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  1. I had already took a screenshot of your image and colorpicked the HEX code with paint3D Thank you for the info anyway so I can put those colors on firefox too! @Moderators I found my solution, should I mark it or should I leave it open? Because I see others are helping each other here
  2. yeah it helps! that's a really nice combination, I'll tinker with those colors I don't know why accessibility options usually have so high contrast, it feels like a punch in my eyes and brain when I use those
  3. Thank you for your answer. I know that many accessibilty interfaces in many programs use the more contrast option but unfortnately with too much contrast I get severe migrain very fast. Of course I'm not demanding changes in vortex, just tips on color combinations from other users with poor vision (astigmatic + hyperopic + migrain) <- not sure they are the correct terms in english, I use google tranls for words I don't know ok, thank you for your time
  4. Other users with sight problems can suggest a good combinantion of theme settings that is easy on the eyes? The last update of vortex made me unable to read using the default dark theme settings (it was already a little difficult), I had to ask my brother to change the theme to "compact" because It's easier on the eyes but it's still not optimal. Any user with impaired vision can suggest good color combinations for theme settings? I would like to keep a "darkish" feel but I think my eyes can't fully keep up
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