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About Adhin37

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  1. If you look into : C:\...\Cyberpunk 2077\tools\redmod\scripts\cyberpunk\UI\mappins\minimapMappins.script You will see one things that can cause 'default control path does not return a value' anomaly : ';' after 'case EAIAttitude.AIA_Neutral:' Removing this semi-column remove these 2 lines. switch( attitude ) { case EAIAttitude.AIA_Hostile: case EAIAttitude.AIA_Neutral: if( m_isSquadInCombat ) { return 'Hostile'; } else if( canSeePlayer ) { return 'Detecting'; } else if( m_isAggressive ) { return 'Neutral_Aggressive'; } else { return 'Neutral'; } case EAIAttitude.AIA_Friendly: return 'Friendly'; default: return 'Civilian'; } But, all lines about unknown opcode are still there. About this, error message "Unknown opcode" indicates that the redmod.exe compiler encountered an operation or instruction that it does not recognize or support.Each programming language and compiler has its own set of instructions (opcodes) that it can understand and process.When the compiler encounters an unknown opcode, it means that it has come across a command that it cannot interpret or execute. In our case, the error message indicates that the redmod.exe compiler encountered several unknown opcodes, such as `SyntaxFloatConst`, `SyntaxArrayPopBack`, `SyntaxConstructor`, and `SyntaxBoolConst`.These opcodes seem to be specific to the internal workings of the redmod.exe compiler or the scripts it is trying to compile.This could be due to a variety of reasons, including: 1. Incompatibility between the script code and the version of redmod.exe being used.2. Errors or issues within the script files being compiled.3. Corruption or incorrect setup of the redmod.exe compiler. But without any advanced debug about where it happened we are back to square one. P.S : Has @shadeofdoom suggested not using any redmod mod is the safest 'fix' at the moment.
  2. I installed midas Spells, it was in incompatibility with other magic spell, so i just uninstall it.
  3. Hi i solved my micro-freeze, ty for your help (a spell mod spammed the log every time i played). So ty for your help :smile:
  4. Hello, i tryed optimizer, pcb, 60 fps trick and it's really better. I freeze only now at the begining with the spam of the 2 mods but it's okay (i have uninstall them to test and there is only 4 or 6 s of difference without them). Now my problem is when i fight, i freeze (frame per frame) when i want to use some script or magic spell for fighting, i will come back with a papyruslog, with 1 or 2 hour of gameplay to see what is wrong.
  5. Hi guys, It's a long time that i play on skyrim and today i am here to try to fix some freeze on my game but don't know how to do this for some of my mods. (I have 233 mods enabled ) I am pretty sure that majority freeze come from some script in Immersive Creatures, and Real Estate, but i would like to keep them and find a fix. More than this, i am pretty sure that for some uninstall, i havn't done a clean save, so now i am spammed with some missing class in papyrus log and i would like to fix them to. Thank you in advance for the help that you can give me. So i use : SKSE 1.7.1 Nexus Mod Manager LOOT Wrye bash (i merge only 2 .esp, from ABT, with it) TES5Edit SaveTool CleanSaver FNIS Real Vision ENB (d3d9.dll and enbhost v0.265) I have all DLC. MY PC : RAM : 8192 VRAM : 6891 Visual Card : AMD Radeon R9 200 series Active Mod Files:
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