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About Waller91

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United States
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Fallout NV, Two Worlds 2, Assassins Creed 2, GTA4, Rockband, And anything else thats good.
Favourite Game
Oblivion...until Skyrim comes out...
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Feel better about yourself after saying that? Or did you think you would simply one-up me by trying to use big words and sound sophisticated? Really you just sound pretentious, and immature. This whole "trying too hard" thing is just coming across as needy...And I think your're better than that. Regardless of your feelings towards me, I did nothing but agree with peoples' posts, and reply in a positive manor. You, however, have literally taken a piss out of it by feeling the need to apply some sort of dominance on others by picking apart their words and trying to use them against them. You also couldnt have just said something positive on my last reply towards you, which was ON topic and in no way offensive. Instead, just a bunch of "blah blah blah, Im a troll and hate everything.". <-- That quote WAS actually aimed at someone, so you cant take that one out of context. ;) Regardless, this thread is dead, and therefore redundant. Cheers.
^ Hahahaha. Seriously...How can anyone complain a game is too long? Maybe your're just too used to games that are bad and cut straight to the point? If you want to beat a game over night, play Fable. Im on my eighth play through for Skyrim, and still finding new and exciting things...Maybe you should just give it a second chance? Maybe put it down for a week, then come back and try a fresh start? Thats what I had to do with Oblivion, but thats because Oblivion looked like a cartoon..I dont remember who said it, but someone mentioned mindless slaying of bandits? Sounds good to me. I cant think of a game outside of the ES series, that will give you as much depth, and immersion. Kingdoms of Amular might be as awesome, but im too busy playing Skyrim to run out and buy it..
There were spears in New Vegas, weren't there? Forgot about that... Words like, "Generic, and Typical" are pretty spot on honestly. However, you cant really expect too much out of melee with Beths super clippy engines, not to mention melee is pretty limited to your average tank, as far as animations go. The thief is a different story though...You can tell they at least tried to make a "Rogue" type class diverse by giving it some cool fighting animations. (And that sweet look when you run while duel wielding ^-^ ) But when I play that type character, I prefer an "Assassins Creed/Prince of Persia" feel. The type of games where you can pretty much use Parkour to gain your advantage in combat/fleeing, are the type of games a rogue/assassin should be based off of, if you ask me. The magic was a huge disappointment for me. The spells, the College quests, everything. Even the enchantments are extremely diminished and lack any opportunity of unique enchantments. ( QED; Oblivions enchanting mechanics ). They left out so much in Oblivion, that Morrowind had to offer. And now they've done the same, via Skyrim. Although, im pretty sure thats the point you have been trying to get across this whole time. :P
Hopefully the DLC will fix some of that. From what I've read, im thinking that the first DLC launch will be completely in-game alterations. So perhaps no external add-ons such as the "Vile Lair, etc.". Even if its just a handful of new quests, with some sweet new gear, I'll be satisfied. :psyduck: And speaking of compromises, why would it be so difficult for them to have kept ranged weapons, such as throwing stars/darts? That was my bread and butter in Morrowind. Tod Howard said they had thought about spears, but later admitted that they simply "did not make the cut." So I dont know if that's a show of hands vote on the spot, or just a deadline issue. Either way, I would love to spear some Mammoths down.
I am sorry I follow the rules of grammar, like every other College student...Digressing in the middle of your point, is like walking away in the middle of a conversation. Not to mention its just bad syntax. You took my quote completely out of context...So that's dumb on your part. What I said was, ""It might as well be called, "Come in and share your opinions. And if anyone disagrees? Well they are just dumb and worthless."" Notice the quotations? That means that I was speaking ironically... I was making a point of how most of the posters are off topic, and basically arguing amongst themselves, rather than discussing something productive.If I wasn't willing to accept others' opinions, I wouldn't have put "Any, and all posts are welcome" in the introduction. ^ Agree x10. As soon as I got to Windhelm, and learned about the Grey Quarter, Morrowind was my first thought...I wish I could have played Morrowblivion when I attempted to try its DL from Fileplanet. And the aurora is just divine.
Yes, Markarth's outskirts are probably my favorite, as well. And as far as the topic? It was gone after page one.. In his defense, at least he was on topic...There was almost no point in naming this thread. It might as well be called, "Come in and share your opinions. And if anyone disagrees? Well they are just dumb and worthless." The second someone digresses, they forfeit any validation in their comment. LOOK A PONY.
Agreed. I kid you not, when I first gazed at the sky in Sovngarde....I almost cried. Its just beautiful. In fact, its now the background on my phone? Am I a fan-boy? Probably. Do I care? No. Does my girlfriend? No. I dont have one. :D There need to be more posters like you, man. But with the digression aside, any comments on the actual topic? Any favorite place to roam/slay? I completely agree, the story line was there, it just wasn't....there...Ya know? Everyone got the gist of what was going on, but I never really felt like I was a part of something bigger. Skyrim just doesn't make me feel like an immortal bad ass when I play...Lack of story depth, and Boss fights if you ask me. Looking forward to DLC.
Unfinished? A game is never released unfinished, players just always want more. ;) The rest of what you said isnt really grammar, so I dont know how to reply to that...Modders dont make it harder, they make it better...They add things to the game that they wish they had, to suit their personal preferences. And it doesnt matter if I had lost ALL of my fights, Skyrim is still a great game. The combat is still immersive, there is just no giant, epic battles that you would experience in Final Fantasy, or any MMO. You're right, more good fights do equal more happy adventures, its just too bad those "good fights" are rare. The most HP I have seen on anything in Skyrim, is only 1400HP...Are you serious? Thats it? I would rather spend an hour fighting a 200ft tall monster with roughly 20K+HP. THAT is a real battle. Thanks for sharing! I, myself, have not made a Khajiit character in any of the ES games, but I look forward to doing so on Skyrim. I wish I had Skyrim for PC like most, so that I could enjoy the endless amounts of Mods add-ons...The redguards featured on your last picture, look to be quite the dynamic duo. The male kinda looks like Ahtar (Ahtor?) the executioner from Solitude. I was rather disappointing when I realized you could not upgrade the Headsman axe...Once again, just wish I had Skyrim for PC...I can also understand you 100% on your first account, I made a High elf just for Destruction magic, and once I could throw spells as fast as I pleased, there was no more challenge. Even at lvl5 with difficulty on master, you are pretty much untouchable if you can just get really good at magic/enchanting. Its like they never stopped to think about just how OP someone can make themselves in Skyrim...My highest character is a lvl56 Nord-Tank, and once that mofo had a daedric 2H on his back, it was game over. I traveled to sovngarde and beat the game before I was even aware it was the final boss fight...So disappointing...
My quotes arent working, so im doing this Twitter style... @Sader325 Haha...Yea...I just have this Toshiba Satellite from like 08, and it barely even ran Oblivion..Which was confusing, because it lagged more if I played on low graphics, but maxed? Ran smoothly...Except for towns...Sweet baby Jesus...I could not even enter the Imperial City, which lead to several quests going unfinished.. The lag was so terrible..So, so terrible.. @marharth I honestly didnt expect it to stay 100% on topic. It never does..so many people with so many opinions, its bound to get, "Wild, up in hurr."
**This is an attempt to re-create my Oblivion topic** http://www.techdigest.tv/skyrim%206.jpg Greetings Dragonslayers. I have been playing Skyrim for a little over four months and to be completely honest, I have never fought a battle worth its hype..Even with difficulty on max, there seem to be no true BOSS fights. Never have I faced a warrior whose back story, was enough to back his blade. I have yet to face a mage whose magic was faster than the shout. Nor has the thick plate of my Nord been penetrated by the slithering assassins...My greatest fight was not Alduin, but a mere excitable Dragon Priest..I have always taken great pride in my RPG stratagem, and anyone reading this very sentence must feel the same about their abilities. But I did not create this topic so I could boast, or brag about my adventures... I made it so YOU can. What was your best fight? At what point did you realize that the battle before you, was the most epic event your adventurer had experienced? What foul being tested your skills the most? http://oyster.ignimgs.com/franchises/images/04/48/44843_Skyrim308.jpg Use this topic to post your most decorated warrior doing his/her finest. Put your money where your mouth is, and show us that your character is the God of Tamriel. Dont just take pride in your ability and hide it to yourself, show the world. Reveal your characters name-race-class-level-stats-specialty(player ability)-and if your wish, back story. Feel free to gloat as much as you like, this is a place for champions, let us share our stories as the vikings of old did. http://www.meh.ro/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/meh.ro8768.png So what of it, Hero? Hows your mettle? Let the boasting begin.
I can completely agree with your statement, "Skyrim isnt complete." But I cant, however, agree that Skyrim was made for "newbs". Of course they made Skyrim for new players, Todd Howard said it himself.. They always try to create an Elder Scroll game as if you have never played the series before. This may seem a bit disloyal to the true fans of the series, but think about the other side of the coin ( oblivion reference ). Imagine you had played Skyrim without even being aware of the elder scrolls series. Would you have wanted Skyrim to be as ridiculously difficult as Dark Souls? They are somewhat obligated to appeal to new players, because that's how business works. I do see your point, and side with it to a degree. Just had to put in my two cents I suppose.. Sadly, I am stuck playing Skyrim on my Elite...As my laptop was not made by NASA, and cannot run Skyrim, or its Beautimus mods. :( I did, however, have Oblivion, along with about 7GB's in mods, So I can only imagine the mods at work on Skyrim.. I personally enjoy The Reach, as it reminds me of the land surrounded Rohan. Since a few of you have it for PC, might you mind posting a few screenshots of the modded lands? I would greatly enjoy/appreciate it, and im sure others who find this topic will as well.
From colorful valleys with breathtaking detail, all the way to the vast wilderness of relentless Tundra, its no secret that Skyrim has some of the most astonishing terrain that gamers have ever ventured on. What percentage of game-play hours would you say were spent of just enjoying a sunrise? Climbing a mountain, so that you may get a peak of the rift? Or maybe sticking with the river, in hopes to find some off-route treasure? What are some of your favorite locations? Most beautiful moments? As an accomplished "Davahkiin" I seek to go beyond the boarders of fate, and destiny. Give some great locations/caves so that I, and others, may approach such locations and enjoy its beauty/danger. Any and all posts are welcomed.
awkward typo I didnt notice till just now.. ^ sorry. But to serious matters.... I tried using the console but it didn't work, nothing happened at all, in fact. Im pretty sure that the crashing, however, is just caused by me being too lazy to make sure everything is compatible with everything else...Given that I have like 60+ mods active, and a laptop with a really bad graphics card, the crashing should be expected. Also, I appreciate you guys trying to help, while im not in a hurry to complete the main quest ( because who hasnt done it at least ten times, right? ) I am, however, interested in seeing if this problem affects some mods that create dremora raid parties that spawn out of them and whatnot.
The main thing about using the console, is it is the first gate...Its the Kvatch gate. So, using to console to force it closed, may not trigger the event that triggers the next step of the quest. I figured taking the stone would do that anyway...But I havent been able to play since the first reply, Ill do ahead and do that now. Also, my game has been crashing a little bate lately...might be from the same issue?