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  1. Welcome, Shadow-Born. Welcome to the place where Fate is created Nehrim - At Fate's Edge English translation, basing on version What is Nehrim? Nehrim is a Total Conversion for Oblivion. It contains a completely new, hand-built world, numerous quests, many exciting dungeons, new weapons, armors, items and spells, full German voice acting, a new soundtrack and much more. If you were looking for a mod that provides a full-fledged role playing game, congratulations, you found it. Why should I play this? 1.) Nehrim is a game focusing both on story and classical RPG gameplay. You solve quests, earn experience points, collect better equipment. Although this sounds rather conventional, Nehrim finds a perfect balance between a stunning presentation and the actual game. If you are not motivated to proceed playing once you have started, you are probably doing something wrong. 2.) There is something to discover at every corner in Nehrim. Monotonous woods and impassionately designed dungeons? Not here! And honestly: Who wants to wander through landscapes you can find outside your own home? Nehrim includes sets of landscapes that have never been implemented in any game before. 3.) There is more to the story than "Go save the world". Much more. The characters have deep personalities, they change throughout the game. And who knows, there may even be some romance... 4.) There is going to be a new soundtrack. Our team musicians Simon W. Autenrieth and Lukas Deschel have been industrious so even acoustics freaks will be comfortable in the new world. Aside from these compositions there will also be a gig by Schandmaul, a popular Folk-Rock band, who kindly have provided a song for the project. 5.) Nehrim has an elaborate synchronization. And when we say elaborate, we're talking no less than 56 professional voice actors and a recording studio from Berlin that got our backs. Regarding this, Nehrim may just be one of the biggest synchronization projects ever having been undergone for a fan project. 6.) Nehrim is free. All you need is a copy of TES IV: Oblivion. Where can I find screenshots and videos? On our website http://www.nehrim.de there is a Media section containing screenshots, videos and the full soundtrack. Where can I download Nehrim? You will find all download possibilites on the website's Data section. How can I kill time while I download Nehrim? We recommend you to read the ReadMe file. In it, you will find several important things about installing and starting Nehrim. Moreover, you will find a short overview about the gameplay changes featured in Nehrim. If you know about them, you may have an easier time playing the game. I still have a question! Please read first through our FAQ, possibly your question has already been answered. If you have technical problems or you are stuck in the game, please use this forum or visit our forum at http://www.sureai.de...wforum.php?f=81. Technical support: Help, the game will not start! First, be sure that your installation went exactly as described here. 1. Possibility - Patch forgotten Although Nehrim does not need Shivering Isles, Oblivion must be updated with the latest patch (1.2.0416). If you use the Game of the Year Version of Oblivion, you may think that the newest patch is automatically provided with it, but be aware: The GOTY edition only contains the latest patch if you have installed Shivering Isles with it. If not, then install it or download the patch (for Oblivion, not for Shivering Isles) from http://elderscrolls....tes_patches.htm and install it. 2. Possibility - Wrong INI-Data Configuration A common reason for this is that the file: "My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini" has some changes in it that will cause Nehrim not to work. The simplest solution is to rename this file or move it (or delete it if it is certainly no longer needed), so Nehrim will not find it. The next time Nehrim starts it will create a whole new, fresh and accurate Oblivion.ini. Then you must, however, again reset any new game settings and ini tweaks you previously had or want to use. 3. Possibility – Wrong game files activated In the option "Data Files", make sure that only the files Nehrim.esm and NehrimData.esp are enabled. ALL OTHER GAME FILES MUST BE DISABLED. 4. Possibility - Corrupt Oblivion Installation Sometimes the Oblivion installation gets damaged, which also affects Nehrim. For instance you may have moved the Oblivion folder or reinstalled Windows without having uninstalled your games. It may help to make a fresh installation of Oblivion. 5. Possibility – Installed into the wrong folder Nehrim should not be installed into the Oblivion folder or into the Program/Program Files (x86) folders. If this is the case with you then uninstall Nehrim and install it into a different folder.
  2. It's Nehrim's 3rd Birthday! Three years have passed since Nehrim's development began - a long time, but it was a time productive enough to finish a very big part of the project. The Main Quest, containing of 35 parts, is nearly completely implemented, just the big finale has still to be done. Also the German voice acting has already begun and is making good progress. Some facts in numbers: At this point of time Nehrim contains * 827 scripts, * 6318 Exterior cells, * 1310 Interior cells, * 371375 World objects as well as * 106 books and notices. New Screenshots: A task force of the Northrealm behind enemy lines A spider cave with collapsing bridge A mine A frontiert post at the Crystal Forest
  3. GamesModding.com presents an interview with two of the Nehrim modders and shows some new screenshots as well. Link to the interview
  4. Watch the 2008 Christmas Trailer of Nehrim: YOUTUBE DOWNLOAD The mod is making good progress. The main quest will be completely implemented soon, and the (German) dubbing will begin at the beginning of 2009. Release will be in this year for sure ;)
  5. There are three new screenshots in our gallery: SCREENSHOT 1 SCREENSHOT 2 SCREENSHOT 3
  6. New Material! Since Nehrim has become one year older, we're proud to present you a bunch of new screenshots. We put them all together into a video that can be watched on Youtube: You can also download it in higher resolution here: http://www.sureai.de/Downloads/Screens.wmv
  7. There is an interview at Bethesda's blog now: Bethblog interview
  8. You now can access the English website of Nehrim. Sorry that it took such a long time... nehrim.sureai.de
  9. Yes. We don't use rocks to set the base of a castle :P Maybe you have the impression from certain screenshots, but there's always "real" landscape underneath the rocks which you can see from the distance. By the way, the website is just temporarily not available.
  10. Santa Claus was extremely generous today and gave us some nice screenshots and a wallpaper to show you ;) Wallpaper: CLICK Screenshots: Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 In this spirit: Merry christmas to everyone! ^_^
  11. New Trailer! We proudly present the new Nehrim trailer with more than 2 minutes of never shown footage! Download in higher resolution
  12. Nehrim at the 2007 Leipzig Games Convention www.nehrim.sureai.de The Games Convention is one of the world's biggest computer games fair. It's annually held in Leipzig, Germany, and this year Nehrim will be there :) We're going to present Nehrim in a playable Alpha version. It contains: - the intro movie - the start dungeon and the first boss fight - a part of the exterior area - several sidequests and the start of the main quest - voice acting - new score - new interface - new weapons and creatures - dungeons and mines ;) Additionally, we will release a new trailer at the Games Convention and of course via download on the internet. The playable version is in German, but the trailer will be in English as well. For everyone who won't come to the GC (and I guess this includes most of the guys here ;)) we're going to write a GC diary with photos. Today the German PC magazins PCGames and PCAction have published some news concerning Nehrim at their websites. Of course it's German, but even if you don't understand it, the new screenshots there speak their own language :D Online article
  13. You will find three new screenshots on our website now :) Panorama In the forest Troll in a mine
  14. Oh, this sounds good. Thanks for the commendation :)
  15. All right, I wasn't around the last time, so sorry there was no earlier reply. I changed the first post, you will be linked directly to our gallerie now. And yes, there will be a full English translation, including the voice acting :)
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