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Nexus Mods Profile

About orgolove

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  1. I'm interested in adding your Advanced VATS and FIXED Autoaim with Improved Binoculars mod into my NVEC mod if that's ok? I'll credit you of course and add a link to your mod/profile on my description page.
  2. :( Thank you so much for testing. Hmm... I guess I should try the duplicating method without changing the mod name. Odd... I don't know what's causing the tlk files to not load but the icons and scripts to continue to load. I really don't know how I could fix this...
  3. I see. Does changing the mod name to add EP_1 have any negative effect?
  4. Hi there. I've been making my mods according to the compatibility instructions as posted in the main builder wiki: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Compatibility Specifically, I changed <AddInItem UID="yourprefix_yourmodule" Name="Your Module Name" ExtendedModuleUID="Single Player" Priority="100" Enabled="1" State="2" Format="1"> to <AddInItem UID="yourprefix_yourmodule_EP_1" Name="Your Module Name" ExtendedModuleUID="DAO_PRC_EP_1" Priority="200" Enabled="1" State="2" Format="1"> in the manifest for the awakening version. Unfortunately, users are reporting that they can't see the skill descriptions and/or icons for the awakening version. I think the tlk files created for origins aren't compatible with awakening. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
  5. Hi. For the past two weeks, I've been trying to figure out ways to increase certain animation speeds through the game engine. Specifically, I've seen that changing the attackduration for autoatttacks increases the autoattack animations, and changing the movespeed increases the "running" animation speed. However, I have never been able to figure out how I can change any other animation speed, i.e. spellcasting, etc. For instance, if I would like to run a script each time the player punches, I want the punches to go faster - but all script commands for playanimation only allow playing the animation in the default speed. Does anyone know of any way to increase the base animation speeds other than directly editing the animation files? (I have no experience with that kind of thing :( )
  6. HAI It's done. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1790 Some screenshots: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/images/1790-2-1286519780.jpg http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/images/1790-4-1286519780.jpg http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/images/1790-5-1286519780.jpg http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/images/1790-1-1286519806.jpg http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/images/1790-3-1286519780.jpg Mage attack remains the same. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/images/1790-2-1286519806.jpg PS if you want to thank me, go and try out my Wildkin Adept Mod: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1768 Now back to working on my unannounced mod...
  7. I'll work on this. It should be done by this weekend. Making sure: Do you ONLY want the spell casting animations to remain as the unarmed animations? OR... Do you want the staff firing animations changed as well? If I don't receive an answer by tonight, I'll just decide by myself - i.e. leave the staff firing animation alone, and only change the casting animation. Mind you, Your mage is still going to have the staff in her hand - so it may look slightly goofy. Eh. Edit: I just tested, and it looks great. :) Wait for the release asap~
  8. Hi there. I'm seeking a way to test, via scripts, whenever a character puts on armor. I've been told there's a way to test if an item has armor value or not. However, some cloth items (i.e. magus boots) are cloth but still have armor values. Is there any way for a script to disable itself whenever the player has armor? Or even have a script disabling certain aspects of a character fire whenever the player puts on armor... Thanks for your help.
  9. Oh, of course. I'm a modder, after all. Thank you so much for your time. A question: did the storm of the century and paralysis explosion spells come from my mod? *hands orgolove a jar of Grey Poupon... But of course :thumbsup: I'll get on it first thing in the AM, have been dipping a bit too much into Oghren's reserve to try it tonight. Is there anything in particular that you are looking for? Thank you! :D Anything will be fine. I can just run a few scripts to alter the conditions once I actually have a character before the High Dragon is summoned. I don't want to bother you any further than this already - anything you want. Gosh, I really hope my idea works (for my mod) - thanks a lot for doing this.
  10. Oh, of course. I'm a modder, after all. Thank you so much for your time. A question: did the storm of the century and paralysis explosion spells come from my mod?
  11. Hi there. With the announcement of Dragon Age 2, I decided to come back to modding. Unfortunately, I had deleted all my backup saves, and all the backups that I had uploaded were already expired. I can test other combat mechanics, looks, and skills just fine. But I just cannot test any "vs massive boss" mechanics for my mods without spending another day going to the High Dragon encounter. I want to finish my modding before I play through the entire game and DLCs one final time... Rather than spending time going through parts of the game that I know I'll go through again. Can anyone upload their save game just before the High Dragon fight? I don't care about the character background/gender/race/companions. I just need a save for me to test vs massive boss mechanics and forced deathblow mechanics for my coming mod. Your help will be sincerely appreciated. just zip the documents/bioware/dragon age/characters/charactername folder for me... that would be great.
  12. Where can I see these CGs? I saw plenty of stills, but is there a computer generated movie?
  13. I find the limitations to the file name length and characters to be extremely extensive. Why are we barred from using things like parentheses and other characters for the name of the mod? Why are we limited to such a small number of characters for the file name? Is there any way for this to be improved? It really puts a harsh limitation on how descriptive I can be for my mods.
  14. Right. I will do that. Thanks for the help.
  15. Hi there. I've uploaded several mods over the course of the past few months. The first three or so went fine. The files uploaded successfully, can be downloaded well, and comments could be left. However, my last three all had a lot of problems. First, the files could not be downloaded until several hours later. If any uploaded files were attempted to be downloaded, the result would only give an empty archive file. Next, for my last mod, here: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=409 Although I didn't click on "do not allow discussions" while creating the mod, no topic was made, no endorsements or comments can be made, and it also has the same blank download file problem. Also, it somehow has -1 discussions. Can you PLEASE fix this? Please? I can re-upload the file if it's necessary.
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