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About origamifan

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  1. Whenever I finish my first task for the companions, upon completing it by talking to Farkas, the dialoque option "I'm looking for work", which should lead to the "Proving Honor" quest doesn't apears. Anyone knows why this may be happening?
  2. Is there a mod that adds skeleton type glowing eyes (Ie: the "abstract" vanilla skeleton/draugr light blue eyes: no clear defined iris, pupil, sclera, etc... and (what I would absolutely love) the glowing eyes leaves a small trail when the character moves)?
  3. Hello everyone! Basically what it says on the title: Is there a simple way to alter the quest "The Way Of The Voice" so that the tutorial for the shouts (especially the whirlwind tutorial) can be skipped? I'm asking because, when doing this quest, I always encounter problems such as Borri not opening the gate, the gate being opened but wulfgar doesn't shout through it, borri not opening the gate when it's my character's turn to try, or arngeir getting stuck afterward near the gate which make progressing the vanilla quest afterward impossible, and I haven't found a fix for these aside from saving and reloading until everything goes (relatively) without a hitch). I loaded my entire load order into SSEEdit to see if the problem was a mod I installed editing the quest, but the quest mq105, and the scene associated, stay unchanged. Similarly, I used BAE to load all the BSa files of my load order, but no other mod, aside from the unnoficial patch, edit them? Whether you can find a soution or not, thanks for reading that far, and have a good day!
  4. Hello everyones. Basically almost everything is in the title: I recently published this mod and would like to update it to add stances (basically status with buffs in certain conditions and debuffs in other. For example, I would like to implement a stance called "Hunter's bloodlust" which would increase damage dealt when facing several enemies but increase damages taken when facing only one enemy. My idea was to use the sleeping option to open a message popup asking the player to select one of the stances and make it last until the next rest (Not unlike the Mage/Thief/Warrior messages in previous versions of Andromeda ). Problem is I have no idea how to do it and I might need some help (You will be credited, of course) to implement it and to know if it needs me to use other tools besides SSEEdit and the Creation Kit. I also could use some suggestions about new stances to implement (Keep in mind, it must include both upsides and downsides). Regardless of if you can help me, thanks for reading this!
  5. Basically everything said on the title: I recently purchased the survival mod on skyrim special edition's creation club and was flabbergasted that vampires were not resistant to cold despite being technically already dead and resistants to frost. So I decided to us SSEEdit (I'm not familiar with the creation kit) to give them a 75 points bonus to cold resistance. While the spell(I dont know if putting it in the spell category was pertinent, but the nord "resist cold" ability is listed as a spell so...) shows up in game, the only way to add it right now is via the console. Since I can't manage to upload the esp, I uploaded it on the nexus (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18100/). If you can advise me on what I missed, I will try to correct it and you will of course be mentioned as a co-author of this mod. If you manage to fix the problem yourself, you're free to upload the mod on the nexus so long as you mention me (although I won't mind if you forget) and, more important, that you warn me (because I would really like to play a working version of this mod.). EDIT: Made it a modder's ressource. More info on the mod page.
  6. Greetings fellow modders (well, I only made two mods so far, and both were just tweaks and enhancements for existing mods, so I hope it isn't too presomptuous of me to call myself a modder.). I use both ORdinator and Forgotten magic redone and would like to have some spells (such as blight curse) to benefit from one of the perk trees added by ordinator. Hence my question: is it possible to edit spells keywords using TES5Edit to make them benefits from the aforementioned trees, and if so, where should I edit the keywords? in "spells" or in "magical effects"? cause I already noticed this keyword in magical effect for the fire blast spell; "MagicDamageFire [KYWD:0001CEAD]" and I assume it makes it benefit from fire-related perks. Thanks for the consideration, and I hope you all have a great day (or a good night, depending on when you read this.) PS: Sorry for the typo in the title, I wrote it while under heavy sleep deprivation and have no Idea how to remove it
  7. Okay, finally managed to make the cration kit works. What could I do now?
  8. Thank you very much! Unfortunately the creation kit always seems to crash when I try to launch it :<
  9. Greetings, folks! Basically exactly what it says on the tn, I would like to know how to make an existing armor craftable and temperable, if possible by using TES5Edit. (I can't manage to get the creation kit to work). Thanks in advance for the consideration!
  10. A'ight done! You can download it here. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87081/? If you can fix the mentioned scabbard problem, I would be really grateful!
  11. Nvm, found the motivation and concentration to do it. Don't hesitate to ask for the chocolate cake recipe, though!
  12. Greetings fellow gamers. My request is both quite trivial and a bit weird. I recently discovered a tutorial on how to edit meshes to create left handed sheated swords for Dual sheath redux (you can download it it in the dual sheath redux page) and wanted to port the rapiers and shotels made by vicn (Truly a great modder, even though I have some reserve on the way womens are treated in his quest mods(Although I only tested Vigilant.( And yes, I know it's a video game, it's not real, duh! But representation in fictional medias matters, although that's another subject for another topic. I went slightly off topic, didn't I? ))). So I started to create the meshes for left handed sheated shotels and rapiers but there is a... small problem. First off, without going into details because I wouldn't want to rank up the pathos, I have to take a copious amount of meds that makes it hard for me to focus on small tasks. Right after (successfully, to my joy) porting the daedric shotel nif files, I already felt like I needed to get out of it and do something else. So I might need some help in doing so, if I want to upload it in reasonable delays. Needless to say, you will be properly credited for making the mod and copiously thanked. Also, i might insist on the fact that this is in no way a "serious" problem. You don't have to feel obliged to help me, I could perfectly create the mod on my own, it will simply take more time. Also, although that is completely off-topic: is it considered spam to post the recipe I use for chocolate cake that is simple yet unmissable and create a delicious cake, as a way of thanking you for reading until here despite my off topics rambles about social justice? ^^ At any rate, whether you'll consider my grievance or not, thank you sincerely for reading up until here. I hope you have a great day ! PS: Ignore the image, it was done as a screenshot of a bug I since then fixed and I have no Idea how to remove it.
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