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  1. I have a rather simple mod request. I'd very much like a re-texture for the wolf mask you can get in the game. It's currently a kind of goldish, greenish, silver that doesn't really match any of the armors you put it with, as those all just have basic silver colors. I'd like the mask to just be a light or a dark silver instead of the weird gold/green silver it currently is.
  2. What did you do to get it working? I can't get any custom textures to load, anything they try to affect just comes out bright pink.
  3. I've tried downloading a couple of mods with custom textures and they just keep loading in as bright pink. Anything that isn't reusing assets already present in the game seems to just come out as bright pink. I can't seem to figure out why this is, the Fallout4.ini file is set properly, according to the mod pages installation instructions. Anyone have any advice on how to fix this?
  4. I've seen some amazing mods recreating Darth Vader's helmet, and Kylo Ren's helmet, I'd love to see a Revan mask and/or armor mod.
  5. I don't know if this is possible, and this post will have spoilers for the end of the game, so be warned. Having just finished the game siding with the Brotherhood, I'm very happy with my choice aside from one major issue. I had to murder everyone in the Railroad to do so. I'd prefer to have the Brotherhood run the commonwealth but at the same time I don't want to murder all my friends at the Railroad. I was hoping there would be someone that could make a mod to maybe convince the brotherhood that the Railroad isn't a threat, maybe with a speech check, or convince the Railroad to join the brotherhood, or maybe just skip over the quest forcing me to kill the Railroad and bypassing them becoming hostile, so I can still do their quests while having sided with the brotherhood.
  6. I love the idea of being able to build and protect your settlements. I hate that I'm forced to do it. I'd love for someone to make a mod that has other minutemen actually going out and protecting the settlments, rather than constantly being alerted that I failed to protect a settlement.
  7. So have you guys had any luck? I'd try to help myself but I can barely figure out Fallout 3's GECK, let alone actual coding. I can't stand the power armor head bob. I want to use the power armor, I love power armor, it's awesome, but the headbob makes it unusable for me.
  8. I know this probably isn't possible yet, at least until Bethesda releases the tools to do so, but I'd love to see more memories in the Memory Den. There's one quest in it that lets you see what you saw at the beginning of the game again, but it'd be really nice to see some other memories, maybe some of the happier times with your characters spouse, or perhaps something akin to operation anchorage. We know our character was in the military so perhaps some of those memories to play through would be nice. Really just about anything would do.
  9. Yes yes yes yes yes. I have no idea why this was taken out of the game. It was present in 3 and new vegas and it made sense. There's absolutely no reason to have keys and passwords cluttering the misc category.
  10. Dear God, too much jargon. My head hurts just trying to understand half of what's in that first post. I want to use the sexy cities mods (sexy solitude, sexy whiterun, ect.), but even disabling the HD textures bethesda gave, my game will still CTD. Any chance I can get some layman's terms on how to fix this?
  11. This is something small but it's always bugged the living heck out of me. When I go to free thorald grey-mane from Northwatch Keep I always pass by 4 other cells, 3 of which have prisoners. Now I know the thalmor are evil, and these prisoners either did nothing wrong, or are being unjustly tortured, so it bothers me that: 1. They never beg for help as you pass by 2. When you free them, they are often ungrateful or pay no attention to it. Some of them even have the nerve to insult me after I free them. I don't know how easy it owuld be to fix issue 1, that one doesn't bother me too much, but I know there are plenty of audio files of generic voices saying thank you that could easily fix issue 2. I'm honestly shocked I haven't seen a mod even remotely close to it.
  12. Didn't see this anywhere in the nexus, other than one that had daedric armor (but I wasn't a huge fan of it. It wasn't bad, but there were just some things I didn't like). My first idea for it would be, when you turn into a werewolf you contine wearing whatever armor you have on, maybe that changes shape slightly so it still looks like a werewolf is wearing it. Granted just thinking about it that sounds like it would be insanely hard to do, so I understand if no one wants to take it on. My other ideas include just having armor made for werewolf models, like a werewolf wearing dwarven armor, or dragonbone The last idea (which I guess is part of the second idea) would be to have werewolves wearing ragged pants. Just because you're an unholy beastman, doesn't mean you should be running around naked.
  13. I forgot about that one. I dabbled in it a bit, but haven't really played it through too much. The description looks really cool, but I was a little too picky about the voice acting. I'll have to give it a try again. But yeah, I would really like to see the moot. choose the new high king/queen. I'd also really like to be able to get rid of that little jerk in falkreath
  14. So this is something I"d be very interested in seeing (I'd try to make it myself but I can't for the life of me figure out complex scripts, adding quests, or voice acting) Basically add in the moot to elect the new high king. Obviously this would take place after the civil war quests have finished, and it would allow the dragonborne to be a part of it (as he/she had a huge roll in ending the civil war, not to mention ending the dragon threat, and being a legend just for being a dragonborne). I think it would be really cool to influence the jarls into choosing any of the jarls you want to being the high king. This would not really have any major effect on the game other than role playing purposes, but I still think it owuld be a neat idea. What would be even more interesting is for the dragonborne himself/herself being elected the high king/queen, or at the very least becoming the jarl of a city you conquered in the civil war. (I realize this mod is out there, and it's close to what I"m talking about in the jarl regard, but it's not quite there). I also realize that this mod will let you marry elisif and therefor make you jarl of solitude and possibly high king, but again it's close but not quite what I mean. Another idea would be to be able to replace the jarls in certain holds, for instance I can't stand Skald, Maven, or the little jerk in falkreath or his crazed uncle, and i realize that by choosing certain sides in the civil war will change some of them, but for example I support the empire, but I don't like the idea of Maven becoming a jarl (I'd be happy keeping the old girl there, jsut removing hte dialouge of her supporting ulfric after he's dead), or that little jerk in falkreath keeping the throne (not to keen on making his uncle jarl either, thus making me want to choose someone totally outside those people for jarl, or making myself jarl of falkreath). And the final idea would be founding a 10th hold of which the dragonborne can be the jarl of, and thusly participate in the moot. I may try making this mod myself, but I'd really prefer if someone who's experienced and can really do it right would do it.
  15. eh it's kind of what I'm talking about. I mean one that basically just blocks off the face of the dragonbone helmet (I like the helmet itself). Plus the daedric dragonbone looks like it has a beak.
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