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  1. Yeah that's odd. It may have something to do with Facegen textures: Export NPC Face Textures - GECK (geckwiki.com) You might try setting bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1 in your fallout.ini before going through all the trouble of exporting facegen textures though.
  2. Make sure the box on the NPC 'Can be all races' is ticked. You may need to start a new game to test this afterward because I've found this setting to be baked in the save. Make sure you are running the function on the REFiD: MyNPCREF.Matchrace PlayerThis is the the way Dad's race is matched to the player in FO3, so you're on the right track.
  3. You might ask here: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/58277 You could try this syntax: SetEventHandler "OnCrosshairOn" "first"::vMOLacey AScriptor SetEventHandler "OnCrosshairOn" AScript "first"::vMOLaceyhttps://geckwiki.com/index.php?title=SetEventHandler
  4. I'm assuming you made an activator using the static model. On the script for the door, in the 'On Activate' block, Activate another container in the Cell, or a remote cell. Do not activate the door itself. The Footlocker01Empty container works well for remote containers. This is an example of the 'on activate' block of your dlc04shackcabinet01door: BEGIN ONActivate Player MYRemoteContainerREF.Activate Player END
  5. What I do is place an Xmarker in the Geck somewhere, with a RefID. Then when I need it, I move the xmarker to where I need it, wait a couple frames, then do whatever I need with it. When done, I just leave it where it is till I need it again. An Xmarker placed in the Geck is persistent so it will always be available. A spawned xmarker won't be persistent. I think this may be where the CTD are coming from. MyXMarkerREF.MoveTo Ralph ;then wait a couple frames MyXMarkerREF.Playsound3D TSoYou know you can get the same effect by just doing this: Ralph.Playsound3d TSo
  6. In our mod we have a computer named Maria. The computer itself is a Talking Activator with this script on it (simplified here): scn PBrazilPQSQ1MariaScript BEGIN OnActivate SetTalkingActivatorActor PBrazilPQSQ1MariaREF Activate END PBrazilPQSQ1MariaREF is an NPC in another cell. All the dialog has the condition GetIsID on the NPC object. The 'No low level processing' box on the NPC is unchecked. Also, the 'voicetype' in the TA is left as 'NONE' We have four of this type of TA setup.
  7. PlaceAtme is not immediate. So I would skip a few frames. Or loop to check if 'Bob' is valid (not null).
  8. Try putting a script using 'StartConversation' on the NPC. I believe this will bypass those animations, if I recall correctly. http://geck.technodeep.net/index.php/StartConversation scn MyNPCScript BEGIN OnActivate if (GetActionREF == Player) StartConversation Player. GREETING endif END
  9. I would start with changing the line: Begin OnTrigger Playerto Begin OnTriggerEnter Playerthe 'OnTrigger' block type runs every frame that the player is in the trigger. So the part after the 'else' is running every frame. May be a problem if 'enableplayercontrols' runs every frame. 'ONTriggerEnter' block type only runs one frame when entered by the player
  10. Also, on the NPC object, un-tick the box 'no low-level processing' if they need to follow you through portals consistently.
  11. Performing a 'ResetAI' on the actor will also force it to evaluate its speed.
  12. Did you flag the dead NPC object as a quest item so they don't get cleaned up on the cell reset?
  13. I managed to accomplish what I need by using the GetSecondsPassed and adjusting it to the time scale. This worked out better since it doesn't have to run faster for people that use the default timescale of 30, and it's more accurate since the script is not always processed exactly every 5 seconds (the default process time). To help debug the script, I set some stuff to output things to the console and noticed the script processing time would vary by up to 0.1 seconds, which isn't much, but over time would add up to a significant error. The only down side is that more in-game time will pass for people with higher timescales before things update. I can't find the page on the GECK Wiki where it gave an example using fQuestDelayTime, but the link it gave for help on the fQuestDelayTime pointed to the Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki, which says: It appears this is no longer used in the GECK and is replaced by the SetQuestDelay instead. I misread it and thought it was a gamesetting rather than a quest variable. I've never seen that used in FO3 or FNV. I've always used setquestdelay. On this page: https://geck.technodeep.net/index.php/Special_Variables
  14. You should probably leave fQuestDelayTime alone. That set's the default quest delay for every quest in the game.
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