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  1. Can anyone tell me which program it is used to extract models? :)
  2. Hey guys, can anyone replace the "saiga" syg12 shotgun with the Thor´s Hammer / ALbert wesker´s shotgun ? BTw...how do you extract the models? I tried using the tyrant tool but it doesn´t work with village. Thanks!
  3. I was wondering, it would be cool to remodel the glock to use modern red dots like this one. http://ateiguns.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/DSC_0003.jpg It would be awesome :D I like using the pistol but the current glock red dot ingame is pretty weird. The other is replacing it for a FNX45 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YaRfrdSH8Lo/VWXfzDX-KEI/AAAAAAAACd4/gDSIw2Kuhhw/s1600/FNX-45-Tactical-618x412.jpg This one also uses silencer/stendo mags/red dot. Thank you very much!
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