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  1. Would it be easy to implement various armors as default? Like have leather, combat then power armor options when you hire them, each costing a bit more. I do like equipping my guards myself, but might be a nice option to have. About the raiders, theres legion attackers but not ncr. Is it possible to side with one or the other, or house, then have the opposing armys attack? NCR, legion or house robots. Or maybe thats more an idea for the mergeing with rts.
  2. I'm pretty sure the problem with stationary guards is mostly to do with them falling through the floor if you try to put them up towers you built (probably because it has no navmesh). The stable version of the guards work fine on the ground, just not in towers.
  3. A few suggestions: Molerat farm - Can purchase molerats from it which wander around a bit. They could earn you a bit of income but then lose you a lot if you let them die. I think it would be fun trying to keep them alive in a raid, add an extra element to it. Not sure what income it should effect, just so long as theres a penalty for letting them die. Some kind of traning yard where you can increase guards stats or abilitys? Like the regen inplant or better energy weapon skill. Copy of the dinosaur outside novac, could add the interior the same way as the HQ building, but im not sure if the upstairs door could work. Could just have the door take you straight to the sniper point somhow. Stationary robots I guess would suffer from the same problem as the guards,but if you get that fixed...robots would be nice. Extend the distance you can build a bit and add more patrol markers. It would make it easier to get your patrols to avoid walls and buildings. Or a second set of four markers for a patrol route B?
  4. It might be worth also comparing those two to the other version of the completely stationary guards in 'Wasteland Defense v1-7 FULL', to see the changes he made that time in order to promote stability. Sorry I'm little help when it comes to scripting, I can follow some of it, but a lot means nothing to me. I'm guessing we need somone who really knows his scripting to help. I wouldn't know where to start with identifying an element that causes 'higher chance of corrupting save files and crashing'. Since it's only the 1.7 alternate moving guards that we know to be stable, it might be best to stick with these for now and put up with the falling through tower floors issue. I wonder what the difference is between turret and npc behaviour, because turrets tend to stay where you put them.
  5. That sounds great. You could copy the guard system from RTS. You place markers and the guards walk to them and stand there for a while, then move on to the next. Almost like having stationary guards (they stand in position at the markers for longer periods of time than they spend walking to the next post). Maybe have a combination of the wasteland defence patrols and rts guards. At least you'd have ground level stationaryish guards. Not sure how to solve the stationary guards in towers not falling through the floor thing. I recall using markers in tall wooden lookout towers in RTS..this may have been on the fallout3 version. Most of the time it worked fine, but every so often they fell through the floor. Waiting for 1 hour fixed them. I assume this used a similar system to the wasteland defence wandering stationarys. Maybe the navmesh thing might help with that..build a tower out of chain link fences and use the guards that wander a bit? I'm sure you read it but on the main file it says 'Removed stationary guard timers and replaced it with a new distance system (should be more stable)' must be important somhow. Sadly means nothing to me -_-. Neither proved stable, but the solution might be to do with those things.
  6. I had assumed the fences in RTS were the closed door retexture. I don't know though maybe theres somthing about the fences themelves. Other suggestions I had which I'm sure are really complicated and impossible but here goes. Both ideas again taken from RTS mod. The best thing imo was the blueprinting ability. Would there be a way of replicating this and making it use resources or somthing? Also it had a workshop where you could duplicate equipment. Nice for getting all your guards that nice looking armor. Maybe again at a cost of resources.
  7. I would assume they both cause the same bugs. Not sure if taking one out would help. The problem has to be to do with the difference between his previous wandering guards and these.
  8. Maybe different stats for sniper and AR. Concerning the guards walking through walls issue and getting stuck, RTS had similar issues and there seems to be very little you can do to get around it other than very careful placement of structures and the partol markers or going into geck and navmeshing your town. The only possible help I think they found was with doors, they add a navmesh when closed or somthing, so using permanantly closed door that looks like a fence may help. They also mentioned destructable items as having some navmesh mechanism, but I wouldn't know if that helps. I dont think they ever solved the problem. (again, I know little of scripting. this is just what I gathered from reading forums)
  9. I tend to rearm my guards anyway. Is there a difference in behaviour for the two or just thier starting equipment?
  10. Hi all, I don't know much about scripting, but the author mentions the older version of his stationary guards didn't cause a problem, but they paced around a little bit. Maybe you could compare this script to the latest one or modify it slightly to reduce the wandering? Or, I tried to use buildable bots with this mod in order to supply me with the stationary guards, but theres a bug relating to the scavengers. But if i dont use scavengers then i have no problems at all. Maybe theres somthing in the scripting for the wait command in that mod that might help? It probably uses the same as the follower wait command, and after a while they do move a bit due to attacking enemys. Maybe a 'reset stationary guard positions' button would be possible? In regards to new content, in order to add that settlement kind of feel, maybe adding a trough with spawnable brahmen like in realtime settler mod? Perhaps a bar where you could generate settlers to wander around randomly? These spawns could generate extra resources or somthing but cause a penalty if they die. I realise these ideas could cause many problems, but it might make defending a little more interesting. I'd also like to suggest an increased radius for building things. It is a great mod and I wish you all the best with improving it.
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