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  1. I've been trying to use the bookshelf scripts and objects provided in Vanilla to make a shelf that holds up to 50 skulls. I have it working so far but with books, and I can't seem to tell it to accept only skulls instead of books. I've changed "LItemBookClutter" to my own leveled item list that contains both the human skull and troll skull. I've updated the script on my container to call that list and have the properties set up right in CK for it, however it still accepts books, and only books. I'm not really savvy with scripting but Events onitemadded and onitemremoved both have: if (akBaseItem as Book) Is "book" predefined and will it be impossible to have Skull instead? Can I set up a new variable defined as either skull or two different variables, one for each skull? Am I looking at the wrong spot to tell it to find skulls rather than books? Update: So I managed to figure out that book should be MiscObject and not MiscItem or Clutter, or Skull or anything else I managed to guess at. Going to try to set it as specific item IDs later. IDs do not work, I need a way to refrence human skull exactly instead of MiscObject.
  2. Ok so I figured out I needed to "verify the integrity of my tool files" for the creation kit and it hadn't applied the games textures to the compiler and that's why I couldn't extend. In the meantime I also enhanced my script and set it up to be one big script and simply use a parent activation. Extending to ObjectReference.psc causes issues with me using a MiscObject property as the trigger enter event so I won't be extending the script at all. Here is my current script as I'm trying to make this work: Problem is when I click my activator in game(primitive set to player activation, parent activate linked under parent activate on the trigger that's scripted, and parent activate only box is checked.) Nothing happens. I added the message box on activation to narrow down if there was just something wrong with how it grants the ability spells but the message box won't even appear. I've compiled it successfully but it still produces no results in game, I've edited the properties on the script to match the proper skulls and ability spells too. I've tried to add an activator property and set it's property in creation kit to the activator instead of uing parent activation and while I did get that to compile as well it still showed no text box and added no effects(I checked in active effects each time because I haven't added a sound or notification that I've been given it assuming it doesn't automatically pop up in upper left corner)
  3. Ok so I'm trying to make a script that detects the number of Skulls within a trigger area to determine a skull count number so I can decide what level of blessing to give the player. Each time I try to make a new script I can't get it to show up in CK because no matter what I "extend" it says it cannot find the extension unless I extend a script I already tried to make which of course does nothing. I've thrown together this script with minimal understanding of what it actual will accomplish, and as you can see it extends nothing. I've tried to extract the source code from Skyrim's BSA and save a copy of "ObjectReference.PAX" in Source then extend to it in the CK but it still can't find it.
  4. I've been working on a house mod for quite some time now containing the interior static for the dwemer observatory and there's something that keeps me from falling through the hole where there's usually a large sphere in the vanilla game. I've loaded the mesh into Nifskope more times than necessary to try and find some kind of explanation for what keeps me from falling through this hole but I can't find any part of the mesh that covers that spot. I thought that maybe somehow the fact that the X and Y plane fell on the static that it would cause a collision but if that were true I wouldn't be able to use the ramp. I tried offsetting the whole mesh away from the Origin point just in case but it changed nothing. I've tried to import it into blender but I had issues due to the scripts incapatibility with the lastest blender and I haven't tried since. If I get my blender set up to import Skyrim or "fallout" meshes as it were, would it reveal more info that could help me solve this collision issue? Or is this cause by something else entirely? EDIT: Ok quite by accident while learning how to set the texture path in NifSkope I also learned where and what a compressed mesh for collision is, so I got it figured out and working.
  5. How difficult would it be for me to take these specific oblivion items and convert them to Skyrim items? Mages robe Mages hood Dwarven Guantlets Dwarven Boots Spellbreaker Dwarven axe I'm completely capable of stats and all, but I've little experience with Blender and I have Gimp to try to update the Textures, but even with Oblivion I never got the multi-texturing aspect of blender. If anybody more experienced could just put the Oblivion meshes and textures together and working in Skyrim I'd be glad to finish the stating and work on some High res textures, or if it's simple enough do it all myself, but I couldn't figure out Blender for the life of me, the new version seems easier to navigate but only older versions work for gamebryo or something?
  6. As per the title, this mod would add a shout to the game that doesn't simply calm like Kyne's peace, but actually converts enemies. "WO-LO-LO" In Dragon tounge, this means "Who, Decieve, Decieve" Too great of a coincidence to ignore IMHO.
  7. Okay, I had hoped to make this mod myself, but I keep having more problems with Blender than I bargained for. The concept is simple, in Oblivion you got a unique armor set when completing the game, and in Skyrim I think you should get the same. I love the greybeard robes, I also love Dragonbone plate, but there's some not so desirable parts of both, the leggings and skirt of the armor, adversely that area of the greybeards robes looks great, however the greybeard robes has that lame plain mantle over the shoulders, well Dragonbone plate has amazing pauldrons! I'd love to see a merged version of the two, an enchanted version and unenchanted version, the enchanted version could come with a shout reduction enchantment like the amulet of Talos, and some fire/magic resistance or something, then topped off with some other general use enchantment. As far as design I was thinking of using the top part of the dragonbone plate, it would cut off in the front just above or on the circle design on the greybeard robes, wherever one of the chest bones cuts off closest to that. on the back side it would cut off near the tailbone, then from there down it would be Greybeard robes. Players could wear dragonbone gauntlets and boots to complete the outfit, although the gauntlets do cause some clipping with the robes sleeves, this could be changed to act like the gauntlets are cut off like they are with Vaermina's robes. Also this would make the Dragonbone helm look less weird, since it's always stood out to me as having way more of that dark grey metal than the rest of the armor, but the robes would give it more of a balance. if the robes don't quite match the tone of the metal on the armor, then it could be colorized to match. Added a quick gimp edit of what the front would kind of look like.
  8. I've had this issue as well, not to the extent you have, but mostly with larger statics. It's always the same ones. In the CK some just won't appear some of the time, you can double click them to see them as long as the edit window is open, but otherwise I have to restart the kit. As far as in Game the only thing I've had this issue with is large statics from buildings originally in city worlds. Such as a Whiterun building exterior, or the Markarth Guard tower. Tried to place distant Markarth guard tower directly underneath, and that one ALWAYS shows up. Unfortunately it doesn't have a spot for the door so I'll just have to make due without it. I'm going to try and change the ID to see if that helps, or maybe set it so it's location is in Markarth? only dissapears as I leave the building, If I walk there it's visible. It's definitely not a hardware/driver issue, just built this PC and had to update all the drivers.
  9. Collision Layer experimenting was unsuccessful. thought maybe I could make a layer to dodge a layer. I found the block in Nifskope that contains the entire collision geometry, but all I can do is delete the whole thing? I can't seem to edit it's parts. Importing to Blender I can't seem to find the collision object at all.
  10. I've had a couple issues where I want to use a static and it has a barrier where nothing is visually at. For Example the Dwemer Observatory chamber, it looks like it has a bowl at the bottom and a hole between the windows for the large sphere mechanisms. Problem is there's a flat layer of collision geometry keeping the player from moving through those holes. I've tried generating it as navmesh and removing the mid part which i get now why that doesn't work, I've also tried to edit the mesh itself, but when I load it into nifskope or blender I don't see the collision geometry anywhere, just the exact shape of the actual static like I'm trying to make it. I've also tried changing the options under the base object to have filter or ground instead of collision geometry, and also changed it under the Navmesh Generation Import Option and Nothing I've tried has worked.
  11. I'll go take a look! Thanks for the help, I think I just didn't notice the issue before because I had about 4 large lights covering an area so if one flickered out I didn't notice, but with the 4 new lights all four would go out.
  12. Downsizing the radius of the lights does seem to keep them from flickering. Though I can't figure out why it still happens when i get rid of the new lights that caused the flickering. I think you're definitely on the right track, I'll play around with it and see what I can do.
  13. I'm working on a large room with four shadow casting lights that haven't had any issues. the problem is I had some non shadow casting omnidirectional lights that used to work fine, but after I added 4 more small ones they began to randomly flicker on and off as I move the camera. I've tried getting rid of the four new lights but this did not fix the issue, I had also added some glass jars made into statics, so I tried removing those and I still have issues. All my lights are brand new IDs based off vanilla lights. These lights do not have flicker or pulse effects.
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