For those who came here to find a solution about some crash in denerim or the chantry in lothering, read this, work 100% for me. My english is so so, but you will understand i'm sure DENERIM: 1- First thing you must know, never never never... did I say NEVER, never save your game in Denerim, always get out to the camp to make a save. 2- At your first visit in Denerim, do what you have to do without going in any building or the city map and don't talk to Couldry, stay in the market district. 3- After that go to camp, save your game, completly get out of the the game, not just go to the menu, really restart the game. 4- After that you can do whatever you want and it will not crash, I'm doing this since 3 weeks now and nothing crash or freeze. 5- JUST REMEMBER... NEVER SAVE IN DENERIM NB: Sometime it take a bit long to get out of a building, black screen, just wait and don't attack your keyboard lollll LOTHERING: 1- Almost the same of Denerim, but you can go at Dane's refuge without problem, here's what I'm doing. 2- Same rule, NEVER save in Lothering. 3- As I enter Lothering, I'm going directly to recruit Leliana. Equip her and bla bla bla in Dane's refuge. 4- After that, I'm going to the chanter's board, (you can take a look around for chest, talk to Sten etc... but do not enter the chantry) I'm doing the 3 quests of the chanter's board. 5- Get out to camp, save and restart the game. 6- When I'm back, I finish all the quest in Lotering, and I can enter and get out of the Chantry without any crash. 7- AGAIN, DON'T SAVE IN LOTHERING *** EDIT: Restart the game only the first time you enter Lothering or Denerim. *** Hope this will help members here, cause I see many post in the MOD section talking about that recently. Farewell...