I opened the folder and read the instructions, I did NOT unpack, as I was instructed NOT to do. I tried getting Nexus Mod Manager, but there didn't seem to be an option on the website to download it, so I tried Vortex instead. I added the file, installed the mod, enabled it, I also got Skyrim script enhancer. Everything green, ticked, enabled, etc. I start a new game and I hear the irritating sound of the horse drawn carriages. 'f*** this thing, it's useless' and I uninstalled it. Then I found Nexus Mod Manager itself on some 3rd party website, installed it, found Skyrim Enhanced edition, added the mod to it, installed, enabled and whatnot. It completely broke the game and it wouldn't even start. I uninstalled that piece of garbage too, then I found the files that it put into my Skyrim folder and deleted them, because otherwise the game wouldn't even start. Now I downloaded Vortex again, thinking I might have done something wrong. Watched the tutorial video to confirm I didn't. Tried again, but this time, Vortex completely broke the game the same way NMM did and the game wouldn't even start. I uninstalled the mods and the game starts. I could have watched that stupid irritating intro 6 times while trying to make this mod work. These 'mod managers' don't seem to be managing f*** all and in fact are just making my life more difficult. I'm a bit mad as you can probably tell. How do I get this mod to work? I almost never mod games, partially because 90% of the time they don't work and just break the game and take the better half of an afternoon and a computer science degree to fix, but now I'm invested into this thing. Plz help.