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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Posts posted by 1337wafflezz

  1. You need GECK but it's a really simple solution.
    Once installed just load the master files in question, click on armor, and set health value to something very high. This will cause any spawned armors with that ID to break(since they retain their old health value) but repair them and they will be virtually indestructible.

    I'm a noob though. There might be an even better solution that's just the one I know.

  2. Ok.

    This is my second thread so I don't know if this is the totally correct forum to post but...i'll give it a shot

    So I had this really cool idea of modifying the custom Remington revolver you get at the end of the first New Vegas Bounties. I got the first part right...change the number of projectiles and add a little bit more spread to make it like a tight shotgun blast(think Charon's shotgun). However the problem comes with the next one. I wanted to make the revolver single action much like the normal .357 magnum. I found the attack animation of the normal 357 and changed the Remington 1858 model to use that one. But...There is no sound when the hammer is cocked and the hammer of the firearm remains constant. It doesn't move in any way. A relatively minor problem but I still thinks it breaks the immersion of such a great gun.

    First off, how hard would this be to correct? What programs would I need to make the model have an interactive firing hammer on it?
    If it's really advanced and time consuming is there anyone who would be interested in doing a mod of this?(giving credit to original author for the model of course) I think it's a cool idea

  3. Ok I think I found a solution. I spawned another NPC so now there's two of them haha. One is completely isolated from the rest of the world and it *looks* like the other is running towards the quest point(will later confirm that it works completely). This is my first post so I'm still new with these forums but I'll close the thread if someone wants or it doesn't get any replies soon.
    EDIT-Ok so I was able to continue the quest....and the other guy who was trapped showed up too. Lel.
    Can't kill one off because they're marked as essential so I guess uhm. I guess they'll be twins. Ya that works

  4. Ok. So I've searched this up on google quite a bit and can't find anything to solve the issue. Problem is that I have an essential who is completely trapped behind a barrier. He's essential to a quest and so I tcl'ed to talk to him and he told me to rendevous to some location. But he never shows and always stays behind that door with the force field. He can't move. I tried getting his ref ID and Base ID. I used prid [iD] then moveto player. Nothing is working so far.

    tl;dr How do I move someone from a bugged location to a non bugged location where they aren't trapped? if it helps in the geck he is non killable

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