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Everything posted by noiro

  1. Yeah. Seems to be an Old World Radio issue (may effect other custom stations, I only verified it doesn't manifist with Vanilla Diamond City Radio). When a station transitions from song to announcer (not announcer to song) it momentarily spawns a cat we are talking 2-3 seconds at most. Now since at least from the last update OWR stations are continuiously running you may at times get multiple cats spawned at once. Now if you have alot of them running...you have the potential for lots of cats (but that is unlikely, like stars aligning once a millenia unlikely). If I had to guess it's necessary for the operation of the mod, since it's mostly benign I am just goind to say...they were'nt my imagination and go on with my life. Mostly this is for anyone else who couldn't find anyone else that noticed this and felt all alone in the universe...then again I may not be real and you would still be! Worst part of finding this is now I have no reason not to go back to the new game I started.
  2. Found it. Or at least narrowed it down. It's related in someway to Old World Radio (not sure if its station specific or a general issue with all of those mods). I am going to try to narrow it down more as it may be a weird issue on my end. I just don't understand why no one else sees them. But yeah, I was just being lazy and didn't want to go through Vault 111 a 4th time today. Having trouble getting motivated to start a new game.
  3. I have had an issue for more than 3 months where there is a cat in vats. Originally I thought it was an issue with Savegame corruption (Game is level 100+ and has been around since just prior to Automatron release. I have started a new game (Latest Patch and all DLCs) and it's still happening (most recent restart had 2 cats at one time.) The cat isn't permanent, he's only there for a short time and then disapeers (like phasing in then out for sometimes a minute, sometimes for more (or I just don't notice them). There is no method to the madness or constants (that I have found) other then the cat will return at some point. Chief Symptom is being detected (still Green) while hidden and no one around. If I hit VATS multiple times and I am quick enough I can site the cat with VATS. If left alone the Cat will disapear within 5-10 seconds (longer if you keep in VATS). Cat can be attacked and sometimes killed (I think you may get 1-2 hits before it goes unattackable and remaining attacks will miss). Will always come back though. Its ID Changes if you kill it or multiple spawn it. I can't figure load order because its sometimes 00xxxxxxxx and other times its FFxxxxxxxx. Google doesn't seem to be a help The reality of the problem is, even though its invisiable, it is solid. It's like a speed bump (If I am moving forward or backward or strafing it will block me) in combat it can be a major pain if its in my way or pulls VATS focus from things trying to kill me. I think it also might cause aggro (it aggros mobs which get chained to aggro me). My main suspects (and let me stress that I have no proof any of these are responsible) for what is causing it is Armorsmith Extended, Old World Radio and More Where that came from, Unofficial Patch, CBBE or maybee one of Elinora's armor mods. Those are my only consistants throughout my testing. I really don't want to do a clean install if I don't have to (I have a fear of the cats still being there after an ardous process and being on the news the next day). I strongly guess that it is a vanilla issue...or I have finally gone slightly more insane (no big). So my question is...does anyone else see these cats and if so do you know the cause? Thanks!
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