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About lordaloa

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  1. I have got a question about some legal issues how and when can a company sue me when trying to recreate assets of their game? is their a rule that applies to modding and how far can I take recreating assets before I am breaking rules?
  2. And i think i should be able to do so... Only not the guns... Give every faction their respective armor should not be hard to do for me... If i had the time ;s
  3. You have some good ideas but i don't think any-one is going to try and reshape almost the entire game... Certainly not 40k if some-one is going to do an overhaul with warhammer it wil be probably be the old world because they are both medieval. ;) Ps. Srry bad englis ;s
  4. here is one the armors some-one already made but i can't find them (the first on seen in the vid)
  5. the first armor seen in this video can anyone plz send me the link to this armor i've searched everywhere and i can't find it ;/ thx ;)
  6. i need a small papyrus script with the effect: change impactdataset1 to impactdataset2 plz if you understand papyrus script look at this i don't think this is gonna be a long script ;) thx
  7. I mean entry point used with conditionals when making a perk ;)
  8. does anyone know if entry points are creatable? if so where can i find a tutorial or who can tell me? plz respond i need to know ;p
  9. i'am wondering myself if you find something plz tell me ;)
  10. different types of dragons ;p not just retextures but tottaly different meshes ;p
  11. can some-one say me the difference between inventory weight and carry weight cuz i can't seem to find an explanation for these ACTOR VALUES
  12. can some-one help me making a script on hit (actor01 who wears the script) => change impact data (the impact from actor02 on this actor01) => (Name) so bassicaly a script that changes the the impact data on an actor who wears the script plz respond i need your guys help it would be wonderfull if some-one could help me, thx ;)
  13. This is tooo epic i can't wait!!! ;P
  14. I made exactly the same post without response?? And this one does?? Lol good it finaly got attention ;P those helmets from infinity blade one look epic
  15. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110630175428/infinityblade/images/0/0f/Infinity-blade_2.jpeg like this one?
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