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About lewisja64

  1. Funny, as I do not recall claiming that the sky is falling. Will people move on with their lives...? I would hope so. However, what has happened, happened, and thing will never be the same. Trust was lost on both sides of the fence. Trust is a hard thing to win back, once it is lost. ...and sorry, you will have to understand that I cannot take your word that folks here are not the lynching type. What I've read over the last few days, says otherwise.
  2. It has nothing to do with Clairvoyance. I can read. I can read replies on other sites/forums, on how many people will no longer make mods, and publish them on Nexus. I will not post links to these comments, or mention who they are, as this toxic community has shown their true colors. You will never be able to count, or even understand the amount of casualties, as they are gone, and you will never see them again. You have shown your fourth point of contact, and as this is the internets, nothing ever goes away, it will be there forever. This is nothing against Dark0ne... as unfortunately, they are also one of the casualties.
  3. You do realize that you did not win. You lost. More than you could ever imagine. Very few, if any, will understand what was lost. ...and that you can never ...ever ...get it back. In fact, you do not deserve to get it back.
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