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Posts posted by szkkteam11

  1. I have a bad news. I think this is not where the magic happens. I changed the code to:

    maxActions = 2;
    // End:0x48 Loop:False
    if(m_iFireActionsPerformed == 1 && (GetSoldierClass() != 2))
    	currentActionsUsed = m_iMovesActionsPerformed;
    // End:0x5b
    	currentActionsUsed = m_iMovesActionsPerformed;
    return Max(0, maxActions - currentActionsUsed);


    But isn't working.

    I mean, think it consequently. If the actor performed a shot and it's not class=2, then all of the action points used, cause, currentActionsUsed=maxActions and in the return, maxActions -currentActionsUsed (what is equal to maxActions) it will return 0, and that say, you have 0 action remaning, in the else section, currentActionsUsed will be equal to m_iMovesActionsPerformed who's value i think is 1, and then the return part will be 1.

    So what did i do? is simple: copy the else part to the if part, and nobody care what the if says, because it will do the same thing, it will return with number 1.

    If i wrong somewhere, please correct me.

    By the way in the game, it's not working ... i dont know why ... i think it's the same magic, as the constants in the XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase dosent do anything.


    You did give your non-heavies the Bullet Swarm perk right ? Modding this code would remove the impossibility for non-heavies to fire twice, not actually give them the ability to do it.

    I think your mod to the code is good and should do the trick.y



    Well, actually not :) I didn't think its just remove the impossibility for non-heavies to fire twice. I tought it will give the ability to everyone to fire twice :D


    By the way, here is the hex code and here is it what need to modify


    F4 B3 00 00 32 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 DC B3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    00 00 DF B3 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 1B 00 00 80 56 03 00 7E 00 00 00

    5A 00 00 00 0F 00 DE B3 00 00 2C 04 07 48 00 82 9A 01 B1 30 00 00

    26 16 18 13 00 9B 38 3A 1B 9F 34 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 38 3A 24 02

    16 16 0F 00 DD B3 00 00 00 DE B3 00 00 06 5B 00 0F 00 DD B3 00 00

    01 B4 30 00 00 04 FA 25 93 00 DE B3 00 00 00 DD B3 00 00 16 16 04

    3A DF B3 00 00 53 00 00 00 02 01 02 00 59 34 00 00 00 00 00 00


    that DEB3 need to modify to B430 that will make the cange.

  2. I have a bad news. I think this is not where the magic happens. I changed the code to:

    maxActions = 2;
    // End:0x48 Loop:False
    if(m_iFireActionsPerformed == 1 && (GetSoldierClass() != 2))
    	currentActionsUsed = m_iMovesActionsPerformed;
    // End:0x5b
    	currentActionsUsed = m_iMovesActionsPerformed;
    return Max(0, maxActions - currentActionsUsed);


    But isn't working.

    I mean, think it consequently. If the actor performed a shot and it's not class=2, then all of the action points used, cause, currentActionsUsed=maxActions and in the return, maxActions -currentActionsUsed (what is equal to maxActions) it will return 0, and that say, you have 0 action remaning, in the else section, currentActionsUsed will be equal to m_iMovesActionsPerformed who's value i think is 1, and then the return part will be 1.

    So what did i do? is simple: copy the else part to the if part, and nobody care what the if says, because it will do the same thing, it will return with number 1.

    If i wrong somewhere, please correct me.

    By the way in the game, it's not working ... i dont know why ... i think it's the same magic, as the constants in the XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase dosent do anything.

  3. If I understand this right, this might be the code that ties in Bullet Swarm to the Heavy : (it's in xcomgame.upk/XGUnit)

    simulated function int GetRemainingActions()
           local int maxActions, currentActionsUsed;
           maxActions = 2;
           // End:0x48 Loop:False
           if(m_iFireActionsPerformed == 1 && (GetSoldierClass() != 2))
                   currentActionsUsed = maxActions;
           // End:0x5b
                   currentActionsUsed = m_iMovesActionsPerformed;
           return Max(0, maxActions - currentActionsUsed);

    ie if a firing action is performed, it returns that all actions are used regardless of perks unless soldierclass=2. I didn't check, but my money is on class "2" being Heavy. Modding this out should be fairly easy (some smart person gave a way to skip a whole IF check in the code, in the Next Step thread). Maybe I'll try to look into it if I find the time but honestly my backlog of testing is growing much faster that I can handle right now.




    Nice catch :)

    You found what i searched for 2 days :) If we could change currentActionsUsed = maxActions; to currentActionsUsed = m_iMovesActionsPerformed; then every squad member (and maybe the aliens too) get the bulletswarm ability.

  4. Can somebody help me with upk modding? I've tried it that ways, first decompress the upks, then unpack it, but i noticed sometimes, it's forget to unpack some items, and the unpacked folder's size dosen't the same. After i repacked the whole upk, then used the XSHAPE the game crashed on startup. I've checked the repacked upk file and i noticed a lot of thing is missing, especially the modified zoom function (which let me to zoom more in the battlefield) so i not wonder why the game crashed, who knows, what else are missing too.


    Why the unpacker and maybe the packer too, left out items? (i use the upkpacker_v122) What type of repacker and unpacker do you use? How is the fastest to try out new modifications in the upks? I mean, i can open with hexeditor the decompressed upk, but in that i can't find anything it's a totally wall of hex. But in this way i could miss the unpacking and repacking.


    Sorry for my english i'm just learning it, and it's a little too late in my country :)

  5. I tested the eAbility_Torch, and i saw no damage applied by the flame effect. But i checked the XComGame.upk and i found XComDamageType_AreaBurn where that was:



    I dont know to much about programing, but i think we can apply the damage to the flames.


    Oooooh, awesome find. Congrats.

    Should be easy to switch. Will try ASAP.


    EDIT : here's the bytecode for that class. I have no idea where to start on this one. I thought false/true was a 27/28 ? there's none here.

    60 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 4D 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 92 00 00 08 92 FE FF FF 32 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 B8 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 57 65 61 70 6F 6E 00 32 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 52 4A 00 00



    Tbkiah wrote in another thread:


    "You can see things like 9A represents an == in the UE explorer, 9B is != 26 is a special hex value for 1, and 25 for 0. SO if you find a 1 represented by 26, at this point you can only change that value between 1 and 0."


    So, you can try it with 26. Maybe it will work.

  6. Hy guys!


    I hope you can help me. Last day i've got and idea If every actors default get the ability to MOVE-MOVE, MOVE-SHOT, SHOT-MOVE, or SHOT-SHOT, like the Heavy's BulletSwarm perk. But i dont know how to make it, i've tried to give all weapons the eAbility_BulletSwarm, but nothing happened, i've tried it with the eAbility_DoubleTap, but the same. Maybe i've could make it in the XComGame.upk to set all class first ability to the BulletSwarm, but in this case, i cannot give it to the aliens, and that crash the game balance.

    Anybody got any ideas, how can i solve this?

  7. I tested the eAbility_Torch, and i saw no damage applied by the flame effect. But i checked the XComGame.upk and i found XComDamageType_AreaBurn where that was:



    I dont know to much about programing, but i think we can apply the damage to the flames.

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