I don't know if it corrupted save or mods problem. I was in Bravil and decided to do "The Forlorn Watchman" quest. I went to the camp where he appear, follow him til he speak to me, when back to Bravil, speak with Gilgondorin and save inside Bravil by the door. Finish the quest when back to Bravil, save and quit. But when I went back to play and load the save file, it CTD or it would just freeze at the loading screen with music playing. I do get CTD in game but that only when I am outside or Oblivion use all the memory on my computer. I loaded the save file where I save inside Bravil before going to the Mouth of the panther and it work but when I try to do the quest again, I still getting the load save file CTD. This is the first time a save file CTD on me. I am 90hrs in and level 29. I'll try to do the other Bravil quest save, quit, and see what happen. If anyone have a solution please help. Edit: After finishing the quest "Caught in the Hunt", I save, quit and reload the save and it work. I haven't try the Forlorn quest but if this is the problem to the save CTD than I don't think I'm doing it.