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Everything posted by JetSteele

  1. ​Erudite - Study Magic ​Version: 2.00 Authored By: JetSteele Required: SSE v1. Do you find it strange that you can open a book and automatically know how to cast a spell? This mod overhauls how magic is learned within the world of Skyrim. Instead of opening a book once and automatically knowing a spell you must now bring the spell tome to a qualified mage and have them teach you how the spell works... Don't forget the tome! HOW TO LEARN SPELLS ​​- Instructor Skill Level: This is very important as not just any mage found within the world has the ability to teach spells. A mage of Adept aptitude cannot teach spells of the Expert or Master levels as those spells exceed his own progress level. - Instructor Proficiency: Another important characteristic for an instructor, if the mage that is teaching the player a spell is an Alteration mage then he won't be able to teach Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, or Restoration magic as those schools aren't the ones that he/she mastered. - Dragonborn Proficiency: The player must also be proficient in the school of magic to learn a spell from that school. As an example the player must have the Destruction Adept Perk to be allowed to learn Destruction Adept Spells; without that perk the option for those spells won't appear on the menu. - Instructor Payment: The player must pay the instructor to teach the spell in question, the more advanced a spell is the more Gold you would need to pay to gain the instruction necessary to cast the spell; the price can range from 20 Gold all the way to a little over 1000 Gold per spell. - The Spell Tome: This should go without saying but...BRING THE TOME TO THE INSTRUCTOR. If you want to learn a spell you should bring the book detailing how to cast the spell with you otherwise its like going to class without your textbook... you won't learn much. The goal of this mod is to overhaul the magic system and make learning magic a much more immersive experience from a role-playing perspective.
  2. @DanielHodge: Hey! I'd love for you to voice Mora in the story. Right now I'm working on 2 mods simultaneously (this one and 'Erudite - Study Magic') so once I'm ready to record Mora (and have his lines set in stone) I'll PM you about it.
  3. Version 2 of Beta1 has just launched! This update completely flushes out the lore that I've established for the angelic rituals as well as fixes some general bugs that I found. It also fixes many of the grammatical inconsistencies in the Beta1 version. The next update which will be Beta2 will have ingredients added to the ascension rituals as well as 2 boss battles added, also more quests will be added to completely flush out the storyline. At the same time I will; maybe; be introducing the Nephilim lore into Beta2...however that most probably will either go into Beta3 or Beta4 depending on when I decide to bring the Angelic Forces into the mod. For those that played with the original Nephilim mod you will now be getting a new perception on what happened to the Nephilim all those years ago... That is all I'll say for now on that as I don't want to give too much away on what it'll be like. Also I've updated the Annexed description to also show what all the powers/abilities you could possibly gain are (also detailed within the Readme file). Also once the mod exits Beta and the full release of Annexed v2.00 is live I will also release a walkthrough guide inside the FOMOD for download for those that want a complete account on questing in the Nephilim port. Note that any questlines I add to the mod will have a walkthrough guide attached to it as an optional download in the FOMOD, this though will be worked on after I complete the Nephilim port and before I work on the next mod port. Finally, because the Supernatural mod (I made it quite a long time ago and its no longer available for download) was used to create the custom werewolf transformation in Nephilim that mod may be ported to Annexed in the middle of the Nephilim port (simultaneously). Also the SE port of Supernatural will not have the issue that the original mod had with the skill tree (not being able to load it up) however I am getting ahead of myself...first things first is working on getting Beta2 of v2.00 out. That is all the info I've got for you guys at the moment, Enjoy the update!
  4. It's been a while so lets jump into it, The bad news is that my PC's software broke and needed to be reset back to factory settings which means I lost the progress I made for Beta2 of the release. Good news is that I'm almost back to where I was progress wise for the Beta2 release. At the moment I'm debating if I should release an intermediary update to fix all the lore inconsistencies that I've fixed, however I may put that update in with the Beta2 content. The key is the Arch-Mage key, I'm thinking about making it a custom key however in Beta1 it's that one. In time I may, its been something that I've been debating if I should. The reconstruction of the mod was an idea I came up with because of SSE (without the remaster I wouldn't have thought to remaster/remake the mod). I'm not sure if I'm going to back-port the mod to regular Skyrim as of now.
  5. erickbs Question 1: Sorry I want it to be a decision that matters, I don't want to make it so the player can flip flop with this decision because it is a big one. So I won't be making a way for the player to get all the class powers. erickbs Question 2: In Beta1 you won't need to do anything big to go through the ritual process (only collect Grace Fragments), so it won't matter. In Beta2 I will be adding in ritual requirements such as to become a Grigori you'll need Alduin's Heart and so on. So for something like that you'll need to go to Sovngarde, if you plan on playing with Beta1 I suggest keep a save from just before you go to Sovngarde for the first time so when Beta2 comes out you won't need a clean save to play the mod.
  6. TheLordofNyrin Question: The third ascension will give you access to completely new powers. You'll only have access to the class specific abilities that you chose; you won't be able to get, say a Girgori power as a Seraphim. Whichever class you pick to play as, you'll be locked into that decision for the whole play-through.
  7. >> Reaper Class Completed ​Just a small update for you guys, the Reaper class is officially completed. The 3 powers that are specific to this class are: - Chronokinesis: Bring time to a complete standstill which will allow you to kill enemies, walk past people without them suspecting anything, pickpocket people or steal items without anyone being the wiser...you won't get caught for anything you do when time is frozen. - Resurrection: Resurrect any person (you will never get a too powerful to be resurrected message no matter what). - Supernatural Perception: A Detect Life ability which only turns off when you decide and will track enemies who are alive and who've died in real time. >> Beta1 ​As I've mentioned in a previous post, I will be releasing the mod in segments (though fully functional and with a lot of testing already done, reason I'm calling it a Beta is because not all features will be implemented in Day 1) and the first Beta release is almost ready to go live. What remains to be completed: - 3 Seraphim Powers - 3 Grigori Powers - 3 Angelos Powers After these last 9 powers are created I will be doing some last minute testing and then Beta1 will be ready for release. We're in the home stretch now before this mod goes live, I just want to thank everyone for being patient while waiting for the mod to be completed. Read Previous Post For Info On Release Schedule (What Features Will Be In Each Beta)
  8. >>Secondary Ascension Class System ​As some who've been following this thread know, there will be 3 Ascensions throughout the mod. The Primary and Tertiary ones are singular meaning that they just unlock new abilities that the player can purchase, the secondary ritual however is the most important one as it will dictate what kind of an angel the player will evolve as and before someone asks it is a ONE time decision which means that you CANNOT change your mind mid-play through. Here is the finalized listing: - Reaper: They are naturals at surviving within the shadows, the excel at stealth and eradicating their opponents in a stealthy manner. They are also natural trackers that can sense their targets for quite a distance, just their title alone strikes fear into the hearts of supernaturals around them. - Seraphim: They are the most feared out of all the angelic ranks as they are masters of holy magic. They utilize their powers to cast out Daedric influence from Nirn as well as to heal and keep those who stay away from Daedra safe. They are a true force of nature. - Girgori: They are the most volatile out of all their angelic brethren. They've been brought to life out of the amalgamation between a Draconic soul and Angelic grace, they aren't the strongest of Angels however their hybrid nature makes them one of the most difficult species to predict. To ascend a second time the player will need 50 Grace Fragments and to ascend a third time the player will require to have 100 Grace Fragments on them. The powers themselves will cost less and will vary depending on what the ability does. >>Release Schedule ​Its time in the development process to discuss how I'll be releasing the mod, the mod itself isn't 100% completed as of yet. I have the ascension rituals to finish testing, the death/resurrection aspect to build, the angelic forces coming after the player to build and a boss battle for the storyline to create. HOWEVER, because people have been so patient with this project I've decided to release the mod in 4 chunks: 1- Framework, Powers, Cell Layouts and everything fully functioning to play as the 'race'. 2- Death/Resurrection added 3- Boss Battle for quest line 4- Angelic Forces added Which means that I'll release it as a Beta build and work on finishing off polishing off the mod as I go, for those that want to wait for the complete build they can do so and for those that would like to get a sort of 'early access' to the mod they can do so also. NOTE: That I'll only release the beta version on the PC (Nexus) and those that have been wanting Nephilim on Xbox will need to wait a little longer until I get all the features into the project (on the plus side it'll mean that if any bugs are found you won't have to deal with them on your console since they'll already be polished out). Reason I'm mentioning Xbox is because I've been getting messages about it and Yes it will also come to you guys when its ready.
  9. Ritual Site Teaser Well progress has been made...layouts for cells has been established as well as some foundations are in place such as a labyrinth to get to Alicante Valley which is where the ritual site is located and where the ascensions will happen. I won't require the player to travel to Sovngarde to become a Daemon and the primary ascension will no longer require the completion of the main quest. Rather you only need to complete the mages guild quest line, however the later ascensions (specifically the 3rd one) will require you to obtain a specific artifact from Sovngarde and therefore you will gain access to travel there at will at that point. The Grigori variant WILL require you to beat the main quest line however the other Angelos variants will not have that requirement. There isn't much info to release at this time as much of the things developed are backend functions. I'll release more info on progress once more of the front end content is completed.
  10. People always say to think outside of the box...but why allow yourself to be put inside of a box in the first place? It shouldn't even be there...GET RID OF YOUR BOX!
  11. The mod that I was talking about which will act as my all-in-one port was released and is called Annexed. As of the time of this post only Adamantium and Magnus' Enchanter are ported to SSE. As for answering the questions you guys have about powers here we go... So the base 'race' will have 5 abilities from the Nephilim mod: - Holy Light - Angelic Strength - Resist Disease - Waterbreathing - Resist Poison After you ascend and claimed all these abilities you'll be prompted to ascend further into an angelic class which I'm still thinking up how I should name each. There will be 3 classes and each class will offer 3 other abilities that you can get (however you will be restricted to your class abilities that you pick you won't be able to get another classes abilities if you aren't in that angelic class, and this is a one time choice that you'll stick with). These abilities aren't fully completed yet so I'm not going to say what they are for now. The 3 class abilities will only be available in the transformed state though after you unlock the abilities through ascension (before this point there is no transformation for the player; therefore a transformation is acquired after they make the class jump). - Shadowhunter: Naturals at tracking enemy movement and striking from the shadows. - Seraphim: Masters of holy magic. They are the most feared out of all angelic ranks. - Grigori: A hybrid classification mixing angelic blood with your dragon spirit, this creates a new breed that is considered destruction incarnate. Right now these are the 3 placeholders that I've gotten for the angelic classes, and after you've ascended and mastered your class you'll have the opportunity to take control of the angelic forces that was hunting you after you become a Daemon. So here is how it works in simplest terms: - Angels have their grace. - Nephilim have a spark of grace that they got from the angelic union, though they aren't as strong as Angels. - Seraphim are considered Angels however when they fell to Tamriel they are considered Demons by the mortals. However Seraphim are so powerful that even after they fell they still retained their abilities (not to be confused with Fallen Angels) - The player will try to gain a Spark of Grace however because of being a mortal they will only get a Sliver of Grace and turn into a Daemon instead (not to be confused with Demon as they will be 2 separate entities) - Through Ascension the player will be allowed to increase their Sliver of Grace into a Spark of Grace and eventually ascend into Angelhood through the class system. - Eventually after the player has ascended to the max their Spark of Grace will fully transform into Grace and they will be considered fully Angelic, however since they weren't born into power but rather they acquired it through time and perseverance they will be considered the most powerful angel of all time (the player will be one of the only Angels that will have a mind of their own instead of being a follower they will be a leader). - After the player fully ascends and get their Grace they will have the opportunity to stop the Angels from coming after him/her by taking over as leader. Now here is the final clincher, ONLY a Daemon can become a hybrid daemon/vampire or a daemon/werewolf. If you decide to ascend further then you're blood will purify the anomaly from you and free you from that curse. So going further than a Daemon will mean that you have to be ONLY an angelic character. I have a framework that I started making in the regular Skyrim CK but now I'm going to begin porting that to SSE in the next couple of days. When the mod is ready for release I will be releasing it under the 'Annexed' mod as an update and you'll be able to start this part of the mod by reading a journal found inside of Gleyma Maeshowe.
  12. If the mod is esp based then no; SE mods are not backwards compatible with regular Skyrim.
  13. Hey guys so here is an update on what is going on. I decided to port one of my smaller mods to SSE as a first attempt to get a grip on the whole process. It's taking longer than it should since I'm also optimizing the mod as I go along instead of just porting to SSE. The mod itself is almost completed and ready for release (it also acts as a framework for my other mods), once that one is finished I will begin porting over the mod that this development thread is about. I've also decided to put ALL my regular Skyrim mods under one mod for SSE. However not all mods will be activated at once, inside of a new location I'm building there will be journals that contain information about each mod and reading one of them will launch the specific mod that you read about. Now some mods will be altered from what they used to be, as an example the Adamantium mod that is hidden at the moment won't be ported over with the Adamantium claws. Those claws were made by Anton and even though I have permission for the base Skyrim I'm treating SSE as a new game so I'd need to get permission to use those claws in the new mod. However I made the bone claws myself so those ones will be in the new mod pack. Since SSE is unprecedented territory I feel it is safer to operate under the assumption that unless asset use is open permission then you'll need to regain permission to use them in the new game. The mods won't release all in one go, each mod will release one at a time though it will be under the same mod. Which means that some updates will be bigger than others. That being said the first mod I am porting for the pack will be Adamantium (again with only my own created assets) and next up will be the new Nephilim mod. Note that ALL mods will be optimized and ported to SSE including the ones that were hidden or removed from regular Skyrim: - Adamantium - Daywalker (will work similarly to the new Nephilim concept and not be an actual race to pick) - Magnus' Enchanter - Nephilim (new concept discussed in this thread) - Supernatural ***Adamantium and Magnus' Enchanter will be in the primary release and the next mod implemented will be Nephilim. Supernatural will be next followed by Daywalker.*** Sorry that this is more of a general update instead of a mod specific update but I felt that people should know how I plan on porting my mods over to SSE since its a question that's been coming up and since it does concern the new Nephilim mod as well I felt like this info should be posted here.
  14. Sometime after the games release and it'll probably be under steam's tool tab. I don't think it will be there. If its anything like the Fallout 4 release then you'll be getting the CK through the Bethesda Launcher which you can download at Bethesda.net when it goes live.
  15. An end-user won't be able to upload work that isn't theirs to the new nexus page (as is the rule with all other games). A BSA contains content created by the MA (or content the MA got permission to use) so uploading that without permission from the original creator/s is against the Nexus TOS. The only person/people that can upload the mod to the SE page is the original creator/s or someone with permission from the original author/s to do so if they don't have the time/desire to do it themselves. In short, no. An end user can't upload content that isn't theirs to share (unless stated otherwise in the permissions of the mod in question or permission was granted by the original MA/s). I recommend brushing up on the Nexus TOS since everything is outlined there extremely clearly, it'll help clear up your confusion on what you can and can't do.
  16. It's been a while since I posted anything so I figured why not give something as a sneak peak...so here is an except for a book that was made for the mod. Except from 'Dossier: Aengelic Legends'. TheLordofNyrin Answered. erickbs Answered.
  17. Progress Report. >> Questline ​The basic quest logic has been set up, meaning that the framework to become a Daemon has just been completed. There are a total of 5 quests (9 if you count each seal as a separate quest) for the main storyline. The whole questline will be a figure stuff out on your own type of deal, there will be zero handholding done. The 3rd and 4th quests are the biggest ones since they deal with finding the Aengelic Archives and breaking the Seals. So here is the breakdown for the quests: Daemon- Find information about the Nephilim myth. This quest is mostly a discover things out on your own type of deal, you'll find 2 notes on your own and have to put the clues together to find the Nephilim journal. The notes will be something that you will have to keep an eye out for. Veiled Knowledge- Meeting a Wight. Someone will enter your dreams and speak about stuff that you have zero idea about then he'll leave. The Lost Archives- Find the Aengelic Archives. You'll need to find the Archives and then find what the 'Primary Ascension' is. The Primary Ascension- Break the Seals. Break the seals and begin the 'Primary Ascension' ritual. - Seal of Magicks: Broken with the Staff of Magnus. - Seal of the Devourer: Broken with the Heart of Alduin. - Seal of the Profane Ephemeral: Broken with the Wooden Mask and the Ashes of the Immortal. - Seal of Change: Broken with the Eye of Padomay. The Mortal Cup- Boss Battle. You'll have to fight the guardian of the Mortal Cup and later drink from the cup to become a Daemon. Finding the Archives and Breaking the Seals will be the big part of the questline, so how will you do it? The Wight that you meet in your dreams will leave you with a cryptex of sorts and as the player you will need to decode the location of each item yourselves...think old school detective games (Nancy Drew as an example). >>Other Info ​With the general framework all in place I'll be turning my attention to creating the cryptex and the puzzles for the questline. After I finish this part of the mod off, the quest portion of the mod will be completed. Afterwards I'll have the death quest portion of the mod, the demon trials and more powers to create. At this point in time the mod is about 65% completed. However I am not planning on releasing the mod as soon as its ready, if its complete before SSE releases then I will hold off the release of the mod until then because I want to release both the regular version and the SSE version at the same time (and because I won't be able to port the mod to SSE until the game releases, the mod for regular Skyrim at the minimum won't release until SSE launches). Just to give you guys a rough timeframe, I'll know a more set release date closer to completion (I'd rather release later with few-to-no bugs than push it out faster and the mod is buggy as all hell).
  18. Yes, it will be easy to drop one and pick up the other like in the Nephilim mod after its unlocked (In Nephilim you can switch with those alters, it'll be a similar concept in the new mod). You'll be able to do it as often as you want. Yeah, the vanilla code would be horrendous to work with for a complete ww/vamp hybrid. I've got my own ww system in place in Nephilim where you can control the shift which makes the form completely timeless (you can stay as a ww as long as you want) and its shout controlled to transform back into a human (so no pop up menus to revert to human form, its all seamlessly integrated in the game so it doesn't pull you out of the action), I'll be porting that system over to the new mod. Vampirism will be in a similar playing field I'll be making a custom vampirism system that operates off of a blood system. Human/Mer blood will make them stronger while animal blood will make them weaker. And probably some sort of aging system where your vamp becomes stronger with age (still undecided on this one). As for compatibility between vamp and werewolf mods I'll make sure its a non-issue by using GetFormFromFile()...so if an overhaul is installed it will still play its functions on the custom forms, I'll be also trying to make the hybrid forms seem attractive to use by offering something extra besides what the vanilla system offers.
  19. No, it would throw off the balance of the 'race' that I'm making. You can be a hybrid, yes (Werewolf/Daemon or Vampire/Daemon). But you cannot be both at the same time (Werewolf/Vampire/Daemon).
  20. Progress Report. >>General Info ​The mod is coming along nicely, the cell to worldspace conversion is complete meaning everything that existed inside of the Aengelic Archives cell has been moved into the worldspace instead. Also the artifacts needed to break the Seals to activate the 'Orb of Anu' have also been placed into Skyrim. >>Artifact Scattering ​I've thought of scattering the artifacts across Skyrim but felt like that would be considered too treasure hunt like for my tastes. So here is how the Artifacts are acquired. - Anuic Tome: Esoteric Entities. This book is located at the First Immortal's corpse, I won't give away the corpses location. However the book itself cannot be picked up until you are found worthy (just like the Excalibur legend). The book will remain inside of the Immortal's hand until you get the 'Enochian Sigil' magic effect from Sylas Vitellus (an NPC from this mod, he'll meet you early on in the second quest), after you have this sigil you'll be able to pick up the book. - Heart of Alduin. Obviously you'll need to kill Alduin in the main quest to be able to get this artifact. - Staff of Magnus. Gotten in the Mages Guild questline. - Ashes of the First Immortal. Gotten off the corpse of the First Immortal after the first quest of the mod is started. - Wooden Mask. Gotten in the regular Skyrim location. - Eye of Padomay. Gotten by carving the eye out of the First Immortal's Corpse, but to do so a special dagger must be acquired beforehand. Before you ask the question 'If he's Immortal how did he die?', he didn't is the short answer. The long one is that when he became immortal he shed his mortal body and that transition gave him a new body while his mortal one calcified (explained by Sylas in the mod in further detail). A lot of this other stuff will be explained throughout the mod like 'what is the Eye of Padomay exactly?' and so on. As to why he left behind the artifacts and didn't take them with him...he's been looking for a successor to take up his mantle, can you figure out who that is? For me personally it made sense to leave the artifacts with the Immortal's corpse from a story perspective. In short 3 of the artifacts are located on the Immortal's corpse while 3 of them need to be found throughout the game. However for 2 of the artifacts found on the Immortal's corpse you'll need other prerequisites to be able to acquire them: - 'Enochian Sigil' Magic Effect - A Special Dagger (still thinking up a name for it) >>Quest ​I am continuing the main quest line creation at the moment, I'm at creating the Sylas Vitellus NPC. After this I will be at the quests that track the ritual objects and then doing the ritual itself which will complete the main quest line. Afterwards there will be a side story where you can become immortal yourself through a secondary ritual (for the death quest), and then I will need to develop the 'Demon Trials' for turning the player into a hybrid. All these will be optional quests and not necessary to complete. As a side note: after you finish the main quest from time to time you'll be hunted by both Angels (who want to kill you...at least until you overpower their leadership with ascension which I'll release info about at a later date) and Hermaeus Mora cultists (which are always going to be after you since Mora will always be hunting for Aengelic knowledge). From a story prospective; why Mora never gains that knowledge is because of the 'Enochian Sigil'. It protects Angelic knowledge that the holder possesses from being stolen by Mora or from being divulged to another...Think of it as a safeguard that shields the knowledge from the unworthy. That's it. See you guys in another post when I'm ready to release more info on the mod. If you guys got questions about the mod that isn't too 'spoiler-ish' for the storyline (since I'm not going to release specifics about the story right now) or just a general question about the mod itself then I'm all ears!
  21. Small update for you guys. >>Cell to Worldspace Conversion I've decided to convert the 'Aengelic Archives' from a cell into a worldspace. It doesn't mean that it will be anything expansive, just that it changes the dynamic for creating the library and how it operates in the game. The Archives will feel similar to Apocrypha (since that worldspace has a knowledge theme it makes it perfect for the Archives design). The big thing that is changing is that now you will be able to access the Archives from where ever you are. At the moment I am in the middle of relocating the ritual site from the cell into the center of the worldspace. The 'Aengelic Archives' will serve as a hub world of sorts, you'll have access to Sovngarde from there (which will only unlock after the player defeats Alduin) as well as access to the Demon Trials (which will be a set of tests the player needs to pass to become either a Vampire/Nephilim or a Werewolf/Nephilim). >>Questline From a story perspective this means that you will be able to become a Daemon whenever you choose after you beat the main storyline. It won't be a ritual that needs to be completed right when you defeat Alduin, you can return to Tamriel and then go to the Archives to do the ritual later. >>Story So Far... The questline begins in 1 of 3 locations: - Helgen Keep by reading a report that the Torturer wrote - Delphine's Secret Room by reading a report that a scout left for her detailing a madman's visit to Helgen - Finding Septimus' Journal inside of a lockbox in his Outpost The player will then acquire knowledge from 'a friend' that visits the player in his dreams (will be playable) which sets off the real quest about becoming a Daemon. The twist being that the Archive location is unknown, there will be a book (like a black book) that will act as the gateway to the Archives. However this book is protected by Aengelic Charms and Wards...it won't be easy to get to let alone actually discover its location. I don't want to give away too many details but all I'm going to say is besides the Archives worldspace the questline won't only take place in Skyrim...some of it will take place inside of the player's own mind through 'Vision Quests'. >>Last Bit of Info Both Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required to play the new mod.
  22. Yes I did, I took notes of your suggestions. The Nephilim mod is remaining untouched. Therefore if you want to play as a holy character you can still do so, the new mod that I'm developing is taking the original mod concepts from its earliest days and merging it with everything I learned afterwards while expanding upon the lore of the Nephilim mod. In many ways you can consider this new mod as a complete expansion and overhaul of 'The Mortal Cup' add-on for the Nephilim mod...however instead of naming the new species Gibborim and having them be 25% Nephilim, they are created using the power of 'Anu' and are called Daemons. Their power source will still be angelic in nature however they won't be as close to Angels as the Nephilim from the original mod are because of the missing 'Spark of Grace'. Also 'TheLordofNyrin' lore suggestions are really interesting and I'll be looking on merging them with the regular Nephilim lore and making it make sense. Will you like the new mod's direction? I don't know, it'll be something that's based off the original Nephilim mod however it will take into account a new perception (or rather one that I didn't expand upon) of the race. The Daemons in the new mod will be darker toned than the Nephilim from the original mod...it is a tonal shift for the mod. However your comparing Nephilim (children born of Angels) to Daemons (created by man/mer tinkering with angelic artifacts that they have no true knowledge of). They are at their core 2 separate beings even though they are created by a similar force (all this lore stuff will be extensively explained in the new mod itself). If you don't like the tone of the new mod (you don't consider it holy enough for your character) your not forced to use it as the Nephilim mod will remain available for anyone to download and play with. The Nephilim mod and the new mod I'm making won't overwrite each other, they will be 2 separate ESP files.
  23. If I do end up editing the worldspace I wouldn't break a mountain and expand outwords, the worldspace that was created itself is empty containing only Shor's Hall. I'd edit the space by adding locations to it to make it have more purpose and to give it more life. As for a map itself, they are easy to make once you know what to do. For the Angel hunting mechanics, once I build it I'm going to give more info on it. First need to see what's possible and what isn't in the Skyrim engine.
  24. There will be an expansion built into Sovngarde that would consist of cells, the worldspace itself I'm still debating on how much to expand upon it since their are some mods that edit the space but since there isn't any big overhaul types for Sovngarde that I know of I might use the worldspace for the mod...still deciding on that aspect. If I do expand upon Sovngarde enough I may even make a world map for the area...though that is undecided as of yet so we will see how things progress and go from there. You guessed correctly, there will be consequences to using your powers. The bigger powers will have Angels tracking you faster while the smaller abilities will be harder to track. After the Angels have tracked you down they will attack you to try to take you out which is where the risk element of utilizing Angelic Powers will come into play. The lore elements of the original Nephilim mod will transfer into a more practical setup for the new mod (the Angels tracking you is just one example of this). The lore is also expanded upon since I'm introducing Daemons into the mix now.
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