My wife bought me Oblivion GOTY on the PS3 a while ago and I've played it a bit, but not a huge amount. Mostly because I'm so busy. I'm not really enjoying it even though I enjoyed Morrowind and I do like RPGs. My problem is that I'm rather bored of wandering the wilderness and searching endless caves and dungeons only to end up with 15 gold pieces is tedious. I've closed a couple of gates and the grind of fighting to a gate is already bugging me. I'm considering trading it in - so what am I doing wrong or what am I missing? Maybe I'm less inclined to sit down with this type of game because I get so little time on the PS3 these days, I don't know. I'm not trying to start an argument - merely trying to determine if I'm not putting the effort into something that deserves it or if I'm missing the point (e.g. ignore the main quest and do other stuff). Any suggestions? Thanks