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About grimothy8

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  1. Hey all, First time poster. I've just got hooked on skyrim after buying it almost 10years ago but never getting beyond Riverwood. I only reinstalled it (oldrim, the original game) now out of interest after buying a 4K TV for the first time and being curious how it ran. I'm amazed by how it looks in 4k resolution, no mods, with a pretty average graphics card (1660 Super) with all settings maxed. Am about 12hours deep after only 3 or 4 days. I'm getting frame rates of between 60 up to 120, and it's extremely smooth - fps is king for me. I've read SE does have better graphics and is more graphically demanding. So with SE, am I going to be taking a big hit to frame rate with this setup? I don't want to buy SE to get better visuals, but then have to turn settings down to keep fps over 60 and end up with it looking worse than oldrim. At preset i'm not bothered about mod support as i am still playing through for the first time, but iif I buy any expansion packs, want to know whether to go SE first. Thanks for any advice! Edit: sorry, should have said, PC has a ryzen 2700, 16GB ram, windows 10 64.
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