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Posts posted by KaminaDrill

  1. Hi!


    Is there an option to recursively copy a record? Say, i have a spell that references a ME, i could manually copy both records into new mod and then change FormID ME reference to a new one. Is there a script that copies all referenced records as new records as well as fixes where references point so that new mod does not depend on the source.

  2. Thx! I think im getting a hold of this.


    I have a question though - i really cant seem to get FNIS to read my animlist that has some middle events in it. Suppose i was trying to add an existing animation (vamprire feed from back) as a new fnis paired idle, and would want it to send an AnimEvent "A" at 2 second mark. How would I properly write that?

    pa -D3.000000,A/2.000 ET_vampirefeedback ET_paired_vampfeedback.hkx

    That seems to be what I the docs suggests but it doesnt compile properly.

    Moreover, when I add that animation without middle events like this:

    pa -D3.000000 ET_vampirefeedback ET_paired_vampfeedback.hkx

    It works properly, but when it is played the 2_PairEnd event doesnt seem to trigger that leads to glitchy behaviour (i cant cast spells until i sheathe in first person, then its ok)

    Is there a way I could fix any of those problems?

  3. Hi! Im trying to make a paired scene, that has an entry and exit animations and loops until cancelled by movement/keys. My research led me to FNIS Modders docs, but what i gathered from it is that you can only create finite paired/killmove anims with fixed duration. What im thinking of looks more like a furniture animation, but im not sure it could be paired. Obviously there should be a way to do what i want (I've used mods like sexlab/osa that do just that and much more), can you point me in a right direction?

    For context - I think i understand trivia behind animations, behaviours and successfully made an idle in 3dsmax.

  4. Hi!


    I would like to have custom race that would have access to a Vampire Lord (Werewolf) perk tree. Is that achievable? Havent googled anything useful on the topic of perk trees actor values other than you cant make new ones, and still dont know how WerewolfBeastRace is tied to its perk tree Actor Value.


    Is there any hope to have a differently named beast race accessing a perk tree? Thanks for your time.

  5. I'm trying to do a certain thing - make a Vampire Lord jump on pressing the jump key without playing the actual jump animations. The reason is, i'm trying to accomodate mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64769/? the real flying to a VL form. The problem is, it seems that I cannot force a VL to play any other animation through scripts (Debug.SendAnimationEvent) before it finishes playing jumping-freefalling sequence. So, i would like to ask how to do one of the following:


    1) make VL jump on a spacebar without triggering any animation


    2) be able to override jumping/falling animation before it finishes or to cancel it.


    3) simulate jump through scripting, like a upward push on skse OnControlDown (however i feel that would look very clumsy and not seamless)


    Some facts to help. If I jump from a water surface, jumping animations end very quickly and are not a problem anymore, however I dont know how to simulate this behavior on the ground. Also, I tried turning off jumping events from triggering completely by adding a condition in a behavior graph in CK, and it successfully stopped VL from jumping on space. However, this way I also cannot actually jump up to gain height for a flight (walking off a cliff walks perfectly though). And for some reason, even with jumping animations disabled, i was able to jump up off a water surface (and no animations actually played). Lastly, I cant seem to be able to successfully register for some animation events (namely FootLeft and FootRight), however that might be because scripts that registers for them fires up when Im in human form and does not re-register upon transformation.


    Thx for any help!

  6. Hi!

    Was trying to allow my summons to sandbox, but no matter what I put into AI packages i never managed to make them behave in any way different from standart summoned creature.

    It just looks like conjuration spells override the NPCs AI with some standard package, but I failed to google it or possible solution.


    So, basically, the question is - how do I make summons sandbox, or, in general, am I right about what I said above and could that be fixed?


    Hi everyone.


    When you install mod on Serana's appearance after completing DG questline, they dont seem to work at all. However, when you start a new game and summon a copy of Serana, it properly utilizes any mod you've installed. As I figured out, that problem occurs when you install serana mod after meeting her ingame. And I've also learned from internet that this probably has to do something with multiple actors for the same character (i wish i knew what that means).


    So, is there any possible solution to this kind of problem except starting a new game? Maybe, a console command to cummon a certain type of character's actor or set actor appearance or whatever. I'm really upset now because modded serana is just so gorgeous but I cant have her by my side :sad:


    link to several other replies with the same problem:


    You could try "disable" and "enable" after targeting her in the console. And to answer your first concern, multiple actors means there is literally multiple versions of her. The game has more than one version of her that it loads (and unloads) after various points in the game.


    Thx for explanations!


    Actually I tried a number of things to make things work including enable-disable trick but that didnt help. So, speaking more about actors, that problem is probably solvable - I just have to learn how to find all Serana's actors, learn how to point them all the same appearance the modded actor uses and its done? Could you please give some advice on that, or at least what and where should I read to get a better understanding of the process?

  8. Hi everyone.


    When you install mod on Serana's appearance after completing DG questline, they dont seem to work at all. However, when you start a new game and summon a copy of Serana, it properly utilizes any mod you've installed. As I figured out, that problem occurs when you install serana mod after meeting her ingame. And I've also learned from internet that this probably has to do something with multiple actors for the same character (i wish i knew what that means).


    So, is there any possible solution to this kind of problem except starting a new game? Maybe, a console command to cummon a certain type of character's actor or set actor appearance or whatever. I'm really upset now because modded serana is just so gorgeous but I cant have her by my side :sad:


    link to several other replies with the same problem:


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