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About mikaelarp

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    Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Port royale 3, Risen 2
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  1. with the type of modding that i do this cant be done, but just send me a messege and i can make a mod with whatever armor / weapon having anothers armor /weapons enchantment, so feel free to ask :D
  2. hehe just a bad habbit of mine xD
  3. i really want this mod too :D is a HUGE assasins creed fan and especially nr 3 due to the period
  4. how would make a DRAGON be a smith???
  5. this sounds epic really makes me wanna have it :D
  6. Not sure but someone with scripting mettle might be able to dó it
  7. Well my freinds are mostly incompetent fools sorry
  8. This could be pretty neat im just thinking more banodeleir, poition belt and things u would use irl
  9. I Can make this :D just give mé a price list
  10. Hmm might be possiple if One was to look at the dog in fallout, And check the dialouge scripts it have
  11. Well you Can but i Think the problem is that noone have figured out how to dó it right
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