pip-Boy and even then I can only see a few feet in front of me. Did you try one of the alternate palletes? I currently use Pulp to get this effect.
  16. If asked to overwrite anything when copying modded files into your data folder, you always need to do so and also merge the files together. I did a manual install and it was much easier to understand than FOMM. FOMM is great for managing everything once you already have it organized, so you should try to re-copy your files and make sure you merge and overwrite if need be.
  17. You should copy all of your mods to a backup folder, delete them from your Steam folder, and then reinstall NV. I had the same problem and this solved it. Copy your mods one by one and make sure they work about two or three at a time with NV and FOMM.
  18. My load order has been working perfectly for entering and exiting buildings, loading screens, custom quests, combat, and the like EXCEPT that I am unable to enter the Prospector's Saloon in Goodsprings. I get CTD every time. Here is my load order: (If you can help me with the issue please reply) [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] rePopulated Wasteland.esm [X] WARZONES - Misanthropy Pure.esm [X] ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm [X] ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm [X] New Vegas Redesigned.esm [X] FOOK - New Vegas.esm [ ] FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm [X] More Perks.esm [X] More Perks for Companions.esm [X] More Traits.esm [X] Tales from the Burning Sands.esm [X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm [X] EVE-900.esm [X] dangame.esm [X] decwithreg.esm [X] enclavebunker.esm [X] War Never Changes.esm [X] Lings.esm [X] iHUD.esm [X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esm [X] Project Nevada - Core.esm [X] Community Bugfix Compilation Patch.esm [ ] NVR-Version_9.esp [X] Community Bugfix Compilation Patch.esp [X] CONELRAD 640-1240.esp [X] Existence2.0.esp [X] Distant Gunfire Sound Fix V2.1 - Machienzo.esp [X] GoodspringsPlayerHome.esp [X] NV Interiors - El Ray Motel.esp [X] NV Interiors - West Vegas Fringe.esp [X] NV Interiors - Cottonwood Cove.esp [X] Lore version.esp [X] Silus (Vcat request).esp [X] Raul Concept art (looloo request).esp [X] Red Lucy Aesthetics (Knobody13 request).esp [X] Red Lucy cold personality version.esp [X] Better Binoculars Max.esp [X] TGsArmorCollectionVegas.esp [X] RCSS.esp [X] Advanced Recon Armor.esp [X] Advanced Recon Armor-Location Doc Mitchell.esp [X] The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp [X] Goodsprings Filler.esp [X] Fallout Heroes.esp [X] Bobblehunt.esp [X] Bobblehunt - Cap Bonuses.esp [X] Identity Crisis Part I - Silent Struggle V2.esp [X] Identity Crisis Part 2 - Long Night.esp [X] War Never Changes.esp [X] War Never Changes - Seven.esp [X] NewVegasBounties.esp [X] NewVegasBountiesII.esp [X] FOOK - New Vegas.esp [X] FOOK - Lings.esp [ ] CFWNV-FOOK.esp [ ] FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp [X] More Perks Update.esp [X] More Perks for Companions Update.esp [X] More Traits Update.esp [X] BoostedSkills.esp [X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [X] BluesRadioNV.esp [X] SarahConner.esp [X] SunnyCompanion.esp [X] NVC_Misty.esp [X] Arwen_Camera.esp [X] LFox Bottle That Water.esp [X] Max Followers 12.esp [X] NekhCFinderFix.esp [X] Followers-NCR Alliance Fix.esp [X] Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp [X] headgearfix.esp [X] TravelingMerchantFix.esp [X] Raul Ranger Andy fix.esp [X] PerkEveryLevel.esp [X] Max Level 100.esp [X] Continue After End.esp [X] ELECTRO-CITY - Inventory Sorters Compatibility Patch - ElectroCityCATEYEvalue.esp [X] NVR_rePopulated Wasteland_Patch.esp [ ] NVR_ELECTRO-CITY_Patch.esp [X] Tailor Maid - NV.esp [X] Realistic_Repair_NV.esp [X] OperationFixedTerrain.esp [X] pnv.esp [X] PNVRCSScompatibility.esp [X] dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp [X] dD-Smaller Wounds.esp [X] dD-Reduced Ragdoll Force.esp [X] dD-Reduced Dismember Force.esp [X] dD-Smaller Spatters Default.esp [X] dD-Smaller Spatters Realistic.esp [ ] Weapon Mod Expansion.esp [X] WME - FOOK.esp [ ] WME - Named & Sorted.esp [X] WME - Ironsights.esp [X] CustomLighting II.esp [ ] Nevada Skies.esp [X] Nevada Skies - URWLified.esp [X] Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp [X] DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp [X] ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp
  19. I'd be glad to help with Graffiti when the time comes. If you need something quick in the meantime just go to that Graffiti Creator, save the image as a brush, and there you go. Easy graffiti textures.
  20. To all of you who have both played Fallout 3 and viewed the godly movie Book of Eli, you know that some of the similarities are uncanny. So...why not bring the elements of Eli into FO3? My proposal is to create something along the lines of the movie within the worldspace. Yes, I know that is difficult. However, there are some simple ways to achieve the effect. 1. Begin a quest with the Brotherhood (or religious organization within the Wasteland) coming across information of a possible Bible in a location of choosing, anywhere works to be honest. Than, as the player reaches the location, drop a nuke. Screen goes white. You wakeup in a sort of island that is made of the worldspace. 2. Create a road in the wasteland itself, and set it up so that the player following the road will come across all of the locations in the movie (there aren't many, four key ones at most). The ending to the movie would be difficult to portray, but I think it can be done. I'd like to make this a real project and will take all help and suggestions. I know these things are more legitimate when the one with the idea initiates the work, so I'll make it happen as soon as I can. I can do modeling and texturing.
  21. I've had the same problem, although you should probably explain better...and more legitimacy. It eventually led to my game not being able to load...I've reinstalled every mod AND Fallout. So I'm pretty *banned*. Try waiting 9 days so that all of the cells reset, preferably in a place that has NO NPC's (Megaton house works pretty well).
  22. Looks like you got pretty f**cked here...only things I can think of that you haven't done are: - Making a backup of the Saves folder, copying everything to that, making a new copy of your last save and deleting the old one, and than move that copy folder into your destination folder. - Validating your copy. - Checking ArchiveInvalidation (if needed). - Checking updates for the game in comparison to your mods (if needed). - If you have time, fast travel to ANY other location. Just as soon as you load the game go somewhere else. The same thing happened to me at Dukov's Place, whereas I would walk to the area just South in that small raider camp, and the game would immediately crash on me. I think it's some weird thing with the navmesh structure where it overlaps at certain triggers...if you don't get anything else I would highly recommend giving the problem over to Bethesda. They usually respond within 3 days.
  23. You could probably delete the Beta. I would try that first, if you get any complications than just go back and keep both. But I'd assume you can't keep the older version with the newer version...conflicts too easily.
  24. I think you can run a check that Validates all of the code in your game...I know it's extremely easy for the Steam version, you should check if there is a way to do that on the disk. Also, check what value your ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated is set to.
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