This mod would add perk points to the game to give it more rpg like feel Every 5 skill that you have you will get 1 perk to add to that Skill tree (20 total at skill lvl 100 ) Example - Sneak lvl 10 click sneak ---> opens a new window with 2 perk points to spend faster sneak 0/5 20% sneak speed per point hidden - 0/5 -10% light based visibility stamina- 0/4 - 20% stamina used in sneak etc Other skills will have their own perks Skill loss with death should be removed to avoid bugs with perks Skill reset at your bed The current skill bonus that you get (base game ) needs to be removed as well Other skills can be added like boats , cooking , farming If anybody is interested contact me and we can figure things out :) thx