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About blacky777

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  1. As above, when at low health the screen pulses with a blurring effect, several existing mods remove this successfully. However there is also a filter/effect that distorts audio, nearly muting the world. There is also an ambient noise like in Skyrim (removed in that game by this mod) Here's an example; https://imgur.com/a/xI223h8 (unmute the video) Would anyone know how to remove this? EDIT: I posted this in the wrong place I think, mods please feel free to delete this
  2. Is there (or possibility of making) a mod out there that removes this screen/message when my final party member is downed, allowing me to view the battlefield? Perhaps even the game playing on if there are NPC allies left with all downed party members dropping dead.
  3. As above Doing some digging and found there is an audio ini variable called "sDeathCameraEffect" although I can't find information about this other than its default value is UICameraPlayerDeath. I figured this is the muffled/dampened sound on player death. I tried setting it to zero however this was unsuccessful. Thanks
  4. Bumping this as I was about to make the same request.
  5. I'd love a 3BA version of the Field Mage clothing mod from Echo 1162 (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14198) if anyone had the expertise. I'm mainly after the boots in 3BA as they go so well with other mage/archer getups. Unfortunately in this mod the body part makes up most of the boots. Cheers
  6. I'd love a 3BA version of the Field Mage clothing mod from Echo 1162 (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14198) if anyone had the expertise. I'm mainly after the boots in 3BA as they go so well with other mage/archer getups. Unfortunately in this mod the body part makes up most of the boots. Cheers Apologies, mods please delete this, I meant to make the post in SE forum :sweat:
  7. Weird request but is there any way to disable the weird single death animation for Ciri and enable ragdoll like when Geralt dies? Playing through DM and it's fair to say I've seen it a fair few times. Thanks
  8. This is the example picture. Quick change of race seems to fix the issue but occurs again after some time. As far as I can tell it only happens to the PC. https://imgur.com/a/YmpjQVp
  9. This is an issue I get on oldrim as well as SE. When my player ragdolls for whatever reason their right arm clips through the ground and slight shoulder contortion. The strange thing is, when switching race the issue seems to go away for some time however will come back eventually. I'd imagine it has something to do with XPMSE however I'm not sure where to start. I've tried reinstalling everything I can think of related to body/skeleton, using LOOT etc. Thanks in advance. Images in following post (my thread kept vanishing after CAPTCHA check with them attached)
  10. Is there a mod out there to make every character ragdoll upon death. I've noticed characters do a static death animation. Is there a way to change this? Best example I could find; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L3deTdRSZk 0:00-9:42 - Ciri 9:42 onwards - Geralt
  11. When I start Skyrim and load any save I'm met with the following error screen indicating none of my mods or DLCs have loaded. https://imgur.com/a/LHOWymF I'm used to seeing this if I have more than 255 plugins enabled as I normally have exactly 255 and occasionally exceed this by accident. I tried disabling actorEvents.esm in NMM and removing is from plugins.txt in appdata/local however it still appears on the list so I believe the game is looking at a load order I'm unaware of. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Hi everyone, I've got a lot of mods installed but up until now I've been able to handle them just fine. All of a sudden my game immediately CTD's whenever there is any attack made on someone (or something). As soon as contact is made between sword/arrow/fist etc. and an NPC the game crashes without error. Absolutely everything else is fine but I've tried uninstalling all my mods which could possibly have caused this, deleting then restoring skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini to their default values however the problem persists. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
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