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About Kudagras

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  1. is nifutilssuite self contained .exe someplace? alli find is source code.
  2. Hi guys so I'm getting multiple errors and one of them is the non uni- error. The thing is: I have applied the transforms several times and I still get the error. I have no idea what the other errors mean outside of there seems to be a problem with the scripts maybe. Any suggestions? Thanks for all your help guys.
  3. Sorry I've been , away. Work and all. Looks like you guys have been busy.
  4. Should we post issues here now since the. Beta is public.
  5. Successfully went through labor to produce a son and named him. What's funny is he looks a bit Breton even though both parents are Nord.
  6. Okay cool. For no human kiddies, I'll have to link into other mods because, sadly Bethesda didn't make any non human children. :/ Mores the pity.
  7. Set me up with a link for the testing too. Also it's slow go on those models. Getting my scheduling straightened out so I can devote time to it.
  8. How about mesh swapping? It could be equipped via script (provided KR has the time to implement such a thing.)
  9. Life has been renewed in this topic! I'm so glad. What are you ideas on body rig/skeleton @kridders? I may try to work on some baby models or some belly models.
  10. @ Anduniel - Would you just want to take the meshes and use those or use it as post "quest" sort of thing.
  11. Trying to get my software set up. = 1 step closer to model editing.
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