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  1. As the title said. I was able to caft roll of paper in cooking pot before using ruined books, the book that has a tearing on the right lower corner, but now I can't do it anymore. If anyone use the mod that allow caftable paper can tell me which one does it was maybe I can fix it. Sorry if this suppose to go on technical troubleshoot.
  2. Hello As the title says it. This is my six time starting over fresh trying to find out what cause Skyrim to CTD. Its seen to be at the same place, around The Ritual stone. I try alternate start run to the Ritual stone and as soon as I reach that place Skyrim CTD. Start new game from Helgen, done the quest that meet the greybread, run back to the Ritual stone and same thing happen. If I make it pass the stone as soon as I go over the bridge, CTD. Any helps would be nice, please. Active Mod Files:
  3. Hi. I don't if this is a mods or technical problem but if anyone can help me I would really appreciated. I'm having a some error with the weight in oblivion. Whenever I cast a spell or wear a feather items, my weight doesn't seen to change. My character weight right now is 114/223. When I try wearing a boot that added 25 feather, the weight does not change. I don't know if it a mods or something else. I uninstall the UI, DarNified Ui but it was that. Try resetting race, class, birth sign, wasn't that either. If anyone can help me I would really appreciated. Active Mod Files:
  4. I search google but i don't know what it call so i hope you guy can help. I'm looking for mod that when you or your enemies is getting hit and its display the number of how much the damage is. Not the health display, btw. Edit: Also looking for a mod or a way to make the waiting clock to have more than 24 hours. Edit: The health display is like Borderland, when hitting the enemies it display numbers.
  5. Harvest Flora can reduce fps on low spec computer. I test it out near Bruma when from 40-50 fps without harvest to 30 fps with harvest. I test this out with MMM and FRANS plus other mods. Crowded Road mods, distant buildings, increase spawning, higher texture can reduce fps. Try testing out some of the mods and you will find which one is the fps killer.
  6. Im looking for Wrye Bash Crowded Roads Advanced.csv for well, Crowded Roads Advanced. I forgot to make a back up before deleting everythings in Oblivion data folder. Now I can't seen to find it anywhere. I know I got it from here on Nexus before but i just can't seen find it.
  7. I don't know if it corrupted save or mods problem. I was in Bravil and decided to do "The Forlorn Watchman" quest. I went to the camp where he appear, follow him til he speak to me, when back to Bravil, speak with Gilgondorin and save inside Bravil by the door. Finish the quest when back to Bravil, save and quit. But when I went back to play and load the save file, it CTD or it would just freeze at the loading screen with music playing. I do get CTD in game but that only when I am outside or Oblivion use all the memory on my computer. I loaded the save file where I save inside Bravil before going to the Mouth of the panther and it work but when I try to do the quest again, I still getting the load save file CTD. This is the first time a save file CTD on me. I am 90hrs in and level 29. I'll try to do the other Bravil quest save, quit, and see what happen. If anyone have a solution please help. Edit: After finishing the quest "Caught in the Hunt", I save, quit and reload the save and it work. I haven't try the Forlorn quest but if this is the problem to the save CTD than I don't think I'm doing it.
  8. Maybe it the shaderlist or somethings with OBGE?
  9. Remove MMM - Gem & Gem Dust, Farm animals, Francesco's Dark Seducer Weapons Patch, FCOM ruin. I say TIE too. When I was installing FCOM, I don't even use these. I follow this guide http://www.oblivionmodwiki.com/index.php/FCOM Next time, if using wrye bash, go to mods, right click where it say Files, go down to List Mods, copy and past for better to read.
  10. Is there any other mods that makes the night a little darker? I try Darker Dungeon and Night Mods pack and Original Color Darker Nights but it doesn't seen to work.
  11. Try running it thought BOSS. Remove ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp add ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp and ArmamentariumLLMagicOOO.esp. The author even say in the readme to use these two for FCOM.
  12. Fresh restart and I still getting CTD. I know the main quest is boring but I want to see Oblivion gates. I still can't get pass the lava. I did it before but my computer crash and have to install a new one so I don't remember what I did to make it work. Edit: Never mind I got it fix, somehow.
  13. Before I uninstall and have to reinstall, there was a mod that when firing a fire/frost arrow, it freeze/burn the NPC. Was this mod Mighty Magick Reborn or is there another mods that does this. I have LAEM and Supreme Magicka and they don't seen to do what I said before.
  14. So after playing for a few days with no CTD, I decided to play the main quest. Right after I click to enter the gate, it CTD. I reload my save, enter it again and it finally work. I walk to the right side of the gate next to the lava and it CTD. I try it 5 time by disable MMM, OOO, Fran, FCOM and it still CTD. I don't want to uninstall a mods after trying for long just to get it working right. Any help would be nice. Edit: Never mind got it fix, somehow.
  15. Yes fresh install. Deleted every mods, uninstall, reinstall, update, UOP, everythings and this is what happen. New game, one mod Alternative Start...with enable Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp got this. http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/1415/screenshot0kj.th.png After saving, quiet, go back to main menu, load save and got this http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/4353/screenshot2hx.th.png Disable Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp and no tearing land. Has anyone got this problem or is Oblivion just hate me? Load list.
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