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man in the can

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Nexus Mods Profile

About man in the can

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    fallout3, HALO 3, MW2, mass effect(1,2)
  • Favourite Game
    fallout3, massffect(1,2)
  1. thats not funny, i know friends with aids, if you are going to post on my profile again, please, think about what you are going to post, you dont know who you may offend
  2. I have some ideas(only for Dragon age origins and awakening) for making armors and i want to give them to professionals to make it real.

    P.S.Sorry about my english

  3. It is very important.
  4. ok ive added a britsh phonebooth anf the bow section of the wreck of the titanic
  5. ur welcome, sorry for the extremely late reply. happy V-day!and other stuff.
  6. Hey, thanks for visiting me =)

    A happy new year btw.!

  7. hi from me! how are you?
  8. hi, from man in the can, how are you ?
  9. hi cloudychan! how are you?
  10. not much, how about you?
  11. hi MITC, how are ya!
  12. gave you star rating.
  13. have you got my pm? it is very important...
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