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About Acid81

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  1. The problem is being caused by ModBuddy trying to load files it doesn't need, according to the source I found on reddit > https://www.reddit.com/r/xcom2mods/comments/6xbhhd/error_when_trying_to_build_solution/ "The solution is to edit the DefaultMod.zip on \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\XCOM 2 War of the Chosen SDK\Binaries\Win32\ModBuddy\Extensions\Application\ProjectTemplates\XCOM2Mod\1033\DefaultMod.zip" If anyone else is having this issue just remove those files listed including the one I posted above. I don't know If many other people were experiencing this but that's what worked for me.
  2. If any forum moderators are reading this, I assume it would be to late to inform people that the posting tools used here do not work within Internet Explorer... Im not sure what this file does, where its suppose to be located or why/if its needed. The dialog error states that a mod may not build correctly without this file. Is this file "XcomOnlineStatsWriteDeathmatchClearGameStartedFlagDueToDisconnect.uc" required? click the image to see it
  3. Is it possible to have multiple modded files use/read from the same Mod config .ini file ? Iv been trying to make changes to "X2Ability_Grenades" and "X2Ability_RangerAbilitySet" but if used with other files the changes show up in game as weapons with no ammo and no ability charges. Im not sure why these files wont work with other files iv edited but im trying to find some way around that.
  4. Do modern mods or newly created mods made after the latest patch still use script ".u" files ? Iv noticed all mods released by LW still have these files. I don't think someone could release a mod without these files because(if im not mistaken) their needed for functionality of the mod. My real question is how are these files being made, where do they come from, where are there supposed to come from ?
  5. Since I stopped playing in February, Iv decided to get back into XCom 2. Iv noticed the game has been updated and new DLC. When I go to start a new ModBuddy project all I can choose from now is Blank Solution. Could I not have the tools setup correctly or did they effetely cut modding for this game ?
  6. Lets say I wanted to change a piece of data without recreating a function or class, how could I go about writing this up ? Say for instance I just wanted to change a bit of data for: static function X2AbilityTemplate Stealth() or static function X2DataTemplate CreatFragGrenade() or maybe static function X2WeaponTemplate CreatBattleScanner() I know about the - local X2 whatever Template Template; Template = X2 whatever Template(Super. whatever ()); but using that above doesn't seem to work for all types of functions.
  7. Is there any known way to delete or rename files within a project without receiving errors (see pic1 below) ? This is what I get after I try to rename something.
  8. I ran into this (see pic in attachment below) the other day while using UE Explorer. Iv read something about this before. I had thought someone made a tool to expand the sizes of upk packages but im not really sure how that works. Is it possible at the moment for the game to use a mooded upk file with a different size than its original ?
  9. Ok, lets say I wanted to make some very small very simple changes in files: X2RangerAbilitySet.uc, X2Ability_Grenades.uc and X2Item_DefaultWeapons.uc . One small change in the first file, two in the second and four in the last listed here, probably not even enough to effect the file size. Im assuming from your post I would have to make my own versions of these files since you basically stated you cant simply go in modify and reuse stock .uc files. Im pretty sure some things would have to be "Overridden" or "Overightin". If I attempted to recreate these files, what other files (and how) would need to be modified in order for the game to see the changes ?
  10. Im aware there is a mod released for this but I wanted to try it on my own just to see how things worked. Iv recently tried to change the number of upgrade slots for conventional weapons and the game isn't responding to any of my modifications. Im not using custom files as I don't know unreal coding. Iv only tried to change the original class files and the game isn't reading them. Iv looked through other peoples mods and noticed a lot of them have custom files. Is this the only the game will accept mods ?
  11. Firstly Iv just recently started playing XCOM EW so I don't really know a great deal about the game. I do think though these Chryssalid things are way over powered as well as Zombies. What Im asking is if anyone knows exactly how and when the AI chooses to use the Implant attack/ability and what piece of code controls this ?
  12. I know this is a somewhat old thread but I have the EW version and have the said changes in place: http://i57.tinypic.com/eqpemp.jpg and its not working.
  13. Is there any way I could mod or change any aspects of an already started tactical mission ? My DGC settings are not having any effect for this particular mission.
  14. What determines if items a built immediately. I was playing around with the Skelton Key, wanted to change a few things. The way its already set in game as you can see here from hex it should take 7 days to build but displays in game as immediate build time. 1B 26 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 2C B8 2C 19 2C 14 2C 14 4A 2C 07 2C 0F 24 03 4A 4A 2C 3A 16 BuildItem(184, 25, 20, 20, 7, 15, 3, 58)My question is why ?
  15. Could anyone give reason as to why the AI is still able to move and shot in the same turn even though "MoveLimited" is clearly set as a property ? I just noticed this as I was testing a few small changes I recently made for the SHIV tank. I havent yet noticed this happing with the conventional sniper rifle.
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