Aside of big and scary OP, I want to note one thing, everything you see is very rough, all the stuff you see in video is made in two months after engine was finished, so lot of things need to be tweaked, adjusted, improved, polished.. but it's a good sign that we can deliver the game, since two months for all that work sounds impossible, an yet we did it, so many sleepless nights... Few people asked me about Stronghold game mode and Social game mode, let me post it here as well. About Social game mode part, we have huge town with outskirt villages, slum districts inside of town, houses that can be owned, filled and completely customized with items, taverns where you can play board games drink and brawl (well if guards catch you you go to dungeon), marketplace for trading , an entire social system where you can advance to town major or degrade to beggar. Now, regarding Stronghold game mode, here we are mixing medieval strategy game with third/first person fighting game so play-testing will be very important into making this as good as possible. But for now it works like this: Part of a team will start making the Base with the resources available around them, but those resources will run out eventually, so the other part of the team is meanwhile conquering areas with resources needed for building. On places where they find lot of resources they can build a small outpost using parts from wagons they drove themselves with (oh yes, that part of team will be driving around the map in search of resources with wagons), for better protection of the resource rich area. With enough resources gathered, they will make new wagons and start driving back the resources with the help of AI (no need to force anyone into doing tedious stuff like that). Few guys can drive along in wagon if they see fit, so they can defend it if enemy team discovers your route and ambush/raid it, steal resources of course. With resources now in base, you can build (or upgrade) objects of need, stables for acquiring horses, blacksmith for getting better weapons and armors, houses for reducing time of respawn, palisades (which can be upgraded to walls, gates to gatehouse).At one point resources run out and it's really up to team what strategy will they use and when will they attack enemies once they discover their main base. When it comes to building objects, there are no set layouts for building, it's really up to players how will they organize the base, so it's fully customized, just choose what you want to build, choose how will you place it, and with enough resources in stock it automatically builds a desire object/part/upgrade. Gotta admit one thing, we do not have advertising skills, we are programmers, artists, but not PR personas, so me and the rest of the guys really rely on you folks to spread the word out about our project, any kind of help is honestly appreciated!