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About devilsaid1

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  1. I just went back to playing DAO but I can't remember how to do my hair mods also my override files don't seem to be synching I have tried it with the Mod manager path and the Bioware \DAO\ so on & so on path neither one seems to be working anyone got any ideas why? I would be greatly thankful for any help.
  2. hey thanks for the encryption key tag now since they have updated frosty it looks like need a new one can any one help
  3. I am looking for a good link to frosty mod manager 106.3 every time i find a link it either has no exe or the Veilguard game is not there. I have the alpha 5v2 but a lot of the mods won't work as they are meant for the other one. Okay found a link that works but having a different problem I keep getting an error message saying the profile is not correct what should my profile look like
  4. I used the Alpha5 version 2 and all you need is a Encryption key here is the URL https://meganz/file/8SDIzJrI#DBjwIAEB0BGZwjykJFEjDIgqArZYIaL9o8-MYPxMSxU It works great no problems, except some of the mods because they are made for a different version of frosty. its an alternative if you can't get your game to work
  5. CAN ANYONE GIVE ME A LKINK FOR A ENCRYPTION KEY TO USE ON WAVEBEND FROSTY MOD Manager so i can add mods to my Dragon Age The Veilguard game
  6. I am having a problem with my mod manager. it will not recognize the daupdater installations, It won't install the mods when I put them in. It will also not accept the pathways I put in. When I put in the generally accepted path way, C\Users\----\documents\Bioware\Dragon Age. a popup lets me know that it cannot find part of the pathway. the popup does not come up when I put in C\Users\----\Dragon Age\MoD manager\override,. or dazip. So to me that means it accepts this pathway but the mods do not install. I hope you guys can help with this.
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